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  • I don't think SWF should be changed, lol. Just thought it would be a decent QoL change if the killer got emblem points when going against a SWF, as the game can often times be much tougher or near impossible to win in. But as others have said, and I have realized, being high rank sucks. The depip is a mercy.
  • Y'know... Amen to that. I forgot being a high rank sucks. My monke brain just says "Entity displeased = bad"
  • Killers are in a constant balancing act, where the devs change them to be better or weaker. Some killers are of course stronger than others, but not without their drawbacks. Some players are better on some killers, sure. But SWF puts the survivors at a massive advantage, giving them dozens of information perks for free (so…
  • When a killer is going against a 4 stack who is setting out to win, the killer is at a disadvantage. The survivors get free comms, free perks (aura reading and such,) free knowledge about the killer, gens, and their teammates, And the killer gets depiped and no bloodpoints. All because the players they went against had an…
  • Because a SWF who sets out to win puts the killer at a massive disadvantage, and unless you are playing good as a top tier killer, you are basically destined to lose? Say you are playing a lower power killer. Or Hell, even a mid-tier killer like Pyramid Head or Deathslinger. You come across a 4 man SWF who is setting out…
  • Fair enough. I can barely have fun on console as of right now, so I forgot other people played for pure fun, lol.
  • I know randoms can be wonderful with flashlights. I am actually a killer main playing at rank 2, and have gotten more dumb flashlight saves or spams then I care to admit. I love survivors who use BT to get saves (when I am playing survivor, obviously.) The problem is when I am playing survivor. A lot of killers have rapid…
  • I mean, maybe I do come off as a little entitled. I was just saying that maybe we should try to find a fix for tunneling instead of introducing dlc perks that bandaid fix tunneling (BT, DS, Unbreakable, Break out, power struggle). I mean, I know I am not entitled to an escape. But when the killer is able to get all 3 hooks…
  • I agree. Sometimes it can be better to actually get someone out of the game. And I like perks that promote being away from hook. The problem is, they are either super or miss, dlc, or broken on some characters. To get ruin undying, I have to get both hag and blight up to extremely high levels, and then hope I get both in…
  • True. I still wish there was a system of some kind in place. I have had 2 matches in the past day (the first one I made the post about, and then one a little while ago against the twins) where both times a safe unhook ended with me tunneled. And it is just... I wasted a commodious and a ranger medkit to be out before 3…
  • Sorry, my phone keeps deleting the message or refreshing the page. Camping is a viable strategy. Tunneling can be too. But at 4-5 gens left and you tunnel the same guy off hook twice, because their teammate was a jerk? Also, I do think the unhooker should be penalized. The problem is, how would they do it? The unsafe…
  • I agree. It is on the unhooking survivors to play smarter and be better. But that isn't realistic to believe in. Do I wish it were true? Yes. But until it is, the unhooked person is simply going to be punished for their teammates short sitedness or selfishness. I get unhooked in a farmy way by meg, who sprint bursts off.…
  • I love your train of thought, and wish it was more widely known. Honestly, I do. But these ideas are all something you would have to rely on a random survivor and a nice killer for. Nurse, spirit, billy, wraith, ghostface, t1 myers or t2 invisi myers, pyramid head, hag, oni, demogorgon, death slinger, huntress... Etc etc.…
  • You are correct, that it can be abused. But if the survivor is chasing you around, they aren't healing, they aren't doing generators, they aren't doing totems or anything else. Now you have two people occupied and free pressure. If that person goes down, even more pressure. You probably won't pick them up for the hook, as…
  • While that could work, it would only work on specific killers. Killers like nurse, billy, spirit, wraith, pyramid head (in a sense), death slinger, huntress, twins, clown (in a sense), legion, hag, demogorgon, blight and oni would be less effected by this. Either because they are high speed, or because their ranged attacks…
  • You are absolutely correct! I am no more entitled to a 4 man escape than a killer is a 4k. But I also shouldn't be actively punished in hooked 3 times in the span of one minute because a teammate farmed me and the killer used that for free pressure. Imagine if survivors could complete a generator in 10 seconds because the…
