This is 100% Laguna from ff8
Sound bug where there's no chase music when playing killer (this was in a legion matchs o could just be another legion bug). The game is literally silent apart from sound affects and voices
Bloodwarden is bugged (not sure if just new killer or in general) and will let survivors escape before the timer is up (seen on Otz' first match today) There's no lag between entity blockers disappearing at the gate and a survivor who was incapacitated by victor being downed like was supposed to be added in the release :))
On a whole i agree with you that there is usually far too much whining done about a lot of things in the game but I think right now with the current situation of dbd after today, almost everything being said is justified. Its definitely not some bugs here and there, its bugs consistently every single time there's any sort…
I think they mean as in they were supposed to be adjusting him so that if you were knocked right at the exit, the entity blockers stay up for an extra 5 seconds or so after to give the killer a chance to oick you up after their hit cooldown, which doesnt happen now at all It just makes the feature of victor blocking the…
I actually put down TWD as my preferred license in the satisfaction survey!! I think zombies would be lackluster as killers a bit in the style category but id love to see lee or clem as the survivor!
I actually think it's fine all things considered, especially with the new lowered repair threshold. Paired with pop and particularly on a high mobility killer I think it will be quite strong now even in spite of the downsides you mentioned. Every good perk should have a downside like those for balance and there are plenty…
You're right, they should take away the W button.
I only play wraith so I'll only speak for him, The sprint increase is way WAY too long there, it's currently 1 second which can usually be fine, I would literally only buff it to 2 seconds if it was to be buffed at all. I would buff his cloaked movement speed a bit though yeah
I only play wraith so I'll only speak for him, The sprint increase is way WAY too long there, it's currently 1 second which can usually be fine, I would literally only buff it to 2 seconds if it was to be buffed at all. I would buff his cloaked movement speed a bit though yeah
And that's completely fine, killers aren't under any obligation to let survivors go at all, there's plenty of time to get crowns anyway. I think a lot of people appreciate just playing normally anyway, it can take so long to get matches sometimes that it can be very disappointing to get farming matches if you just want a…
That's fair enough, I wasn't referring directly to you btw because I know you didn't say every survivor in fairness but seeing it was what reminded me to add it along with the killer bit because I have seen some people complain about survivors like that. I absolutely wouldn't judge or trash talk a killer who doesn't let a…
I would love this so much, I recently started rewatching twd playthroughs and was thinking the exact same thing!! I don't think I'd bring a twd themed killer with her though, I'd just have her as a solo addition like ash or bill.
Nope, I definitely haven't seen a change, only been robbed of grabs for the past while
I mean, I've been letting people who are trying to get crownd go the whole event, even if it means missing out on my 3k or 4k and I've only ever gotten respect and gratitide messages for it, and this is on ps4 where we don't have egc do you have to directly message the person. Definitely isn't all of the killers like…
Not up to ewhat a red rank/top standard should be? A lot of them sure, I completely agree with you. Bad? Not at all. You still have to play on a regular enough basis to retain a high rank and that will make you a better player over time. If it was true that red ranks are mostly bad survivors we shouldn't have an issue with…
And I didn't say every red rank I said the majority :-) You're absolutely right that it's too easy to rank up but saying that the majority are bad survivors just because a killer the fanbase constantly disregards and only ever considers as underperforming actually isn't underperforming consistently at high ranks in this…
I actually cannot believe that when he does consistently well at all you'd rather say that the majority of every single person in red rank, hundreds of people, are bad at the game rather than that the killer could possibly be decent with enough time and understand
True, but even just in general, so many big bugs and common bugs make it through it makes you wonder either just how many there are initially before QA team even gets their hands on the new code that they miss so many or how well they can actually do their job as a competent QA team when so many bugs make it through so…
Please correct me if I'm wrong but should most of the blame for all these bugs be put on the QA team? Like arent they supposed to be the ones who test all this stuff and let the programmers know about these issues before they make it out into the actual game so they can be fixed?
Brown bag is a decent addon though tbh.. Also no matter what way you put it it's a choice to not use at least one perk so? I mean dont inherently disadvantage yourself i guess if you have issues as this killer?
