Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Every single time a Killer says "Nice SWF" in post-game, when it was all solo queue.
  • Lightweight for Survivors if you're interested in juking the Killer and hiding. I ran Self-Aware for a bit, and the reduction in scratchmarks is massive, and the time they stay lit up is microscopic compared to normal. High ranks, probably not as useful, but mid ranks it's amazing how many chases you win, and the Killer…
  • Put Kindred in as basekit for anyone who is not in a SWF group. Remove the Killer aura from it though, and buff Kindred itself in some fashion relating to that. Maybe increase range, or give it 3-4 seconds of aura view post-unhook. That way, you can see where everyone is at without giving away too much information.…
  • After losing Iron Will and WGLF, I ended up swapping out to Aftercare, We'll Make It, BT and Guardian. I suck at chases, so no Perk will help me there, but giving my team mates as much help as possible to avoid the Tunnel has been working out quite nicely. Solo queue, so Aftercare helps me an enormous amount and forces me…
  • Feel bad for you. I P3'd him and have him maxed, and I had BBQ within 20 webs on this round. Tier 3 before he hit 30. Most other Killers it takes 30-40 webs before BBQ shows up, then another 20-30 to get it to T3. Only thing I've found is once you get Tier 1 of a Perk you want, make sure you "clear" any other Perk of the…
  • If you use your ears, you can usually get the hit on them if they're foolish enough to blind you twice. If you don't, you can at least hear, and move, in the direction they're going so you can get a quick hit on them and move into another chase.
  • Too many people play How Many Traps Can I Put Next to the Hook with Hag, so she's boring AF to face. Against a good Hag, the match can quickly snowball into a complete disaster unless you're in a coordinated 4-man, who tend to play far and above your average player's ability anyways. It pains me deeply everytime I play…
  • Just make sure to save the hair so you can sew it onto the edges for a nice fringe. Bubba with a mane... now that's devilishly handsome.
  • Sometimes I did well, against the ones who were using it as a crutch. Against the good Huntresses, I'd just go splat like a bug on a windshield. I'd see a lot of the really bad ones straight up going to M1 because people would fake vaults/windows, or just not drop pallets unless it was 100% safe. They'd waste so much time…
  • I loved old iri heads. It usually meant 1-3 DCs, and then I could get some "alone time" with mah gurl. Dat thiccness, yknow. But really, Survivors just needed to learn to dodge better. Can't count the number of times I watched someone run straight across a clearing with no blockers against a Huntress. Then complain about…
  • cough Um... I have no idea what you are talking about. 😁
  • Yeah. I've been having issues with that. Have to keep it in mind, somewhat like revealing Ghostface. I'm really good doing that, keeping the camera at an almost isometric field of view to keep my body from blocking him, so shouldn't be too much trouble to remember I can block my own chains. I hate that mechanic of them,…
  • Had a match earlier against a cheating Dwight, of all people they had to pick my man, but I couldn't get a hook in them. Infinite flashbangs, speed hack, they spawned my box into their inventory and kept spamming Solve outside of the play area (as in beyond the gates), and at the end of the match they were spamming being…
  • They usually put up sales with a new chapter, so I'd suggest waiting a bit. Work on the base Killers first.
  • I haven't picked up the Artist yet, I'm not too enthused with her Power/Gameplay, but SHPR might make me get her and Jonah. Have 30k shards sitting unused right now, so it's not an issue. Having that with other Killers would add a little spice to my builds too. I've run Undying + Plaything, which is pretty funny. Anytime I…
  • I use BBQ, mostly for BP, but starting to work with the aura reads. I've gotten some good plays on the box with it, so definitely one that's sticking in there for now. Rancor... is one I never use, but focusing on the aura reads + determining where the box is sounds like a solid plan. Will play with that too, once I get…
  • Oh, hmm. I hadn't thought of that. Will have to try that one out. I've avoided that Perk since I got it on Neme just because it's only the start of the match and most of the Killers I play aren't really mobile enough to capitalize.
