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  • LOLOLOL - Is this post for real? I'd love the OP to play as DeathSlinger for like 10 matches... watch as gen after gen pops in no time flat because you have 0 map pressure. He's one of the weakest Killers right now. You cannot be serious. Sure, he has decent 1v1 potential, but he gets wrecked by 75% of the maps in the…
  • I think a lot people have just given up playing him due to this and therefore stopping caring. I'd love to see the stats of his usage in Red Rank killer play per day since his release. There's 19 Killers.... so I thinking he's less than 5% played now among Ranks 1-4 of Killer matches. Maybe a bit higher since he's still…
  • If anyone would like to see the difference in gameplay, I'll leave a link to a short video I posted on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoitKalamadea/status/1240359170999603200?s=20
  • Are you seriously this myopic? You think that exploiting some bugs is okay and others deserve bans? How about exploit = ban? Or is that too complex for you?
  • Devs listening to Killers... ha. They want you to suffer long term hearing loss from playing their game. That's the price you pay for being a mean Killer. This is why I stopped playing Killer after too long.. my ears are actually hurting. And if you turn down the volume, then you can't hear any sort of groans of pain or…
  • Yes, let's ignore the blatant abuse by Survivors. BAN TEH KILLAHS though! Seriously, it's this attitude that drives me nuts. Why the double standard? If there was a Killer bug that let them suddenly rush forward for 3 seconds whenever they wanted, you'd be DAMN sure they'd hotfix that and ban players using it. But if I…
  • So tired of hearing DUNNNAN DUNNANNA DUNNANANANAAAA in my ears. It really just makes playing Killer deafening. I'm sure it's doing actual damage to my hearing. Oh, turn down the game you say? Well now I can't hear any noises made by Survivors at all. It sucks sooo much to have to deal with the stress of playing Killer +…
  • Just holding the button would be great.
  • OP Killer is OP. Do the best you can and hope the next match isn't a Billy.
  • nt
    in Nerf Billy Comment by Loit April 2019
  • They'll never change Billy. Despite the fact that he has no weakness to offset his power. Despite the fact that he has a very low skill cap. Despite the fact that his "penalty" for running into objects is a joke. Despite the fact that he makes 90% of chases last 10 secs. Why? Because you can "loop" him.. which just about…
    in Nerf Billy Comment by Loit April 2019
  • Somewhere between the old system (too easy) and the new (punishingly difficult)... is the sweet spot. Dear Heaven, please let them realize this quickly.
  • Exactly. Either suffer hearing loss or be penalized during the rest of the match when you can't hear the normal noises because you had to turn the volume way down.
  • She definitely feels weaker now then when watching the PTB testing. From my playtime with her, her chase-ability is sorely lacking now. That drastic slowdown after finishing the Vomit is horrible. You basically slow to a crawl and watch the Survivors vanish into the Fog.
  • Or when Freddy grows 10 foot claws: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rcp53zNFNNA
  • There is a method of PS4 Killers disconnecting and causing survivors to receive 0 points. Its a known issue and and has never been fixed. 
  • My initial take was that the Survivor and Killer were friends and he was deliberately not unhooking to help. After I died the same Claudette was just running in circle in the middle of the road for a couple minutes, and other similarly unsportsmanlike conduct. 
  • I would love to transfer my account to pc - even if I had to rebuy the main game. I remember how the PS4 was a beast of a machine, apparently we’ve found out what the best killer in DbD is... framerates. 
  • Playing Killer is a waste of time this event - half the points for double the effort Is Behavior trying to punish the killer player base ? And is absolutely garbage that Survivors get an aoe blind item that takes little to no skill to use. Wheres the special killer item that gives them a boost ? If you ignore the Killers…
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