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  • Firstly, I'll just mention that rank is almost obsolete above rank 15, as experienced players don't necessarily stay high rank, and some even drank on purpose, I'd blame the rank reset Tbh, but it's not only that Secondly, your job as a killer is to keep survivors off gens as well as sacrificing them, this is hard…
  • I have never claimed to be Killer main, and I've only played around at around rank 6 at highest, before emblem system, but since I could easily get 4k's with Freddy and Hag and Nurse, although nurse doesn't count since she's easier to play as for me... I apologize if it really was rude, but even on my friends account on…
  • Just like how there's bad losers there will always be bloatful bad winners it's disgusting, and I don't understand it either, sadly, it seems like most of the dbd community is currently made out of these :cry:
  • survivor 360 is 9/10 times a turn around so that you can hit them about a second earlier, which saves you time as a killer the trick to countering a 360 is to not lunge in vain, anticipate their movement and act accordingly, it's a harmless gesture that doesn't work when you know it's weakness
  • you are aware that the stats is 30/70, with 70% being dead survivors? aka, killers are in waaay above good as it stands now...
  • Fully agree, why can't borrowed time lend you some time for saving yourself? it doesn't make sense! if being saved gets you time, why not this time?
  • It may sound good at a first thought, but the hatch opening for the last survivor when the others escape can be considered an alternate escape, and is by stats and standards absolutely fair because killers have advantage and has higher kill-rate than intended (yes, I'm serious, less than 30% survivors escape, and they want…
  • dude, the games with a looper not always swf, it's the lone lunatic kite players I assume that you've never talked to the survivor part of the community? rarely is a kite playing with others, unless it's to tell them not to waste pallets, which tbh, makes little to no difference, as they take the chase anyways, only time…
  • that's neither fair or fun, and honestly, I love facing swf, they are rarely coordinated and bring eachother down to a fault, separating the lobbies is not the way to go, and 2vs6 is unfair when 1vs4 is already a slaughterfest with enough skill on a good day
  • Honestly, the rework that is revealed so far is great no skillcheck at all, just a push of the button to be let go off it'll stop being the meta, and be a high risk low reward perk, that can save you at the exit gate, as the original intent of the perk was that's why it's called "Decisive strike", because it's about taking…
  • The reason there's no cosmetics for licensed killers are mostly due to licensing limitations though, it would most likely be expensive to add cosmetics, if they sometime wanted to make extra cosmetics for licensed killers it'd most likely have to be in a pay box for each license, and I don't think it'd be very profitable,…
  • It is certainly a bannable offense to sit there, as it's keeping the game hostage but that is supposed to be fixed in the PTB, according to changelogs, so no worries, it won't happen again if that's the case.
  • She is not, the devs mentioned they tried to increase her speed within the office testing, and it would be too powerful, and I agree, I can imagine how strong she would be if she had the mobility of the strong killers and the power of teleportation traps at the same time her movement speed is so that she can quickly make…
    in The Hag Comment by Kiores June 2018
  • Mind you that Hag is not the nurse, she has lower speed that is meant to place traps it's almost a horrible idea to waste time chasing survivors without having traps out to lure them into
    in The Hag Comment by Kiores June 2018
  • Sure, dm me details if possible
  • I agree that surveillance needs a fix that timer is stupid and you can barely go away from the generator, let alone kick another 2 generators within the time, making t2 and t3 of the perk basically obsolete
  • Excuse me, but a "win" in this game is entirely subjective, a win for me is when I get over 14k bloodpoints before I die as survivor, or at least get ONE kill as killer, because you see, a killer game isn't nowhere near getting a 4k, your job as the killer isn't to kill 4 people and go on to the next round, your job as the…
  • I can understand the reasoning behind left behind, as I've tried 1v1 in KYF using Left behind, and it's not often you can even get away from the killer, let alone hide enough time for killer to walk away, and then you don't have enough time to fix a generator before their patrol has gone a lap, sure, it's less gens and…
  • Even when you don't have unbreakable Tenacity is a nice way if you have someone to distract killer, I've had games where I crawled to hatch and he didn't realize I was on the other side of the map from where he downed me, the movement speed for crawling is great Recover meanwhile is an insane addition to this I explained…
  • You see, the perks I use doesn't matter much Tbh, as I only use 2 of them, first one being BBQ, because I'm thirsty for bloodpoints and the 2nd one is Remember me, not because I need it, but as insurance to if they manage to power gates, I'll have enough time to set new traps up before gates are open. My playstyle is…
    in The Hag Comment by Kiores June 2018
  • I've played this game for quite some time, I stopped using self care entirely long ago as it's a waste of time, medkits are fine, as you can find other survivors to heal you without bigger problem. My problem on your 'need buff' list is mostly some of my favorite perks, but also No Mither, The thing is, many of the perks…
  • It's in doctor's Bio though It's some sort of undercover institute where they torture and bring forth information in secret, and the doctor went mad and bashed everyone's skull in
  • My favorite killer is The Hag, and I've played as her a lot, personally, I think she does not need a buff anywhere tbh Sure, extra 4-8 meter teleport distance would be nice, except that the current range is almost too much already... Some speed would be nice then!? Except, she has more speed than necessary, she's not a…
    in The Hag Comment by Kiores May 2018
  • I can't say that remember me are "weak" or not even that much "weaker" than the meta, but I find it way more effective on killers that need time, mostly trapper and hag, which wants trap-setting time, but also Freddy who needs time to sleep survivors
  • Saw being one of my favorite horror franchises, I had to go for Tapp besides that, I really like 2 of his perks, that I use frequently, compared to all other licensed teachables for survivors Detectives Hunch and Tenacity, both are fun
  • I like mindgames with The Hag Perks are mostly: BBQ&Chilli (for bloodpoints, I don't really use the aura reading), Remember me (I don't plan on losing, but I want time to place traps IF they manage to power gates) Iron Grasp (I don't have much killer teachables, and use it instead of agitation for now) Monitor and Abuse…
  • yes, but better up! it doesn't really affect the rate of when I get said perks, I've had character level from 1 to 50+ all perks besides 4, and 3/4 were of the Uncommon>Rare perks contrary to Rare > Very Rare (perks was We're gonna live forever, Tenacity and Wake up, had all teachables in the game before starting to level…
    in Perk rarities Comment by Kiores May 2018