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  • Im pretty sure that if you don't prestige at all, with this you should still get some of your characters to prestige 1-2 depending on how many Tier 3 perks you have on said killer, honestly i hope they adress this more deeply cause i didn't quite get it fully. I hope it means what i just said cause personally i have 0…
  • Of course man, i did get a little defensive there for a bit but it was all in good faith.
  • Im not name calling, as i said i do think he has some good ideas here, but the ones that are focused on to the killer side seem way to harsh compared to the surivor side thats all. So its hard to take him seriously when he proposes a 30 second stun when you know that is enough time to 50% at least 2 gens.
  • @Waffleyumboy Plus it says it only deactivates if you are picked up outside the killer terror radius, imagine bodyblocking infinitely because you keep getting back up inside the killer terror radius.
  • But we cant since he didnt put that as a deactivation method so yeah easily abused as i said.
  • Yeah because there is not such a thing as body blocking....
  • But dude what are you talking about he proposed an animation change to Devour Hope and Rancor wich doesnt make those perks useless at all. NOT BIASED AT ALL.
  • I did read all of it, in high level plays survivors will obviously take advantage of this by chasing the killer knowing that they have full immunity making it just a time waster for the killer, it just sound incredibly broken.
  • Yeah man you have a couple of good ideas in here, the totem indicator and the doc changes (this one is kind of broken though but it sounds cool) for example. But to be honest you lost me with the 30 seconds stun to punish tunneling, even 5 seconds is already too much, 15 seconds stun for new ds (given how meta it already…
  • Hahahahah yeah boys we did it so many post that they cant tell from the troll ones.
  • Well hello, fancy meeting you here. <3
  • Yeah that would be mine that slipped down, i was also trying to be funny, guess it didnt work out :(
  • Yeah thats correct, my problem with this whole situation is that some people are coming here and saying that the only tactic that PH players are using is the "tunnel tactic" and in my mind and the experienced that ive had is that this "tactic" is the worst one and ive bearly seen it in use, since is so counterintuitive to…
  • Also yes if played right is guaranted hit, and if played right by the survivor is a guranted miss (since is so easy to dodge).
  • Because he has to waste time running to the other side of the map expecting that no one got their before him. In my experience every single time that i was far away from PH when he caged someone the cage spawned somewhat close to me or another survivor, making it very hard to effectivily tunnel someone. But hey thats just…
  • Bad luck i guess, but if you want to see a more accurate representation of both sides, just watch a dbd stream of your choice and you will see that scummy players are in not in the mayority.
  • I agree, some days i get multiple scummy players in row, some days is just potatoes, but yoy cant just assume every killer plays like a jerk.
  • Imo in gameplay perspective, that would obviously be survivors, the mechanics are quite easy to learn and the main objective is pressing m1. Looping is also quite easy once you learn it. Now i do believe killer is pretty easy too but since the are multiple killers you need to learn more mechanics in orde to get better. In…
  • I doubt it, decent survivors will adapt easily to this so called "tunnel tactic" and avarage killers will probably not use PH so much since it actually a bit hard to use his ability and is kind just another M1 killer without it.
  • Hhahaha a bit? what 15 seconds? well i guess it can be possible, where can i find me some of those survivors.
  • Mmm... thats kind of stretch, plus that would be a very mediocre survivor that was found really early on, managed to get tormented and down, and that he got to the cage just as another survivor rescued him, all under a minute. Mmm that survivor would probably die under a minute with any killer.
  • Okay then, lets team up tand try to make this change happen. Not trying to be ironic (maybe a little), because that change would be perfect for people that slug if they found the hooked survivor right away or who doesnt tunnel, two less perks that the survivors cant use and one perk for PH that becomes stronger (okay i…
  • Nice that we can agree with something, but if you dont see how that would make PH stronger then i dont know what to tell you.
  • You keep missing the point, the perks arent the advantages, the instant factor is, you save the time to go to the hook, that plus having information from BBQ could easily prevent a gen from being done, and as we know this game is all about time. I will say it one more time i personally would love that a cage act as hook,…
  • They wouldnt, the extra advantages are that you get instant BBQ after a down and not just BBQ, it can synergize very well with other perks too, Devour Hope for instance, Huntress lullaby, Make your choice. I personally wouldnt mind but as i said survivors will probably see as huge advantage. I can already see the post…
  • Thats the point of the cage, if makes it so every perk works then you would have and easy instant hook and also easy BBQ and easy Pop it would basically give extra advantages to the killer and i dont think survivors would be so cool with that.
