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  • Because nurse is really hard on console compared to pc without getting bullied. Also not a lot of people have been buying dlcs on console i rarely see other killers past myers dlc occasionally a ghostface and a few onis when he came out but other than that nope
  • But your also on ps4 where its more likely to go well if you can control him fine. I mean they didnt play the ptb unless they have a pc as well as a ps4 and if they have a pc and played the ptb they would probably be playing on it. I would if my laptop wasnt broken atm. I am also rank 9 atm facing red ranks and getting at…
  • Its always right as something happens. Thats what i noticed. So if you do have a game where you down people before getting bloodlust for example and no gens pop cause they are all searching for ruin or something like that then yeah you probably could have a game with few issues. Anytime i gain bloodlust when im on top of a…
  • Aim assist? More like aim for you its like the game is going "no you dont want to hit the survivor here let me pull you 90 degrees over here instead OH my bad thats a tree never mind" -_-
  • I think he swung for nea and the auto aim which is way too strong imo pulled him to you because you were maybe closer. Ive actually had this happen from killer perspective. I was facing my left at someone unhooking camera full on to the left because i wanted to make sure i hit that person and got them. The hooked wasnt…
  • Dont forget when your lobby "errors" the message shows up like 5 times for no reason at all... like, i get it you errored out chill. XD Also the freezing when the killer leaves is one thing. But why the heck does my game sometimes freeze from me clicking on something. Like if i want to change survivor/killer go to loadout,…
  • I feel like if your only hook option is basement then its kinda their own fault if they get the glitch they basically asked for it imo.
  • They made the maps darker? Is that true for all platforms because i swear if console now has even more disadvantage to killer im gonna cry lmfao its bad enough playing with 5 frames a second 1 frame a second when something happens and having bad sensitivity lol
  • Weird im sure i was awake and hooked person was hence my assumption bt not working on him. Hmm. Maybe it just bugged or he walked JUST out of range as the unhook was dine for like .5 of a second or something and made it not count lol
  • No i know about DW changing to not depleting when running etc thats DW though not how BT activates. i just mean i thought BT in general was useless against freddy cause he was lullaby not a heartbeat. Or am i just thinking of the old freddy? Is that it? I coulda swore it was like that though a week or so ago when i went…
  • If you mean this because of BT then... BT doesnt pop against freddy because you dont hear a heartbeat when awake you hear a lullaby. Unless that got changed this update is that what it is?
  • Actually looking at the "known issues" at patch notes says the wiggle is when another survivor comes in range..... But in my game they were all dead..... uh.....
  • I got basement hooked said void is the start of the constant falling and then the whole black screen stuff yeah? Because thats what it looks like on the video i saw someone else couldnt wiggle then got basement hooked flew off into white nothingness then was constant falling even after being unhooked and healed couldnt see…
  • See i didnt get the falling part i got picked up and then couldnt wiggle at all and then flew off into a void when i was hooked but it was my death hook so i didnt see much else
  • Seeing what you said about skill checks is true... for pc. When i played on my laptop before it broke i hit greats constantly but the frames are inconsistent on console i hit greats but not every single time like i could on pc. Mainly due to delay being able to turn off vsync for example helped on console they feel hella…
  • I read you saying that BL is the only perk to provide something outside exhaustion and i decided to say no ya wrong cause adrenaline does. Yeah its dormant most of the game but it can certainly flip things for you in some cases. Especially if all 4 survivors have it when they tend to since its "meta" Sorry for not reading…
  • Yep lots have mentioned it as basement bug. I find it interesting its being called that since you first know its going to happen upon being picked up you cant wiggle. I assume maybe it only happens when NEAR the basement then? Hmm
  • Wrong, it wasnt the only one to provide a benefit despite being exhausted. Adrenaline will still heal and sprint burst you it just resets your exhaustion rather than not activate etc. Its the only one now, god forbid they decide to change it cant wait to see the uproar if it happens haha
  • People asked for more objectives in game, maybe in events. Instead we got deep wound....
  • I would say seeing their perks is maybe a bit much yeah. Also you already made one mistake in your solo play , assuming youd be paired with people your rank :O no way that ever happens lol Yh i thought seeing ranks was intentional at first it was great to see i was getting people 6 ranks above?below me? Mid green/yellow…
  • Reality you say? Why no i swear i can jump off a balcony rooftop without stumbling multiple times in a row while being chased with my life on the line i swear i can! XD
  • A lot of perks have this whole price to pay for the benefit. Object of obsession , you see the killer but they can see you for example. You argue that balanced should keep its benefit minus the burst while you are paying the price (exhaustion) but failing to say any real good honest to god fair reason as to WHY such a…
  • But why should it grant you benefits outside of an exhaustion? Its an Exhaustion perk. Thats like asking what happens if i want to vault a window and i have lithe 99d. Then you vault the god damn window and dont get your burst you got caught when on cooldown, it happens. Why should balanced be so different to other…
  • So you want them to make him completely powerless against most players because most players probably play in a group and will just say "hey is that you?" Or "point if thats you" etc I dont think that kind of ability would work too well against solos yes probably. But not swf which is the typical purple to red ranks.
