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  • As an Ash main i can confirm this is an actual problem, it throws both the survivor and killer off.
  • Escape % for keys are around 1% Stop crying about it, it's honestly not a problem. No more then gen rushing 4 tool boxes with new parts
  • Like this reply, yours didn't actually add anything to the conversation besides literally repeating what the one poster said but wording it differently to go with your agenda rofl. It's a horror game, you don't got time to be thinking about who your next hookup is, it's run or die time baby!
  • See.... that attitude just makes you a try hard or sweaty gamer. If you need those kinda add ons to kill everyone. Sure, the survivors died because they didn't "git gud" but you're also not really that good either if you're relying on such broken add ons. Nice try though.
  • It's real bad now. I can barely keep up instead of the old easy to understand organization it's all over the place and hard to see. I appreciate the devs efforts but it might be the worst thing to ever happen to this game so far. I hope they fix it.
  • Cry me a river? I've grinded out the last 3 rifts now and I think this is a fantastic idea. It's not going against anyone, two of those outfits are 50k shards which isn't exactly easy to just get. It's exclusively going to anger those who think they're entitled to exclusively having it. Great update to those who missed it…
  • As a PlayStation user I can confirm survivor waits are faster. Went from an average 7 to 9 minute wait to 4 which is amazing
  • "Okay Karen..." That's most people's mindset lol
  • Show me where it's bannable?
  • Consider they were all on the train and you were the odd one out, spoiling the fun and the points from 4 other people. Selfish if you ask me. Also FYI, Most archives are mainly done though farming I might add.
  • I want this! Slinderman is also on my list
  • Then take out adrenalin because I've seen bad survivors get up who normally wouldn't. Noed is the counter to that with a chance to deactivate it even.
  • Hell yeah I'm ready
  • Guess no more money from me. I'll finish getting the actual good mix and match skins and just avoid paying for anything else.
  • Bro this game is very survival sided, if you haven't figured it out yet maybe you're playing weong... Go play killer and go up against a whole set of red ranks and you'll see real quick how outplayed a killer can be.
  • A B list character like Candyman is a bad move for this kinda hype. I'm pretty convinced it's going to be more meaningful, that would mean pennywise or Jason. However! I pick Slinderman, I want to believe its him
  • Adding a random B list character like Candyman into the game would be a great disappointment. I'm convinced it's going to be Pennywise or Jason, but Slinderman is my wishlist and I honestly think he might have a shot.
  • No problem, glad we could could finally see the same picture.
  • I had a lag issue so I missed your last post, basically if they dc that still adds the death animation, I get you now but your earlier posts wasn't actually clear on that, but I understand your idea better now and I dont actually disagree with it much now. I don't know if I was the only one missing what you actually meant…
  • Alright I get wht the situation is, but even then if you add such a timer to the game, you'll still need to balance it out with something that makes it so you dont hold every card, because remember when it's a 1on1 chase, it's all or nothing and without that hatch you really don't got alot going on for you as a survivor.…
  • I don't follow, if you downed someone while putting someone else on the hook you already dont need to worry about the hatch so that makes no sense to me, that's what I said you should do in the first place. What im saying is this. My team mate gets on the hook, I find the hatch (last man standing) and I wait for the…
  • And they get punished, that 3sec wait cost them everything, but alright we can agree that we both like a good honest fair game. So now that say we made it to where the game adds another 5 to 7 sec of wait time on top of the already wait time for the person dying. How do we make it slightly more fair for the last person who…
  • Okay i don't fully understand the youtube part of that, and the exploit statement you've ran into the ground like 100 times. Again, we all know lol So does the survivor stay in the game so you can kill him and feel good because hes being a good sport and you somehow deserve that kill because whatever reasons? Disconnect…
  • I'm not baiting, I'm asking you legit questions that you dodge. Dont. Mistake me for an entitled survivor, I'm a killer main. However! I don't see how your complaint about the dc is fair to actual people who play the game. Yeah, dc is against the rules, we all know that, and we've all pointed out in multiple posts the…
  • If a random disconnects that's on them, do you honestly expect the last guy to walk up to you and stand there so you can have your 4k because someone they dont even know killed themselves? Are you that conceited? If you have a chance to escape you do it, if you have a chance to kill that person you do it. If you cant you…
  • It's not punishing you. You left yourself open, again, slug and chase the last person, down and hook, close hatch, end game. You literally left yourself open for that and that's on you, not the game.