  • BT doesn't save me when another survivor goes for a safe unhook. I am bad at hitting the DS skillchecks as on console, the skillcheck causes an FPS drop. Camaraderie is extremely niche, and doesn't stop the killer from tunneling. And breakdown could work, but most maps have hooks that are too close together for breakdown…
  • I totally agree, it should not be an issue. But it is. Survivors get free BP for the unhook, and even more +emblem progress if you don't take a hit for 5-10 seconds. Killers get an extra hook, more pressure, or a dead survivor if they do tunnel you. Both sides gain benefits for abusing it, so why should we not punish them?…
  • Because this wouldn't punish killers for accidentally "tunneling" like DS does. This perk has a limited amount of time, and the only time the countdown is paused is if the killer is too close to the survivor. So either the killer goes off and the survivor's timer ticks down, the killer tunnels the survivor in which case…
  • Only 1 gen (which I did) was done against a spirit. She had one hook (who I saved and healed), and what she did was she hooked me in basement and ran off to pressure gens. Everytime the same girl saved me, she would use her phase ability to rush over and hit me. No BT because no TR. No outrunning because no good loops and…
  • You can't trust randoms to bring BT. So my life rests in the chance that this random is using BT, the killer isn't a stealth, and the killer is far away? I do run dead hard. But on console, it only works half the times. I have gotten exhausted and then downed in the same 5 frames more often than I have evaded an attack…
  • I mentioned those perks already. Yes, borrowed time can counter some tunneling and camping (except against stealth killers, who are generally amazing campers. Like the twins who have no TR), but not everyone runs it. So if my teammate decided they didn't want it, I just have to die? As for decisive, I mean, it can be…
  • I have a lot to catch up on. No, I do not think the killer should be punished for survivor mistakes. But why should I be punished because of a bad teammate? I lose my item, depip, lose my offering, lose bloodpoints, waste my time, because my teammate unhooked and then urban evaded away two times in a row?
  • True that. All we can do is hope to get an avtual fix one day that isn't just a one use perk with a chance to fail (I play console, and the skillcheck for DS actually caused fps drops and stutters with the indicator)
  • While the 5-8 seconds of deep wound could possibly work, then we just have the same thing we have with borrowed time. The killer is simply just gonna hug you until those 5-8 seconds is up, and then they hit you down. I'm sure there could be tweaks and stuff for balancing, but it was kinda just an off the top of my head…
  • It is very satisfying to see a survivor run past the killer and save you with BT so both of you can run out the exit gate and "win." But unless you are a famous streamer or playing with friends, that's unreliable at best i've had more teammates wait for me to die to take my medkits or tool box (which turns out to be a…
  • It would penalize the killer, that is the point. Don't have it count to sacrifice, and now the killer has even less incentive to do that. And the killer being penalized for camping and tunneling is the whole point. It won't stop tunneling, of course, but it would make it... Non-beneficial to the killer to do. Heck, it…
  • Kind of a vicious cycle, isn't it? Killers get bullied by SWFs, second chance perks, gen rushing and whatnot, so they quit the game or take a break. Well, now we have less killers in red ranks. So expand the matchmaking. Now we have an inexperienced killer facing the same thing, except they generally have less time on the…
  • Actually, no. I wasn't paying attention in the pre-game lobby, got distracted. And they always went down in the open. I did try to chase off the flashlight people, but there were 3 of them. Even if I downed 1, thats still 2 people with flashlights. Also, unbreakable, and SWF. There was no chasing them off Think of it like…
  • Oh, and don't forget body blocking at the exit gate! Hit one girl off the door, and everyone else ran up to open it, and then stood in my way so I couldn't even hit her! Good fun all around, with my trapper who I was literally only using for a Daily.
  • That's like the ending of every scream movie! They think they've won, so they remove their mask and explain their plans, and get absolutely blind sided.