  • Its actually very viable for sneaking away now. Think about the strode map. Lots of people like to wait on the balcony type parts as the killer enters the house you can drop and run away without them even knowing. Just add Fixated and you can see your scratch marks and walk faster to get away and leave a completely fake…
  • I have ps4 and pc i havent played pc in ages cause my laptop broke though :/ ive spent a fair bit but ultimately more on console id say for sure. Haha
  • You also said that the new rank reset is a problem because more potatoes are gonna be red rank. I said that imo making it harder to pip could solve it but im pretty sure that already happened and survivors cried about it. Which they would just do again. And i spoke about not seeing an issue for console. If survivors gonna…
  • On console for me its hard to rank up and use killers i havent played/am not comfortable with. On ps4 ive noticed right now its rank 20-13 complete noobs maybe a few ok players starting to get the hang of things. Then its purple and red ranks. There IS NO green rank for killer because as a consistent 10-8 rank killer on…
  • I wont be too shocked if it doesnt since well sometimes games dont transfer to the next gen but obviously continue working on pc. And since console has so many issues.... i can see it being easier to leave us in the dust. Not that they will, just that i can see it being a easier thing for them to do when the time comes if…
  • Like i said unless they fix a lot. I feel like survivors fine survivors could probably do fine against a pc killer its all the killer side that has the most issues anyway. That isnt frame related that is. Hence why if they fixed and made things on par with pc mayyyybe i could see it being ok. Cross between the consoles…
  • Ive noticed people calling it the basement bug i would call it the wiggle bug because it starts with not being able to wiggle
  • So just my dreams then :P
  • Its gone on a while now that i feel like if it gets any worse no one is going to play on console anymore. Especially if they are planning on cross play/save etc if console is going to cross play with pc then there is a lot that needs done first and if they dont then why play console at all?
  • I dont see a problem personally for ps4 i havent seen a single red rank killer in the past few weeks only purples i asked on here and got 2 replys saying they were red rank one ps4 one xbox. Survivors may easily rank up... but killers either arent easily doing it or just dont want to. And if ranking is made harder…
  • Yeah no console is horrid lately. 1fps when anything happens. Adrenaline? Sprint burst? You bet your gonna run into a wall because 1fps when turning a corner isnt fun! Lithe? Lag back into the vault! Bloodlust right as your close enough to hit the survivor? Miss because you suddenly cant see anything from the 1fps! Someone…
  • I wouldnt say its a basement bug because it all starts the moment you get picked up... you cannot wiggle whatsoever
  • Didnt they say they were working on sensitivity being higher for console recently or was that just my dreams lol
  • Maybe when a survivor gets downed and fully recovered they could have a "give up" option like it only shows if you fully recover as much as you can and are slugged. Therefore they can give up if they dont want to sit for 4 mins on the floor. I kind of wish it was an option because i got sandbagged by a feng min in a game a…
  • I do enjoy and have fun too sometimes u can get really fun games but certainly more likely to stress on the killer end of things. XD
  • The console updates have made the game more and more laggy more and more instances which cause 1 frame a second etc the game completely freezes up at times someone leaving my swf party can cause my entire game to crash. And i know its not an issue i personally have its been an issue me and any of my friends that play have…
  • Ive had a game with purple ruin where it was up all game long and they still managed to gen rush like crazy and popped 3 within a min... that was a crazy game tho and i was rank 10 against rank 3s and 4s which were a swf group soooo theres also that...
  • Well ps4 lets you change name now 1st time is free then you have to pay after that so if you dont like it you can always change it if you come up witg a better one now :) Ive seen a few dbd specific names since that happened lol
  • Put an underscore on the end of my name and thats my psn add away my dude :)
  • Im ps4 so i wouldnt run into you anyway :P heh but good to know so far thats 2 admitted to being red rank killers lol
  • Thats my exact issue its not hard to get to green ranks tbh like a noob could probably do it with a few things learnt. I personally not long ago went against a swf team that was 3 red ranks 3, 3, and 2 and a purple rank 7 or so a newer player wouldnt handle that very well and at the end the survivors almost always message…
  • Even with a killer that knows what theyre doing a good swf team can turn the game into a sweat match. If people have to play their best to get to red ranks then i can see a lot of killers just not doing it because they dont want to have to sweat every game to stay at that current rank. I personally dont care too much about…
  • Yeah i tend not to go further than purple because after that its swf try hards i havent got a ton of choice and flexibility with perks if i WANT to win i have to do my best yanno? I want to be able to run a fun build do challenges change killers without having to go through stress. I pick up and drop the game i do so with…
  • Makes me wonder if theyll release on next gen consoles and if that will be just as bad if they do xD
  • I know right you can always tell swf because the 1 second your back is to the hook they unhook all them are there lol Trying to get the tome challenge for i think the first tome use agitation and hook in the basement twice (i didnt have agitation unlocked at that moment i never really played trapper) so i HAD to play a…
  • I was in a kyf and we all lagged because i jumped in and out a locker and they had that perk iron maiden? The exposed for 15 seconds when you jump out it was crazy