Thats not the idea behind it. The idea is when the killer allready has killed a survivor, he has an easy game. When 4 survivors are allive the game is harder. Thats why as long as 4 survivors are alive, the game will be easier for killer as it is now. The objective of the killer is not get the first kill ASAP, the…
Thats the Idea, increase the Gentime when 4 people are alive, but reduce it for every survivor that dies. In the end the kill/escaperates stays the same. Its just a system change that gives you a reward for not tunneling. You dont, you make em go slower when 4 people are allive.
First of all thanks for the feedback while i agree with some of your points but disagree with some because eather nothing will change acc. to the topics or the change might the problem less It is hard to balance things in dbd because there is causual, swf and comp. I think the benefit will be especally against SWF, because…
Okey lets say we up the generator time by 150% so the gens take 225sec to finish. With every Gen finish its reduced by 30%. So one Survivor dead than the gen only needs 157sec , with the second one 110,2sec when 3 survivors are dead 77sec. Is it still a Survivor buff? Im pretty sure if you balance it like this, killer…
No it doesnt TOTH makes hexes possible. Yes atm its a bit overtweaked but a weak TOTH is not worth playing. 10 is too weak, 14 seems a bit to strong. Somewhere in the middle is the balance of it. But that wont happen. toth will be gutted bring back how it was before and noone will play hexes anymore. Reverting TOTH doesn't…
Yes thats a very good idea, had the same But BHVR choose not to do anything.
Nah, killer only get nerfed and punished they dont get something in return. Something like Circle of healing stays in for a year giving everyone a Self-Care for free and additional healing if you heal a other player, but killer stuff allways gets nerfed fast. It is because only 1/5 of the playerbase is killer and 4/5 are…
It's clear by design that killers cannot go for at least more than 5 to 6 hook states throughout a trial Why is that clear? BHVR once said dbd is balanced on a 60% winrate for killer what means 7,2 hookstates on average It actually made sense with hook grabs and camping to balance out survivors holding gens in areas that…
Flashlights are in nearly every match and you get a penalty for dodging. So no thats not a realistic possibility. And your "solution" that everybody just dodged every game when he doesnt like the loadout is a as strange as your idea before that everybody just gives up in game as soon as they see the loadout (what b.t.w.…
Its selfish to give up. Should killer start to stop playing whenever they see a flashlight? For some reason main survivors think that the killer is "suppost to be" play in a certain way they enjoy the most, but on the other side they can play as ruthless and dirty how they like because thats "part of the game". I mean sure…
But dont you see the pattern? BHVR is trying to do something against camping → killer switch to a different meaner tactic. BHVR is trying to do something against tunneling → killer switch to a meaner tactic. If they now do something against slugging, what do you think will happen? How about you try to incentivise the…
I totaly agree with this. With hookperks getting nerfed and the anti-camping features it mean that Hooking become worser and worser. With 70sec per Hookstate, to die on hook is 140sec. You get 1ct/sec if as killer you are 14m or closer, basicly creating a kind of "deadzone" And there are alot of strong talents like off the…
Yes and its still like this that the totems gets found instanly… Thats the point why thrill was too weak for the effect and nobody played it… And if you make it back to 10%, nobody will play it. A Perk cannot be "fine" when nobody plays it. Its not a hard concept. If rarly anybody playes it, its too weak. For thrill you…
Actually, no, I think 28 seconds was fine. It's not clearly garbage, and there were still many ways to capitalize on it. 28 seconds is still too much where people affected by Face the Darkness cannot cleanse totems, but hey at least it was a shorter time than doctor's static blast. I mean if you ignore the facts i dont…
I think thats an interesting idea, This is an interesting Idea, if i can add something to it: Reduce the maximum Lifes of the survivors to 1 (so dead at the 2nd hook), the first 4 hooks are "global hooks" and doesnt count to a specific player. So the first player dies earliest after 6 hooks, latest on the 9th hook. given…
Yes so leave it at 14% and test 12% at the PTB. Because we allready know its to weak at 10% so there is no use in nerfing it back to that. You also dont bring arguments why it should be 12 and not 13 or 11 or 14. You sound like a panic player. Its like when freddy got released and was the weakest killer (with basicly no…
We don't even need to go to PTB to test this. If thrill gives 12% per token, then the base totem cleanse time is 35 seconds. That's still too long imo. Than what is the right time? Before it was 28sec, we know 28sec is garbage and nobody used the Talent (thats a fact). Now you say 35sec is still too long. So if i may ask…
And if its good on "certain killers with specific addons" i dont think its that bad. Its not even close to the strengh of eruption alone. The Talent itself is pretty useless, so it will block at least 2 Perksslots similar to Undying. Thrill should be reverted back to 10%, then in next PTB it should be tested if 12% is…
Sure would still be garbage and noone would use it. I guess thats why devs are not touching it atm, it needs a rework
Boon: Circle Of Healing . That sounds very OP. 2% means 0,32 ct/sec. Selfcare only gives 0,35 ct/sec so you basicly give your whole team free selfcare but in better. Normal altuistic healing gives 1ct/sec, in boon 2/sec, with your buff 2,35ct/sec. Before healing 2 people full = min. (first person) 8sec + (second person)…
Thats how its suppost to be. It should just take facecamp away. Its not suppost to be free unhooks for survivor. What did you thought?
I don't think it's good idea to buff "trash perk" by making it direct counter to another "trash perk" Maybe i miswrote that i mean just delete one of the 2 perks and write the effect in hangmans trick
Woulndt that be Awakened Awareness with extra steps??
I mean before 7.1 it was "All hooks" but only 6m range. Now its only 4 hooks but 10m range. I think 6 hooks would be a good idea to give it a bit more value. Would also allow the combination of Hangman+Floods of Rage, to take a bit "random" out of the scourge hooks but cost you a perkslot.