  • I like to use Disfigured Ear + Rusty Shackles together. It disorients the Survivor and you can capitalize on that. Anything that will screw with your TR helps. Trail of Torment, pair it with PGTW if you want. MnA of course, one of my favorite Perks for her anyways, haven't really done much else with it. Not really…
  • Eh. I tried the whole Franklin's + Hoarder and didn't really enjoy it. It's a nice combo, but it gets boring after a while. It's like running Franklin's on Hag and trapping said item. Fun for a while, then you want something new to try out.
  • Hardly roasted. Your opinion about what is against the rules, and mine are obviously in contention. We'll see where the devs ruling comes though. If it was really that bad, or an exploit, it would have been pulled already. It hasn't, so most likely, it's not going to for a while and probably isn't an exploit.
  • How do you know they are AFK and are not just waiting for NOED to activate and then play endgame, with a proper endgame build? There's many, many ways to idle during a match and still secure a 4k. Just look at DbD Things videos on YouTube. They have a number of really excellent ones with an "AFK" Killer who steamrolls at…
  • I thought that was the Oni for a minute. Then I realized he isn't as scary looking as that SS.
  • Nowhere near the same. People come to Forums to vent, or throw out ideas. Mostly venting. In-game, I rarely see the BM, toxicity or trash game play that gets complained about frequently on the Forum. Most of my games on both sides are excellent and enjoyable, even the shorter ones. According to the Forums though, I should…
  • Isn't Gideon's the same? I've never had a match where they didn't spawn opposite each other.
  • Didn't they fix this so exit gates aren't supposed to spawn within a certain distance? I know they are supposed to spawn on different walls, unless that was changed.
  • MMR works fine as long as there are enough Killers to go around, or no one is dodging lobbies. Soon as either condition is met though, MMR goes out the window, and sanity with it. Have fun with your Killer who you haven't touched in months but just got a Daily for. Those 3 yellow Perks are going to work fantastic against a…
  • Boil Over's buff was fine, as far as I'm concerned at least. The only issue I saw with it was the intentional abuse of specific maps for the purpose of trolling and not normal gameplay. In reality, Boil Over's buff just showed how godawful is some of the map design. RPD in particular, and honestly, I only ever really saw…
  • Lol. I love it when there is counter play, but people refuse to use it. Faced a few Killers running these Perks. I hadn't seen them in action, so the first instance of it occuring was a #########? moment. Second time I realized what was going on and starting pulling off gens right before a hook action. If it got blocked, I…
  • Sounds great! Would be extremely overpowered. DH is just fine as a Hex Perk. It fits the definition of one perfectly. I'd rather have Lightborn basekit. Personal preference though.
  • It is that time though. All of the FNAF tinfoil hatties will be coming back to the Forum to push their narrative about all the hints pointing to Claptrap being the next killer. Much like the spring thaw flooding rivers with a bounty of fresh water, we will get to wade through the murky filth of FNAFdom once more. At least…
  • Myers gets more benefit from Perks/Add-ons than most other Killers. He has many, many different gameplay styles from memes to reasonably strong (not top tier, but not trash tier either) depending on his loadout and the skill of the player. His snowball ability is pretty fierce, especially if Survivors are overly…
  • They are playing the game though. They've used an add-on and are awaiting the results. Just because it's a ######### move, and really bad sportsmanship, doesn't remove any of the legitimacy. A survivor's goal is only to complete gens, open the gates, and leave. It has always been acceptable practice for a Pig to bodyblock…
  • Only thing is, the Killer isn't bodyblocking. The Survivor's can continue with normal game play. The Killer is standing in one spot, but as long as they are at their keyboard, it's a legitimate play. It's a toxic and pretty ######### one, but it does not break any rules. Survivors are not being stopped from completing…
  • No worse than when a couple idiots decide jumping in and out of lockers is going to distract you during a chase. Have that happen a lot more frequently than Box noise spam. I don't really pay any attention to it, but if I can herd my current plaything over towards the sound notifications I will. That way I can get a down,…
  • Might be a display bug. You actually got the Pip, but it displayed it incorrectly. Used to happen to me quite frequently before MMR, when I'd earn/lose a pip, and end game screen would show the incorrect Rank on the listing. Haven't had it happen since MMR went in, but I pay 0 attention to my grade anymore. All I care…
  • Run some off Meta Perks with odd functions and see how many times you get called a Cheater/Hacker because you didn't run NOED, Ruin, Undying. It's no wonder BHVR can't police the players if they're dealing with stupid people reporting a player without looking at Perks, Add-ons and the Killer's Power. Report system needs a…
  • Played PH last night for a Daily. Fractured Cowshed. Chased a Jake for a bit, he looped around a hay bale and I went for the snipe. Managed to hit the Mikaela that was hiding behind the same hay bale too with that shot and downed them both. Nice to be on the other side of blown plays like this once in a while.