  • Coup De Grace seems like it will be super useful on like... 3 or 4 killers, and worthless on almost others. I haven't played the PTB (console pleb), but if the lunge increase applies to nurse after she blinks, and t3 myers? They will be even more monstrous. Everyone else? Doesn't matter. Hoarder should do more, honestly.…
  • Me as a stealth killer, trapper, or hag; *Minds my own business* The Object of Obsession: Allow me to introduce myself
  • You know that AI is literally a bot program that can learn, adapt, and feel emotion? You confuse "computer program" with "AI." To disable learning and adaptability would just make it a basic bot. Also, your idea is that "The Devs keep balancing both sides of the game, so lets get rid of the other side." Your post is…
  • There are a few ways to get me to give you mercy. -absolute defeat (only 1 gen done max, sometimes 0 gens done, everyeone else died) -You played smart but brave (getting saves, protecting, etc. But not if you are toxic) -If you want to live more than you want to prevent me from getting kills. (I do this by patrolling the…
  • I think the reason OP specified Killer as their reason for wanting colorblind assistance is because Killers need it more. Most of killers tracking capabilities rely on sight, such as blood pools, scratch marks, etc. Not to say their abilities don't rely on sound now and then (I have caught people because of grass crunching…
  • @Timmylaw You say that survivors have to do a lot to use a key to win. A half a year ago, I would have agreed as you had to actually do gens. But now, so long as one person is dead, the hatch will spawn (i may be wrong about the number or dead people, but my point is). A survivor with a key can sit and hide the entire…
  • Thank you. I love seeing people's perks ideas and killer ideas, and I also love trying to balance stuff
  • I like the thought of being fast, and just snatching stuff on the go. But like mentioned by some others, it would need buffing to be reasonable. So here are a few proposed changes I would give it: *See an aura mark (not an outline, maybe like a circle or something) within 20/26/32 meters that are on the ground. When skill…
  • I love the thought and thrill of every killer getting unique chase music, or at least the majority. But now all I can imagine is going against a Hillbilly and it being like... *Works on Generator, getting it to 90%* *Banjo Music Stops* *Several seconds pass, and the Tinkerer runs out* *Banjo music intensifies*
  • @Atrushan88 @Snow_Lep Hmm, ok. I getcha both, and I see where you are coming from. The way you phrased it made it sound like self care and anyone who runs it is bad though, I was hust trying to say there are scenarios and people who use it responsably and effectively. Like when you said gens, and people self caring right…
  • @Atrushan88 Oop, missed acknowledging a few things mentioned. Yeah, we'll make it is quicker. But odds are, if I'm unhooking someone, nobody else will be able to use their will make it on me. And I will admit, I play killer more than Survivor. I have spotted people because of their bright red lunchbox before, as…
  • @Atrushan88 @Snow_Lep So, its a little obvious to mw that you two don't play Altruisticly in the sense of going for hooksaves and protecting teammates. "If you get hit more than two times a match, you are doing something wrong." Was truly the dead give away. If my teammates get hooked, I am generally the one to save them…
  • I do just have to say, your defense is inner strength is eight seconds. Which, comparitively, is faster than the 24 seconds of Self care. Quick question though... How long does a totem take? Cause I'm fairly certain that the totem + the 8 seconds (not including the fact that you have to find a locker). Not to mention, it…
  • Maybe opening the exit gates. But then again, people will iust crowd around you making you do it slower. And if it was based off of how many survivors were dead, then it would simply just be like the original left behind, except it would require everyone to be dead to have the same effects
  • Thank you for your input. There is lots to talk, but I'll just cover Marked for Murder. It can be partnered with Make your choice, but honestly (except for a waiting nurse, waiting spirit, hag, or maybe demigorgon), how often do smart players get caught out by Make your choice? I run it on Hag and Spirit, and I dont know…
  • If you don't affect anything but healing and cleansing, what makes it better than just running botany knowledge? Except botany knowledge can be used to help teammates, so then Deadweight would provide nothing that botany cant, excepf a slight increase to cleansing.
  • That perk is meant more so for slower killers (Huntress, Nurse, etc). And maybe... What if it was more like autodidact? Where it doesnt work with tools, and skillchecks have no possible benefits? Or maybe minimal benefits.
  • Thank you both for your input! @Exerlin @NuclearBurrito Both of your ideas do provide good works. 1, in my opinion, is actually rather weak. And if the obsession's speed was reduced when in a chase with anyone who isnt the obsession, that would simply make the perk useless. Survivors only need speed to escape, not really…