  • OMG OMG OMG i was just thinking this, the first two games where so freaking good, Big Daddy as a killer would fit so well in DBD i hope the devs see this post and consider it.
  • Nope, everyones knows that jerks exist, you just think that every killer is one.
  • Exactly thats why smart players using PH will still use hooks for BBQ maybe even pop and will smartly know when to send survivors to the cage, the non hook works for both sides and only the top PH players will mix things up to get the upperhand.
  • Hahaha yeap, they introduced literally the least optimal killer to tunnel with but no since it takes away bt and ds survivors get like "but i cant loop so i need my 55th chance perk to survive" .
  • Exactly, yeah this topic will get old pretty quickly once survivors realize that this strat is no really that broken and they will comeback to whin about the facecamping insidious bubbas that wont leave the basement.
  • You act like every game is against a scummy tunneler, they exist sure, i only see them 1 out of 10 games. And by the way today PH population already went down at least for me so yeah rush then try again.
  • Yeah people will get tunneled for a bit until they learn that there is a an easy counter, do gens. Just like every other killer and this strategy is even better since he needs to travel all the way to the other side of the map which gives extra time to finish that last gen.
  • Oh ok english isnt my first language so i was kind of confused there xD.
  • Sorry i didnt really gave you a tip, but my best tip right now is loop him, he is very loopable if you cab avoid his range atack.
  • Sorry i didnt understand the wording there. But i dont he is a tunnel nor that promotes tunnel, the fact that his cages spawn on the other side of the map should tell you that his not meant to tunnel.
  • Also those trolls will be easily countered once you know how he works, his tunnel "tactic" isnt really that good.
  • Just as Dabihwow said is to early to tell, it only been 2 days people need to find out optimal play and the perks that best suit him. I dont think that his top tier either but i definitely think his not Deathslinger tier either, he has a very complex kit to decide where he belongs just yet.
  • You said it, some people are really bad killers and with this ranking system you progress just by playing, once you get to those ranks though you will find people that knows how to play and as i said no everyone plays this game with the intent of trying their hardest or trying to keep up.
  • I dont think it is though, dont get me wrong that is pretty scummy but i dont think it is bannable offense. On the other hand some people derank for legitimate reasons. Once you get to high purples or red ranks matches start getting pretty sweaty and not everyone takes this game so seriously that they want to tryhard every…
  • Yeap it kind suck sometimes, thats why you need to be strategic about the cages. In one ocassion i was on a gen with another survivor and the cage spawned just next to us. You can imagine what happened to that poor gen :(
  • Nope he is saying that going out of your way with PH is a waste of time since yo take twice as long to start the tunnel process, also we know that tunnel is not really an effective strategy against decent survivors since they can easily genrush you, so by the time you start tunneling with PH all the gens against a good…
  • I have played against PH around 15-20 times and every single time i was far from PH when he caged someone (if he even got the chanse to cage someone since avoiding the trail is pretty easy) the cage spawned somewhat close to me or another survivor making it impossible to the killer to tunnel the survivor effectively,
  • 100% Agree, PH tunnel "tactic" is such a time waster, you can have way better results with facecamping bubba.
  • I would completely agree with you if this was a RPG or MMO where the character can reflect youeself. But the characters on this game already have lore, as some said we know that the nurse is straight, so whats the problem knowing that Dwight had a boyfriend or Nea had a girlfriend, will it really change how you play the…
  • Once again i went through the comments and i dont see anyone claiming anything just people wondering if it is reportable or bannable and some others putting context to the situation to see if it is indeed bannable. The OP even puts it as a question if that can be bannable. You keep repeating that the killer had to throw…
  • Oh oh i wouldnt say that the game favors any sides if i were you, i already see the angry mob of killers coming to this post to trash talk survivors. Imo i think the survivor side is still easier and any decent group of survivors should perform well against any killer. That said if you are a "skilled" killer and have great…
  • Oh oh i wouldnt say that the game favors any sides if i were you, i already see the angry mob of killers coming to this post to trash talk survivors. Imo i think the survivor side is still easier and any decent group of survivors should perform well against any killer. That said if you are a "skilled" killer and have great…
  • Oh oh i wouldnt say that the game favors any sides if i were you, i already see the angry mob of killers coming to this post to trash talk survivors. Imo i think the survivor side is still easier and any decent group of survivors should perform well against any killer. That said if you are a "skilled" killer and have great…
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