This completly Sometimes in fairness there are genuine farms and I dont like them but if I have a challenge or killer has a challenge to do I don't mind as much. But for example in the past two days alone I've had 3 fake farmers. A michael who messaged pregame to farm and I said okay but I had stun challenge, 4kd everyone…
For someone who thinks its irrelevant you sure act like it is and that you care so much 🙄. Or would it help you sleep at night if we just decided all killer would be girls full stop so that noone can argue about a quota system? Hot in with the turning the discussion into something its not because you know that's what will…
I know it doesn't and they should really gift bp as an apology and compensation but when have they ever done that
I agree, and the fact the cakes arent working properly is disappointing too Also the event ends on the 7th so they still have time to fix it and it still be worthwhile
Really? I never encountered it until recently, I never swf either so i can't comment on that but it's just getting really annoying
I remember when i first started playing i thought a killer kicking a gen added a small bit of regression instantly because that just makes sense and I was so surprised when I realised it didn't Really should be implemented
Right and I understand completely where you're coming from that because I don't enjoy matches like this either. That's why I said from what they have said everyone or mostly everyone has fun, they have absolutely no bad intent from what they are doing so I'm not going to slate them for it and it's not common to come across…
It's their choice and they're having fun, that's how theyre choosing to play I don't see why you take such issue with that? From what they're saying it sounds like everyone is okay with it and having fun so what's the problem you're trying to make out of it? You can have all the tutorials about looping in the world btw and…
I think the not clicking profiles was on purpose though, seems like something theyd do to prevent salt messaging pos match
I can't share screenshot easily because I'm PS4 too but same happened to me yesterday I played against a legion on coldwind farm and thought okay they definitely had discordance but the result screen showed I actually played a no perk doctor?
I mean I understand completely why he'd be like that though, it's frustrating and aggravating to lose in general but in his case he is so well known for being this amazing killer main that he does have that added pressure of having to constantly perform well in front of a big audience. I think be handles his frustration…
I think this would be a very good idea if they had some sort of a seperate matchmaking for it, similar to a ptb. The risk you have with ptb method though is that it would be harder to get a wider range if data since noone is forced to participate and queue times could get terrible so it wouldn't be worth it. It definitely…
This was exactly what I hoped it would be 😂😂
No prob, that's actually very true about mobile, they're a lot more leniant on auric cell handouts Still really like your list!
There's a bug report section.
I like all of these ideas a lot except for the item equipped = more likely add on as it could be a bit abusable, especially on the killer side if it worked the same way with having one addon equipped in the place of an item, and also the auric cells in mystery boxes just because that has to be bought with actual money and…
RANK 3 LMAO I think a big part of it is how uncommon pigs are, I absolutely love going against her she's my favourite to go against but unfortunately I don't see her that often so people end up learning the hard way
I think survivors need to know about pig a lot more, I still find it one of the funniest things in the game when someone tries to leave with an activated RBT and all you can do is just stand there and watch them die at the gates
I think people are completely overreacting about the chapter and the game tbh. Of course people are entitled to their own opinion but the game is still bashed over every aspect of it to an extreme The dlc perks are fine for both sides, every single chapter people complian about perks being useless before even giving them a…
This is what I mean, I know it's of course possiblr it should require time put into the game to achoeve but the required time right now can be excessive
See this to me is very worrying, to put into perspective I've been working on getting from a quarter of the way through level 50 to level 51 over the past 2 and a queue just through basic matches and I only just got it. Thats for 3 quarters of 1 level
The idea of having multiple challenges active (to a limit of 2 or 3 maybe would be so helpful in terms of relieving some of the tedium with challenges like do x gens, damage x gens, chase x survivors as you can pair another challenge with them
It's very true it would negate the principle but it would also provide an extra worthwhile incentive to buy the premium pass early. Again i understand it's not meant to be very easy to do but I still thing it's too tough even for dedicated players. I think the difficult of leveling puts off more purchases than would be…
I mean no offense but I've been playing on PS4 for over a year now and I've only ever gotten one negative comment and it was just the typical "reported", everyone else just says thanks or gg or most often, nothing. Makes me wonder what youd have to do to get bad messages so consistently you'd have to turn off messages…
Yeah its possible I never said it was but as @Always_available said they played for hours daily, the devs have stated before that they tried to model tier profression around the typical average daily play time which is 1 hour but this isn't the case especially given volatile queue times and I've seen quite a few people on…
I am on the exact same boat as you I think I'm almost tier 51, fell behind between levels being released and even though I play every day I feel like I'm not going to be able to reach the end and I've done every challenge except for legion and kate because I don't have her (I even did huntresses and yeah as someone who…