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  • The Cenobites
  • Survivor; Kindred (hands down best solo queue perk in game) Aftercare (unlimited tracking for doing something you would have done anyway), Autodidact (snowball healing), Technician (for noob survivors nothing is better) Killer; Enduring, Infectious Fright, Knockout, Agitation
  • I see more Quintin's than I do my boy Jeff or Queen Jane
  • If you run Kindred with it, then you stand a greater chance of being able to use it. In that case it may be worth it as it's a decent amount of survival points when you do it and it can sometimes be clutch during egc
  • Huh, I find her grunts to be on the louder side of the female survivors and as far as size Elodie is thicc, second only to her majesty queen Jane.
    in ELODIE Comment by Metalhead January 2021
  • I play survivor more than killer and even as a survivor main, I have to say that the game is tilted in their favor.
  • Elodie is the newest member of Dead By Daylight's Big and Loud club. We survivor mains who care not for stealthy characters welcome her with open arms.
    in ELODIE Comment by Metalhead January 2021
  • It's like people don't realize you can disarm a trap, get 20% or so gate progress, hide out while trapper investigates until your buddy disarms the other gate trap and he leaves letting you go repeat the process.
  • Killer knows you're in the area, he just stands in front of the gate switch, blocking you off until whispers stops or a crow alerts him as you run for the other gate. Killer doesn't need a crow to tell him when you're at a gate, only to tell him which one you are moving towards, he can just body block or patrol the switch…
  • Any killer can detect you hiding at and attempting to open a gate if they so choose. Stridor, Whispers, Spies, etc. there are many perks a killer can use to sniff you out that you rarely would think to counter at all that are far more effective than a trap. I main trapper and he is a thinking man's killer. It seems like…
  • I agree, getting hooked while in tier 3 madness should drop you back down to tier 1 or two.
  • Traps only take like seconds to disarm though...
  • No need to increase the range effect. Instead add this little benefit; When another survivor has an aura effect active, then you see the aura of that survivor in a 32/48/64 meter range. Example; Ace is cleansing a totem and Claudette is doing a gen on the other side of the map some 50 meters away. Somewhere on the map, Meg…
  • You were farmed for the unhook bp man...
  • The issue with NOED has never been that it has no counter. The problem is that it goes way overboard on the benefits to the killer for what it takes to counter it. It takes approximately 14~15 seconds to cleanse a totem. There are 5 on a map. The counter to this is to spend 75ish seconds doing nothing but cleansing totems.…
  • I agree with the incentive idea. It could be easily implemented by adding a BP awarding mechanic called Roaming. When a survivor is unhooked outside of 32 meters (or another reasonable distance) the killer gets awarded bp based on how long he was away from the roaming range. This way, camping/patrolling aren't punished,…
  • A simple but not game breaking fix would be this; let him start with and carry two traps and let him retrieve more traps from lockers like huntress hatchets instead of walking halfway across the map to a zone with three completed gens to retrieve one. Next, whenever a survivor is caught in a trap, he gains the bloodlust…
  • That head cosmetic is pretty tight. It goes well with the sweater.
  • I dont think I've ever seen that combo. Got any screenshots?
  • In all seriousness, Huge is right. Although survivors are mechanically identical (hit box size, movement speeds etc.) There are some survivors who have certain advantages and disadvantages cosmetically and soundbite. Personally, I would second Jane. Her and my boy Jeff are the president and vice president of the Big and…
  • Anyone but Steve...
  • Flashlighting after a pallet stun is a safe way to earn the extra BP for killer blinds as well as give you a a moment or two to run away unseen if the killer doesn't immediately break the pallet.
  • If I am playing killer and there is a disconnect/suicide early on then I go into training mode with survivors in which I try to two hook everyone and still down them afterwards to give them and myself practice in chases. If I down the remaining survivors, I'll pick one up and let them wiggle free to go and get the other…
  • Playing killer overall. I'm mid skill level at best but everyone in matches I've been in as killer always seem to have a good time, myself included even when I dont get a single kill. I'd like to see if that holds true at the elite try hard skill level of game play as well.
  • "... you did all this work and the rug was pulled." Hardly sounds fair now does it? Let's put the shoe on the other foot. Imagine as a killer that you have 3 survivors on hook and have downed the last one after 3 to 4 minutes of some intense play. You were skilled enough to pressure the survivors so that they didn't get…
  • I never could understand killers who felt the need to down the last survivor and then give them the hatch only if they didn't struggle and allowed you to carry them. What's the point? If you planned on giving them hatch then just let them limp over and jump in themselves. Why waste the extra time virtue signaling on how…
  • Killer: Krampus Perks: Agitation, Enduring, Iron Grasp, BBQ Add Ons: Padded Jaws and oily springs This is basically a BP farming/have fun/surprise survivors with cool skin set up. Survivors that get trapped are picked up from the trap (if I get there in time) and agitation + grasp gives me time and speed to carry them…
  • They may. There is an opinion that the game is not balanced and that it favors survivors over killers which if continued will kill the game. This may have been a subtle move by the devs to boost killers. Many players who main killers may not have deemed it necessary but you won't enlarge the killer pool without making it…
  • Many people just can't handle that Metal lifestyle
  • The Oni's hit detection for his Demon Strike is a bit wanky. Best bet if he's on you is keep moving in a jungle gym with a window. If the Oni fully charges his overhead Demon Strike it'll collide with the window frame, just pray he's not experienced enough to be able to pull off quick Demon Strikes... If he's charging…
  • When playing as Krampus and that cocky, toxic survivor who has been flashlight clicking and teabagging from the other side of dropped pallets tries to loop me in the killer shack with the basement in it that has a window and god pallet door that I trapped three gens ago... Activate the basement snowball
  • I dont main killer but when I do play as one. I get the most flack as the good Doctor. Not because I'm a particularly lethal killer mind you, but because he can be so absolutely frustrating and annoying to play against. Conversely, my main killer is trapper and I've been rolling with that Krampus skin which survivors seem…
  • It's like this for many of the reskinned maps. I imagine it was to help try and balance the maps out to be a little more fair to killers by granting them greater visibility/opportunity while secondarily preventing as much gen rushing (in theory anyway)
  • Plague, Twins and Blight. I think the newness of the Blight has worn off, and the Twins are considered subpar at the moment. As for the Plague, I'm kind of perplexed as to why I don't see more of her as she is not a low tier killer honestly...