  • When they took away Bloodpoints for Rank, was the happiest moment of my life. Was tired of getting facestomped by everyone at Rank 1 when I had been barely playing a few weeks, and getting told "You got 25k BP! That's great!" with maybe 6 hooks. ffs talk about a circus.
  • BBQ was supposed to be the anti-camping Perk since it mimic'd WGLF's Bloodpoints, but also gave Killers an aura read for performing a hook. It worked out pretty well too in the beginning from what I can remember. Camping became less of a common strat, and more of an outlier. Of course this was all in Billy's and the…
  • DS is in a good spot right now. It helps prevent tunnels because Killer's are mostly afraid of it, but in reality, it isn't as bad as it's made out to be. The nerf, which was pretty necessary, removed a lot of the invulnerability aspect of it, and made it pretty fair overall. It's really in a more niche spot now after the…
  • Lot of places relaxed Plague restrictions so many people are back to work/school and don't have as much time to play. Not saying some of the recent decisions haven't hurt player counts, but cross-platform support was their greatest addition to the game cause it gave everyone a much larger player base to verse and more…
  • I love the Swamp on both sides. Even when it was the large size prior to the rework(s), it has always been my favorite Realm. Love the new wiggle mechanic. Feels more interactive and achieveable even though it's the same timer. I like playing against Nurses. I get a real feelsgoodman vibe when I can juke them, and I feel…
  • I have my list sitting nearby. I don't dodge them though, unless they were part of a coordinated bully squad. I just ignore them the whole match. It's quite refreshing. I only dodge if I see more than 1 TTV or Twitcher shirt. From prior experience, 2+ streamers = toxic. If it's just 1, I'll just play my normal game. If…
  • How do people find nice Demogorgons? Every one I play against proxy camps with portals then tunnels me off the hook... I have to agree about Claudettes. I do enjoy those games though because that means more unhooks, heals, and chase time for me. I tend to outscore them, and at least safety pip while they blend. Either that…
  • Sounds like you're unlucky. I usually only see AFK Killers during BP Events, where they can just auto-swing their weapon/special attack and earn BP while they AFK. Anytime it's an Event where you need to actively participate for the bonus(es), they disappear entirely.
  • We need a sarcasm button. The dumb comments I just ignore. As soon as someone says Killer/Survivor Main, their entire argument is moot. They're just parroting something they saw before, or heard from their favorite Streamer. Unless you've watched me play all my matches, you can't tell if I'm either/or. Especially as I have…
  • I don't really see either of these statements as true, at least at the ranks I play at. I think it's more along the lines of people knowing that specific alignments of things are abuseable, and they want to either troll or flex their e-peen. I really don't find much issue with Boil Over as it is, or even RPD, although I…
  • Not really a complaint, just venting while I waited out my DC penalty. It really was a fun night tonight. Couple 4ks, some 3ks, and the usual 0-1ks I get. Nice mix of vets vs new players/inexperienced. The past few nights it's been stomp newbs, immediately into high MMR coordinated SWFs. So it was a nice change to get some…
  • No more Sky Billy. My heart was broken. There was nothing more entertaining than working on a gen, hearing no TR, then suddenly getting splattered by a Billy falling from the Heavens. Only happened a couple times to me, but those matches were absolutely fantastic. Feel bad for Freddy, but he's not even the real Freddy so…