I play only killer and its realy rare that i see a sabo pulled off, and even rarer that the sabo good. Because most of the time you can just go to another hook.
So 0,1sec is as far as you would go? With 0,2sec faster you would scream that its way too OP? Im a bit confused from your comment
It would also nice to add the effect: "Scourge hooks do not break when a hooked Survivor is sacrificed or a Survivor using Breakdown is unhooked" Its not a big buff but fits in the idea of the discription But i think also good idea would it to just merge Hangman's Trick with Gift of Pain or Monstrous Shrine
I think DS is #########. It gives you very less distance, if you dont get dopped next to a loop its basicly useless. But dont misunderstand me i like that the perk is not good and is not getting played very often.
" playing with a handicap" You mean playing a killer i dindt played before?^^
If he does that its easier for killer^^ Because if im not in a chase or anything i will be there in the last 10seconds too and try to make sure that he pops the next hookstage before hes getting rescued
Will she be strong? No, but that's OK. Than fix that? If shes weak allready before people found out how to deal with her she will just become weaker. I mean the problem is her ability. Go into a loop -> press ability -> hit survivor. Thats not very funny for eather side. You made a buffable Killer If the killer needs a…
Might be an unpopular opinion but i dont think thats a huge problem. First of all, i dont have a problem with skins at all. I dont care if they cost 10cent or 100$. As long they dont change the gameplay i dont care. and they treat a fully paid game like a Freemium game with a Battle Pass I kinda disagree on this point. Its…
In my opinion "face camping" is not a viable tactic to win the game. You cannot stand 120sec infront of a hook and hope to win the game. In that time at least 3 gens will pop, just so the survivor can be safed in the last second anyway. Proxycamping (so staying in that area) is a good tactic especally in the lategame. To…
You cannot read the endchat of them anymore. And thats it. It has absolutly no value
Do you want to put your ideas on top of the existing effects or replace it? Because i think the "blindness" effect of yours is weaker as the blindness we have atm.
so does killers not liking Genrushing! T As main killer, i absolutly dont have a problem with that. Thats something i can predict and try to stop. If you dont want to change the timing, there is not mutch that you can do to slow down the game. The "extra objective" survivors have to do is "rescue from hook" and "heal".…
But i was not only talking about the leadup that changes to the lunge, i was talking on the distance when you make the lunge. Let me qoute myself: Because as killer you learned the distances. At what distance you can hit, at what distance you can Lunge attack. With MFT all what you learned is wrong. You will miss it. The…
You mean like next to killer shack? Or the ship? So you can run the loop 3 times until the window block, than run shack 3 times until the window block. killer powers that can deal with loops. I absolutly dont understand this "Argument". Yes some killers have killerpowers to deal with the loop, but some are not. You can…
It seems like you dont play killer alot. It doesnt make it difference if you have 4.4 or 4.6 killer the attack and Lunge movespeed stays the same at 6.9, so the distance in what you can press your mousebutton to hit the survivor stays the same. Clowns bottels are clearly visible, same as the other exhaust talents and not…
Wouldn't be such a bad idea to buff survivors even further You misunderstood how balancing in DBD works. The killrate is more or less fixed on 60% for killers (over all killers over all MMR). If you want a buff like you said, you will get a massiv nerf in the other hand. I also dont understand why you want to remove…
The Speed is totaly stupid. Because as killer you learned the distances. At what distance you can hit, at what distance you can Lunge attack. With MFT all what you learned is wrong. You will miss it. And its way harder to see as an DH or any other. Since survivors have a smaller hitboxes some loops were before allready…
What rework do you mean? No rework touched the surivor speed. Personally i really dislike playing with killer or survivor movespeed.
Would love to see a decreasing speed on gens. So the first gens are taking long and the later gens are taking shorter. ATM, at the beginn the survivors are very strong at the end the killer is strong. I think it would be cool if that smoothens out. For example The first gen takes 20sec later to get 100% as the last gen,…
Would agree to it, i would even like to reduce the range, because if you see someone doing rushing in 48m thats often to far to be worth a chase. Especally if we see other finding abilitys like darkness revealed or Ultimate Weapon.
It is not and thats not "killersided" We know from BHVRs official statsitics that BHVR is trying to balance on a 60% winrate (over all maps and killers and MMR rates). In that logic every Map with under 60% winrate for killer is "weak" for killer and every map over 60% killrate is "strong" for killers. Nightlight doesnt…
No but i also dont mind it too mutch. It depents a bit on the rest of the team and the game. Normaly its not good to tunnel someone, because he spend time on hook, so he doesnt know which gens are in progress. Its more efficent to go to a different one. But lets say he wrasts his endurance buff with a bodyblock and is…
That will happen. But dont worry, BHVR is trying to maintain a 60% killrate for killers. With this change the killrate will drop down, and than killers will get a generall buff or survivors will be nerfed. So killer who dont used this technic will benefit from it
Why would ANY streamer check that option, if it means they have longer queue times, with nothing in return? And what about streamers that want to play the game off stream? So you cannot link it to their account, it has to remain a toggleable option. They get a cool icon next to their names. And alot of Streamers want…
I agree with you. If you act like an ass and nobody wants to play with you, its not everybodys fault; its yours. If (what you say is true) and nobody wants to play with streamer, we should ask ourselves why thats the case and not ignore the problem.
But how is bHVR going to detect if a user is streaming without it being an unjust invasion of privacy anyway? How i said you can say it in an option if you are a streamer or just people with "TTV" in the name. If nobody wants to play with them its maybe not a good thing? I dont understand your argument. We have 40000 dbd…