  • Why punish someone else for the actions of someone who is willingly losing everything anyways. You do realize they get no points and lose rank if they DC right? Also if it takes 5sec for a hatch open then maybe dev's need to add a 50% wiggle progress for the last survivor since we both know as killer mains you basically…
  • If they dc they have to wait and get nothing for that game so who's the biggest loser here? You or 1 person who manages to escape because someone decides to literally lose it all? Sorry but the hatch is fine as it is, as a killer I generally find the hatch before they do anyway, if you dislike someone escaping, slug them,…
  • This game is literally hide and seek with some death tag thrown in. If you cant find him adjust your perks.
  • You probably won't get him, license ran out or something.
  • I hope so!! The gameplay could be good. Maybe have a perk where the trees spy on you, maybe if someone looks at you it allows for teleport within so many ft, idk
  • I've seen the same thing happen to me at least 3 times this week.
  • Consider using slinderman, and one of his powers being the ability to use trees to spy on you, I'd imagine him being stealthy, maybe a teleport power for those who look directly at him? The possibility for gameplay design is honestly endless
  • Just because killer AFK doesn't mean you cant play the game, you can still fix the gens break totams and search chests, even basement time, do all that, have the gates almost open and go find the killer and get some more points or take the free win.
  • So you made a complaint thread to steer everyone up about avoiding the game, and will call us paid actors if we ask why while completely ignoring or refusing to give us the slightest answer as to why this said boycott is needed and instead refers us to more educated threads? So in short your saying this thread is literally…
  • So if anyone gives an educated opposing opinion to your rushed frantic post that has no real feed back or depth other then "I'm angry we all needa boycott because baaaaa!!" Then it means I'm a paid actor who benefits from debunking a post that literally anyone can point out has no real constructive impact whatsoever?…
  • Take a chill pill Entitled survivor. The god loops were breaking the game, and generally many maps were too big, playing both surviver and Killer I can honestly say I hated getting maps where both sides would be at a stand off once the game got tense, it's a much needed fix. Also, news flash! Most of the killer base…
  • I noticed you're very pro survival based, which is fine, but like I see alot of posts from you where you'll go out of your way to mock anything that relates to killer issues. you'll always demonize it or underplay it as a way to support pro survival propaganda and always use the spoiled survival argument of "killers tunnel…
  • I personally dislike Trapper, but it's funny how much hate I see on Clown because he's second best Killer, I average 3k to 4k games with him. I'm just now playing as The Plague and so far I'm greatly enjoying her throw up perk, it's just so funny to puke on people and water gun it around left to right, or go around turning…
  • It's literally the killers job to kill, hints the name "killer" placing people on hooks gives the most bloodpoints, this is literally on the load out screen. To say a killers job isn't to just kill is kinda a oxymoron statement because anything a killer does is with the derect intention of gaining a kill, be it chase gen…
  • I like how half the comments are entitled survivors preaching about what killers are fair and unfair to play, while they run around with overpowered perks and flashlights most of the time. I'm a rank 10 surf and I know the game is already biased towards the survivors, its fine to have opinions, but when you say its toxic…
  • I play ps4 and it's awful. 10min wait times for survivor but almost instantly for killers. Rank 16 to 17 killer and I normally end up with four rank 5s and lower, It's pretty bad because you almost can't fight against them, and if you do manage to kill one you get accused of camping (even if you dont) and told off…