Came here to post the same thing, I don't think it's just wesker and when using his perk, it's a lot of aura reading perks or abilities. I've mained Distortion for a long time and just recently I've found killers coming straight to my hiding spots where no killer should be checking at that time, as there's nothing to…
Yeah I came to complain about this too. It still says demogorgon perk, Nancy perk, Steve perk on them, so we should be given them at tier 3 still. Just give everyone them at tier 3 for free.
If we had a perk that could make you invisible to killer frenzy, I'd use it 100% of the time right now just whilst he seems so popular atm
I should mention I'm also a solo queue survivor too and know what thats like darkcloudlink. I don't bother healing against him either. If you haven't vs'd a legion since his new update then you can't have been playing much or have been very lucky. Pretty much every other game I get now Is a legion. I know mending isn't…
Still never seen it on ps5. I see another thread saying its disabled on ps5. Is it really?
Yeah the adept killer trophies are a joke. Especially with how garbage the trickster is. Surely they'll be able to look at stats of his games and never see him win, never mind get merciless killer
I've got video clips saved to my twitter of the end of the round for a game as clown and a game as demogorgan now where it hasn't unlocked the trophy after getting a merciless killer rating and doing 3 hooks for everyone. Hope they get these fixed and could just post something saying they know its an issue.
Really need to be able to communicate on this one skibcia6. It's too much of a help to be able to get it. I've accepted your request tottenhamshelf. This weekend good for you both?
Came here to post the same thing after I was bbq'd at the end of the game crawling looking for hatch and it opened right near me. Would have got it if they hadn't bbq'd me. It would just give survivors some chance against slugging strats. We already have very little chance at getting exit gates open when it's 1v1 after…
Decided to just spend some bloodpoints on another survivor instead of Adam, and a map offering came up on the next bloodweb at last.
Strongest - Billy Weakest - Clown / plague
Yeah just happened to me against the doc. He did have the reverse skil check add on, but it worked for me the 2nd time he tunneled me. No idea why.
Feels like I've done way more than 30 since it came out. At this rate I'll have taking one for the team before this.
I'm still trying to get Bodyguard and Taking One for the Team on PS4 for 100%. I'm sure I've done more than 30 blocks already and not unlocked. And taking one for the team is bullshit on PS4. 250 hits. Lucky to get 1 per game. So that's 250+ games just for a bronze trophy. And it takes a lot longer to get a game on Ps4. So…
I'd rather them have this than the ability to zoom across the map in seconds and have instant downs
It also needs something to keep people interested and have a goal to work towards. For me that's trophies and keeping it at 100% of trophies unlocked. I don't need bloodpoints so much when I've already got my main killer and main survivor to learn all the perks.
Think the bug just happened to me. I got hooked in basement, died obviously and recorded it then found this post. I did the challenge as killer the other day and had everyone hooked in basement twice each at least and had no idea this was an issue. There was 1 claidette not moving so guess it happened to them
You could just buy them now. Buy auric cells and pay to unlock each tier instead of working your way through it
FFS little bastards
Also to clarify, I'm aware it has to be done 15 times, just want to know if those 2 games will still count
I just read the news, can't wait to see some of the changes coming soon. Exciting times :)
You'd have to have it spawn a new chest for this to work. If all chests are already opened then it wouldn't work probably. Also what if the killer is stood camping the hatch and closes it when he sees you? Then hes gunna know where the chest has spawned if it always spawns in the furthest location.
There's definately some ways to make it a bit different. Could even take the idea of the pig slaughterhouse from the farm map and put that in there. Having metal fence mazes you can see through and run around instead of solid walls. A conveyor belt maze room where the "packing" is actually done. A larger freezer room with…
Hmmm, How about if she could stand up like pig and move at a normal speed, and has to go into crouch mode like pig to start climbing on stuff. And then moves at nurse speed while climbing. While climbing her terror radius is reduced to 0. Add ons allow an extra pounce attack like nurse gets additional blink add ons. Or…
You don't need a customisable hex. You just need more hexes (like one for the aura reveal) and choose to run the one you want to choose. Or multiple of them.
