I personally hope we just get a console friendly killer. Because so far Huntress, Twins, Nurse, Trickster, Deathslinger, and Blight are all super hard to play on Console.
You'd be surprised. Some really good survivors use balanced in conjunction with dead hard so they can make the best out of any situation.
I think you'll find it used in conjunction with dead hard so they either can extend the chase or end it immediately.
Seeing Mike Myers in the game When did we get an Austin Powers chapter? Sh*t have I missed out on playing as fat bastard this whole time?
You're also forgetting that the gen placements are disgusting if they save the higher gens for last. If they leave the saloon gen for last then they can work on it, almost always have eyes on you, and can leave before you get there.
Alright, thank you, I was gonna do this as a last resort because installing it took hours.
As a rank 20 prestige 3 ash main and a rank 4 prestige 3 Wraith main this could literally not be more accurate.
Speak for yourself dude. Some of us really like what BHVR is doing with the game.
Could be a deformity like Slinger has with his jaw. Maybe they were burned in their central face area.
I hope that they don't move the gen counter away from the top of the screen because I have lost chases before because a survivor gets away and I didn't see which way they went because I had to look so far away from the center. With the new UI all I had to do was glace slightly up and see gens.
If ruin goes down the survivor goes up. Onto the hook. Which activates pop. Which is a perk that lets you instantly regress a gen 25%. In other words it's ruin life insurance.
Most of this video was pre ds update.
It feels like we just bullied the devs to their break point. For once I want them to release an update and not have there be any bugs that snuck in the code. Although, I'm sure even if there was people would still find a way to s**t on the devs. New killer? They're terrible! New perks? Not at all useful! New UI? I don't…
Aww I'm sad about The Game. It's by far my favorite killer and survivor map.
I do it bc that way survivors know that I'm not stupid and that I know they have DS and are planning to use it on me.
I nod usually because I'm just goofing around. I don't mean anything by it.
So I see that this is not a popular opinion.
Find his totems and break them, then enjoy going against a 2 perk Freddy.
Just so you know the day this game happened I was running an obsession perk. And there were two Neas, one with the spray paint hoodie and the other with a similarly colored outfit. So I couldn't tell if that was the one that I had hooked three hooks ago. The perks I was running were: Make Your Choice, I'm all Ears, Corrupt…
Idk but I always love 12 hook games because you're sitting at 1 or 2 gens and then you down someone, kill them, down another, kill them, and then it starts to fall apart on the survivors side.
No I said don't read the TITLE in an angry tone silly billy!
Standing on hatch or at exit gates isn't toxic as long as you let them hit you if you're at exit gate, or if you didn't loop the killer really well that game. If you don't want to be toxic and you've looped the killer really well then just leave through hatch, if you're at the exit gate still let them hit you.
I completely agree, for the killer side, I think that it exhibits some level of skill that you have. But for the survivors, I just think it shows how much you play the game. You can play against a rank 3 and think from the way that they're playing that they're a rank 20. Same way with rank 17s or rank 20s. It could be just…
Well of it's something that when you're injured, it can down you, and it's not easily avoidable then yeah. But if you balance it out by making it weaker by giving it something like legion's old ability, where it needs multiple hits to injure/down, it isn't that hard to hit survivors with, and it has a cooldown on how much…
And I do! :)
It's not the power I want, it's the character. Why would I buy a killer for their power, perks, or tier?
I personally love the fact that, although they are highly priced, there are so many diverse cosmetics and so many of them are incredibly well made and detailed. I also love that there are many that have references like The Wraith's Phantom of Love or whatever the name is is a reference to The Phantom of the Opera.
It is getting re worked.
I wish I could play Freddy but I play on Switch and until they fix the lawsuit issue I can't ever play Freddy.
Ik you meant iron grasp I just found it funny.
Iron Will? On Bubba? Would that make him stop grunting or stop his chainsaw from making noise?
Idk what the heck you're talking about as a survivor main myself I love going against Pyramid Head. It's just so exhilarating to run from a killer with that big a weapon that can hit through obstacles and get away with not getting hit.
Yes yes yes yes yes. I would love this. And bubba could do his little chainsaw dance that he does at the end of Texas chainsaw massacre.
What? He is. His add ons need work but they all have practical uses.
1. Plague is A tier at worst 2. Demogorgon is one of the most balanced killers in the game along with Legion 3. Wraith isn't that bad. He just suffers from a few things like his base stats being bad and his ability to be seen from far away. Besides being add on dependant he's not a bad killer.
But we must say it in a Hulk Hogan voice.
Woa, it be bjork snas.
Woa, it be snas.
Well yeah, I know that because I was banned from playing for an hour once because my internet kept going down for x amount of games. (I don't remember how many exactly. I think it was around 6)
What if you just have bad internet though and your internet disconnects you from matches and it isn't your fault?
Yeah but it makes me sad when I think I do well yet I disappointed someone. Someone being the entity of course. And why are you being so mean?
Non not really but he is one of the most balanced killers in the game.
I feel like killers should also get pop added to their base kit. Or maybe instead of that, normal kicking of gens regresses them an initial 5% and then applies normal regression.
It's 25% I think.
If I play killer and there's one gen left and someone is currently on a hook stage 2 and no one is dead yet then I am 100% going to tunnel him so I can at least get back in the game to try and win. Even if there is an obsession.
Not to be mean but I play a bit of Wraith and I have got to say that Nurses is meta for any stealth killer and Enduring is amazing on Wraith because of his 5 second stun while cloaked gets cut to 2.5. Also that is an amazing add-on combo for him. One of his best. And as Wraith is a chase oriented killer I prefer to run…
Bc it zucc. Even as survivor I find it boring and unfair for the killer.
I feel that people only think that Springtrap would be bad would be because Scott Cawthon, the creator of FNaF, has made the game aimed more towards children for some reason. Honestly it's the parents fault, it's the same reason 10 year olds are playing games with dark subjects like Among Us or Fortnite. They don't do…
I gotta say that while I do play a little more survivor than killer, I main piggy and I have to say that you infact did describe her power. Congrats, random chance is mostly random chance. Here have an award... 🦍. Oh whoops that's a monkey.