Lmao it's because like 80% of the DBD community is killer favored, therefor orbiting Tru3. He's the only one talking ######### about survivors how OP they are. Then you watch No0b3 who's extremely good at survivor no one gives a fk. No0b3 - "That Shouldn't have hit" DBD Community - "Too bad we're killer mains and tru3 orbiters"
Then asjust the game to those who are "a bit" further away. Instead of having 90% hits through windows. I swear it's the only reason people disconnect right now
The killer shouldn't get punished for having a bad Wifi, no one should. But currently 4 survivors are being punished instead of the one person who has the bad Wifi. At least bring back the ping-meter
Sounds like you would have to play some survivor my man. Sometimes a killer has to leave a chase to interrupt generators. It's about tactics. And not all teams do gens. Some can't even push through ruin. I play killer a lot, but I think I rankup too easy as killer. I get easily to rank 5 within a week as killer. While…
It's not just about the reach, it's the whole delay. And 4 survivors gets punished because 1 player can't afford something...
Generator times is fines. He didn't use perks, they did. He played Doctor, it's currently being looked at. The survivors started working on each a single generator which made them repair them like 1,2 and 3. Nothing wrong at all.
Hmm yea, I guess. But the myers house you can fake and get them.
This makes me wonder if it's something with the windows... I remember on "blood lodge" the house window would always be a miss even if the survivor wasn't completely through.
People tend to call long looping chases "infinites" it doesn't have to go on forever.
Lol it's more common to happen in fast vaults. Debunked😁. Would not get as frustrated if the killer hit me when I slow vaults. It's the fast vaults that doesn't look real at all.
haha so true. Maybe the Dead By Daylight developers staged this to create frustration and make more people killer mains.
Most of the DC's is because players leave/disconnects while in loading screens The rest is just frustrated that they play the game, sometimes when they have passed a pallet/window they get hit anyways and just can't take it. Like the game is literally only frustration
Yes indeed!! I remember when MPGH had this ping-meter, but you could get banned for it. It's just a basic feature. Even though it's "Dedicated Servers" there should be one!
Literally the only feature it added was the "Remove Ping-Bar". Killers can still lag my man
Lol it's pretty tuff being a solo survivor these days xD
All of the perks you mentioned can be outplayed by the killer. Decisive Strike, either you miss it or the killer waits for the time to run out. Borrowed time, if a killer is camping you have to sacrifice yourself to give someone borrowed time. Adrenaline, you must make it to the last gen, if you're on the killers shoulder…
Yea I agree with that, but it's more like you can't see if the killer you are up against has a massive delay. I still think you should be able to see their download/upload speed.
Proud of you that you are also one of them.
The Dead By Daylight community is pretty toxic due to the fact there are 2 sides and people decide to be on any of them. Literally starts argumentations and they hit people with toxic #########. I am willing to be nice if people are nice, if they are gonna complain back without any backing knowledge, then they can enjoy me…
old meme.
More often I don't have it equipped but that is because I know how to play the game without it. I have like 1600 hours and don't really need it! But if you also are good don't try to make it worse for those who are new to the game. And there is no reason to remove self-care. It's not broken.
I don't think that's possible on consoles. PC has steam to verify that the player actually has the mask. And the platforms are completely different. It could be possible, but they would have to work with the other platforms playstore or whatever it is to make this possible.
Because nurse can make it without ruin... Why is that? :pog:
Haha this is a good thing actually. People tend to change their mindset depending on which killer they go against. Nurse = Give up, Disconnect. Wraith = Newbie killer, Lets goo!! I feel like whenever I go against a leatherface I will get camped, and every unhook will be unsafe. But I also know for a fact how slow the…
Would you rather want the developers to fix it so it looks more accurate, so you can go and say "That should've hit, the game is broken!"?
Same guy as in the previous post.
Same, I think it's funny and people get triggered when they don't get the sarcasm
Call a guy with over 1500 hours a newbie again and I doubt you play the game at all. Thanks bye. I even play her myself, but not much since I think she is broken. And people I play against just DC. And this is rank 4-8.
Hah, I doubt any of the devs mainly play nurse and has over 1k hours with her. The thing with nurse is, it says it's "Hard" and I can agree with that. BUT, when someone master this "Hard" killer there is no way to counter her without a good amount of luck. I don't wanna sound like a whiny survivor main. All windows what so…
If you have a bad internet you will suffer for it. At least how it should work in the dedicated servers. Also MasterUff mentioned Dead Hard, the lunge is so quick so it's hard to see the actual Dead Hard. I don't think any more aim assist for the lunge would be neccesary ;)
The rank doesn't prove how good they are in the game. There are streamers who are in rank 4 who doesn't even know how to look behind themselves while runnning. The hours on the players profile pretty much indicate what you go against! I have an alt, where I have 30 hours and is rank 2 as survivor. I will find a lot of…
I can agree on this one. I mean there is always at the end 4 survivors against 1 killer.
So there are various reasons why people would do it intentionally, I must say I agree you can get frustrated from times to times because the reasons they bring up is legit mindblowing. The game actually has to be adjusted to make it look more realistic in its physics. When I've asked people why they DC it's either because:…
I have no friends so I play casual and most of the killers think I am in a SWF, while that's not the case...
I know about the MS delay, that's what we will have the dedicated servers
Aim assist there is. Just flick your mouse as a killer and it will auto center to the survivor. Decisive Strike is not removed but nerfed tremendously, no idea to run around with a useless perk. Self Care is not nerfed but they were talking about making it a non-release action. By this I mean you can’t release it or else…
The thing is with the killers. My friend who got it has reached rank 1 as killer within the first 100 hours. and at survivor he's max rank 12 and he tries his hardest he says but he can't win a survivor game because killers have a guaranteed kill once the killer has started a chase...
Yeah it's twisted
No flexxing, I have 1325 hours in total. I have played 1000 hours survivor and the rest 325 as killer (more or less) It's easy according to me! And I think they planned on doing so you can't release once you have started healing, this will totally unbalance the whole game! :)
noo. you have to train a bit more as killer. killers are not skilled
Well fk it. Let the aim asisst burst down from heaven. God bless every no-skill killer ;P. play 1200 hours. Buy a new steam acc with dead by daylight. The game is unfair.
You gotta hit it aswell :P some moments can be stressfull. It's 50/50. Everyone doesn't always have decisive. Think a bit more
Lmao and earlier they nerfed it even more. Instead of both survivors getting borrowed just one does.
You're right.But still. They yet decide to nerf survivors somehow :P and buffing killers at the same time. Like the most recent change to a survivor perk was Borrowed time where all tiers got -5 seconds. Small changes that do much in a longer perspective :)
Pretty much all the killer perk are broken if you look at the survivor perks lmaooo
Rank 1 unfortuniately.
Wo wo wo. ######### noskill if you faced the flashlight you have to face it. so you say the survivors should bring a perk so all your addons is useless?
Since I'm rank 1 every season I might be a master xD if it's this easy as killer when I meet 1000 hour survivors then I don't know. You should maybe try survivor sometime :)