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  • Well also on the new map nurse gets stuck (or at least thats how it was like 2 weeks ago) so playing on the temple of wrath is absolutely impossible xD, imo nurse is still playable although you have to carefully use your blinks, cuz if you not hit a surv penalty is quite high, not only fatigue, but also recharge time, so…
  • Im just wondering why we didnt even get double bp for christmas xD, i mean, ok i dont really care about exp, but bp is something i could use, but well, taking care of mobile players is more important than fixing bugs on other platforms, let alone giving some xmas gifts, heh, im nit forgetting how nurse was getting stuck on…
  • If you bring 4 toolboxes, parts and prove thyself, imo its genrushing, i also play both sides, and when i see it as a killer, i just take ebony and sweaty addons lol, no problems
  • Imo if someone disconnects you should get points to emblems as if you were chasing them around for few mins and hooked them 3 times, cuz i can understand why i dont get bp for that, ofc, but why am i punished for surv dcing on first down, same when you are a survivor, it just doesnt make sense that everyone is punished for…
  • Tbh its a terrible time to be a killer and surv with a decent rank too, you wanna tryhard and get checkpoints? Nah, you will either get a retardo who kill himzelf on 1st hook or sweaty survs on ranks much higher than you, so you wont do ######### and just lose your will to play this game
  • Are they at least giving double blood points?
  • I mean, maybe the next would to show surv the killer? Its so dumb its funny, but honestly when i see 4 toolboxes i take ebony immediately, if i wouldnt see if they had items, reaching red ranks would be posibble only with quite big stash of mori which would be played one after another, which would make playing in high…
  • Well, when i face oni, i escape most of the time, not even alone mind you, i mean, in early game its better to waste a decent pallet than to give him his power right of the bat. If he gets it, hooks someone and for instance sees everyone close with bbq, then activates it, well you are indeed a goner, but he can be looped,…
  • i suppose you have to hit them while injured so the perk can work
  • i got called tunneler god knows how many times, even tho i changed targed every time to the person who unhooked so you know, big part of this community is just below average iq, or so it seems
  • tbh if they want to ruin other people games, they can do it either way, the problem for me, is that when someone dc i dont get points for emblem, as if i camped that person so they couldnt be got off hook, they should change that, also surv should also get some points to emblems for that, since if they think, that its ok…
  • I lost count of how many times ive seen rank 14 killer playing again ranks 6-7 only many times in a row xD
  • Tbh, when i play killer its alright, got to rank 1 for the first time, i was actually enjoying most of the games, but just like you said getting to rank 1 surv with those apes is impossible, i cant count how many times i lost a game due to someone dying under hooked person lol. Im actually thinkin about finding a team to…
  • To be fair, even when i use bring ebony, i use it after 2nd hook if they dont gen rush me too hard, although that problem only comes when i want to do adept achievement for a certain killer, and going back to question in post, you played it to win asap, which is a mistake im many ways, firstly to get better emblems game…
  • Killer is much more stressful, i mean, i lost count of how many times i got a grab animation but fckin survivor just ran away cuz servers suck ass, and as a killer any mistake will cost you a lot, survivors can make many mistakes and not get punished wo hsrd for it
  • If someone say that mori should be usable after 2nd hook, well, im afraid you are an entitled surv main. The explanation is simple, mori takes like 13 seconds from what i remember, so most if the time its faster to just hook a survivor plus you gain a bit of distance when carrying them. So making moris usable after 2nd…
  • look at the wall when picking up, i can understand your frustration about that through wall save, but it doesnt happen often, your MM was a total garbage and im sorry for your suffering, but if you want to deals with those swf, take ebony, if i see too many toolboxes, i just take best addons, sometimes even ebony mori,…
  • I guess ill just go back to maining myers, at least he is funny with t3 and bamboozle xD
  • Yeah its damn irritating that sometimes you get hit even tho i was at the end pallet when vaulting when it clearly is impossible, a lot of bugs, fixing ruin spawing in the middle of nowhere would be nice too, few simple fixes to challenges took like 3 or 4 days(not even talking about challenge with grabbing which is broken…
  • Yo man, listen, it takes them days to implement update to challenges, iridescent emblem challenge still bugged and they want to add another chapter in like few weeks. I have no idea when would they plan to do that, but i assure you, not soon xd. I support your opinion, i play both sides, when as survivor i'd like to get…
  • alright then, i hope they will do it around tomorrow, because i wouldn't like to play 15 games instead of for instance 4 if it goes like above. let's hope for the best