The way I would suggest to implement it is to just have the killer stand idle in the exit gate area for 60 seconds. That way they can't just say "you win" or take away points from the survivor team. Survivors have already had the time to get the exit gates open by that point and gain the points from that and escaping and…
Yeah that would make a pretty cool map. Can have an indoor building for the lobby /reception area or the reptile house.
Doubt it, cos survivors would then use items more often if the killer couldn't see them. So you'd probably get more use of franklins, you just wouldn't know until in game
The new matchmaking system was working miles better for me. Don't care who I'm playing with or against, just want less loading times (which it was doing with the new system). Hopefully the next update to it will be good again.
In the game I got it in I did kill them all, but like pyrodude said, had to double pip. Maybe it's a new change? Pretty sure I didn't double pip to get the legion one where 3 people DC
Cheers. Got it this time with the next group of survivors :)
Seriously? I always thought it was to win with all 4 dead. FFs. That explains why I never got it just now. Got a party that were actually gunna farm it but i turned on them too quickly and killed them all :(
How did you get it if 1 person escaped? Or are you referencing a separate game for that one?
Skilled huntress was the last one I got though. Had to farm it by hoping survivors would let me hit them when I just stood throwing hatchets at a wall all game
I got evil incarnate first try at red ranks. Just patrol 3 gens for the whole game. And get lucky like I did so the hatch spawns within your patrol. I grabbed the last person while I was stood on the hatch and they tried to sneak over to it.
Just let the survivors farm, or at least think they can, then quick blink 3 times when behind one of them in a gen and grab him.
I'm done :D got all the trophies in time for the next chapter! For evil incarnate just camp a 3 gen strat and don't chase away from it. If you get lucky the hatch will spawn on your end of the map too. I did it against red ranks and no one DC'd. Took Dying Light, Play with Your Food, Spies from the Shadows and Tinkerer.…
Lol yeah, I only stocked up on 5 of each whilst trying to get decent perks but my add ons weren't even getting consumed yesterday for some reason, so even if it did take more than 1 try, I wouldn't have lost them
This and skilled huntress are my last 2 trophies to get. Gunna have to ask survivors to farm them I think
Lol got adept legion first game playing as him. 2 DC's. Down to just skilled huntress and Deranged pursuit now.
Ah well, I noticed my add ons aren't getting consumed with myers (guess it's a bug), so I used them and got it first go on the auto haven wreckers, the long vertical map version and just camped my ruin and 3 gens at one end of the map, refused to chase them past the middle. Luckily the hatch spawned down there too. Camped…
I've been stocking up on the add ons for myers evil incarnate but I want surveillance and its not appearing for me lol. Haven't tried to get the trophy yet cos I'm pretty bad with myers atm as a rank 1/2 killer. I'll need to derank unfortunately after the next reset and try against some level 20s i think. I'm rubbish with…
Down to the last 6 now. Got smoked and I want to play a game done. Now for both Myers trophies :( evil incarnate is gunna be tough
I made friends with a Twitch streamer and 2 other randoms from their stream chat to get the escape all together. We got. It first try aswell. Its best on a map where the hatch is easy to find, like the springwood, and with a map and key
Didn't know there was one coming, is there a link to a post or video about it?
Be nice if we could try it as a different game mode rather than just a permanent change though.
Suppose the problem is though if its only for the rescued and then the rescuer chases after you anyway to heal you, you're perk is going to waste too
Yeah maybe only have it for the rescued survivor. I think WGLF is good as its own perk atm. There's a place for both effects as their own.
I agree. I have no problem with survivors using them and don't lobby dodge when I see them, I just deal with them and make sure they're not about to run out and get me before I pick someone up. My only issue is that killers leave lobbies from seeing items and don't get punished for it, but it takes away massive amounts of…
Good read, you put a lot of effort in to it. I like the skill check perk on exit gates. It's one I've thought of before too and i'm surprised that isn't just a feature of the game already to help killers.