Its purely a server / ISP Issue. I track the IP with PingPlotter. On EU-Central for example (for me) i routed through 18 hops. And the 17 i have always a huge spike randomly from 21ms to 330ms When i track to the US-Servers i have a smooth Line without any Spikes. But that can be completly different for everyone. It…
Because ghostface using the unknown reveal mechanic instead the stealth. So the bots will always revealing you no matter where you stay because they never programmed properly for that.
Conforming as a Employer that they nerfing Killer for Example now Skull Merchant to the ground until her full rework its not the right way. Maybe some overreacting. Sure. But for me i saw and read that and was saying wow BHVR thats is a BIG-F to your community.
The only thing what Skully need is Regress when someone is scanned and not staying forever.
Will be fixed in the next anniversary stream. /s
Not only her is bugged. Several Killers also bugged since years. They actually prefer DLCs and Cosmetics instead to fix broken Things. Like the Scratchmarks it was bugged and now they selled that as feature.
70 sec ? Unnecessary. because we have counter perks and killer gen regress perks are got huge nerf. And we have the anti-camp mechanic. And BHVR forces with that more static and boring gameplay. Survivor like me i will do with this change when its going live my main objective more aggressivly .
More gen regress nerfs please and more static killer gameplay. ! /s
They bugged him completly when i Look in the json File No Wonder why .
Now i can play ultimate ore nearly silent Survivor. Iron Will / Calm Spirit (or Low Profile) / Light footed and Distortion. No one can detect me ! /s
I feel your Frustration. Bubba Is bugged since twins and even now he IS Not fixed. Pig has also Animation issues. Same for ghostface. This nurse issues what she Had since 7.4.0 gives me Motion sickness.
Thats true .for example 1300 win you got 1590 next you win again got 1620. And when you loss 1460. My mmr for example in the old mmr was around 1500 and Sometimes the Game Matched me with 2450 mmr or 2100. Which was really too high for my hust Skillcap. Mmr was the biggest mistake ever.
Some Info / Explanation about Ping in DBD : They dont have High Ping usually when i tested for example over some website where you can specific from which country. Russia lowest ping to central is 36ms and highest 65ms. And You need to add extra 15ms for interpolation. People from Arabia…
AS Long bhvr dont Put SSL to Epic and Windows Store Version Like Steam. They will Always find your id.
The funny thing for me is the spectator view showing how laggy the server is. on client you dont see this hiccups like on the spectator view.
There is no vulnerabilty. the epic player was using lobby detector which showing the killer they facing include the profil if available.
For me STBFL will never be a issue. I dont care about because its mostly a bad perk design from bhvr and every change they do is mostly only a band-aid fix for a bad mechanic or weak killer design or whatever...
Maybe she is loosing the insta hatchet addon or they find a solution for her hatchet hitbox or she get a rework like nurse to work properly with dedicated servers.
The Hug tech issue is mostly a map collision issue itself. even pig can dash on several basement walls without getting any detection.
Here my other bugged spawn with the tile name and vid.
Or they remove/modifiy in the tiles where a Generator can Spawn.
But was good in Jungle Gyms. Many Times there is a Generator. Would make the tile easier. And i will using rapid with Play with your food . I get so many Times value from that 🤭
fun fact : spasmic breath also increase your carry speed when its running alone. and that was before the new chapter comes live.
its sometimes the same thing with darkness revealed when survivor running near the locker the aura getting also revealed to the killer even when the killer not interacted with a locker.
The most interesting Part is before knight and Skully came out. no one really care about 3 gen. but after this two killers everyone is complaining. And is nice to see when killer have good purple or iri addons. Look at Twins the best are brown. And Oni has a useless Iriaddon. Not all killer need 20 very good addons. some…
The Xbox Version / Windows Store using her own censorship ingame. Its a forbidden Name or Word it will showing this Asterixs Symbols.
The Most interesting Part is spirits Ring have they fixed Long Time ago. But bubba Not. And they acknowledged this Bug for 3 chapters ago .
The Problem is Not the Hits itself. Bhvr decided clientsided detection with prio for Killers. And Killer dont have this wrong Hits because her Screen IS build on p2p even with Server they have perfect sight. after they downed someone they See that. Only the spectator and survivor See this wrong Hits.
When you looked at this two Clips you See she Had slightly lower fov as intended
And she hold her weapon axe completly different . Now she hold ITS more straight upward instead slightly rightsided
And i wish for you everytime a Spirit. Its not hard without directional sound. Small TIp until fixed. Its Loud when she his nearby. and get lower when she get away from you.
Its a Wonder that they touched nurse again. For me the Change ist fine but showed me again that the Team ist balance over perks and ignored Long Time that her blink is a m1 ability. Which we're easily to fix. And blight how Long need they adress finally His hug Tech ...
I can Tell you in the private dbd Version. Which ist p2p it has the Same issues specialy on Windows vaults found a interesting Thing. Looking slightly upward the Hit will Denied (normal distance where you can Hit) but looking absolutely Central you get the Hit. And fun fac about slightly upward the aim assist try to give…
The sad Thing about this is in the ptb she Had the Same issues. But was Acknowledged.
The Hook places now are really weird. In my Last Match one Hook upstairs and the other only was on the Other end from the Floor . Downside only one in a room and outside from this Hook. Really weird.
. Since several Patches she has No Animation when going in phasewalk. But yeah Not hear the direction makes ist really hard.
For me its changed but more unfun way. Call of brine and Overcharge thana and dying light. I See that in 85 percentages my Matches as survivor. And pain resonance ist Not really dead. Now you can use Surveillance too See where they working. Bye deadman..hello Surveillance.
One Killer can counter all this endurance effects. Play The Executioner. Problem solved.
Maybe its a oversight or ist Work as intended because the range and distance is hardcoded to her Chargetime to compensate the shorter range.
before sadako release they fixed that since sadoko release its gone.
Its the same with spirit phase start walk. many times you are starting phasing noticably slower as normal.
Spirits addons recharge faster yes but maybe its intended when they try to remove the codeline from that it will breaking something other. Maybe thats why they never changed that. Same for this nurse addon maybe its intended but not sooo fast.
its not really a bug. only when you can avoid the ds. i have this sometimes i can move or swing because of the ping from survivor and server.
It was the greek one. I will more Testing tomorrow in kyf with Others cosmetics.
And many Times the survivor has many crows but the Killer dont get the notification.
Its depends which cosmetic you use on her. On her Standard cosmetic you can pick Up without issues. In my Match i use the legendary skin and i had the Same issue but Not Always.
Sometimes they are not fast. on the last ptb it comes exactly to the time.
For me i would saying its a pallet stun. but the only change for this change i wish not completly enduring maybe 15 or 25%.
When they need to do a completly rework her animations it will takes weeks.
Because dead hard on killer sight give you false information..Hitting but get denied because of server hit validation and the general issue with the desync..and people can use macro for auto cant predict that because even you are really really close to them they hit the button and get a validated server dh non-hit.…