Same here, the archive doesn't progress. Hopefully BHVR will fix this soon.
Gratz on your imaginary fake monopoly-tier points.
I swap between Dwight, Claud, Cheryl and Felix because all 4 of them have different builds and I really am lazy to switch perks on one survivor to play different builds every time I decide to do so. For killers I main everyone, I think it's good for you to know every weakness and strength of every killer no matter if…
TWINS Sweet Jesus the moment I start hearing the terror radius music in the distance it gives me PTSD because I know this will be a horrible experience for everyone involved. You think you can deadhard through Viktor's leap ? Nah. You think you can drag Viktor and be a martyr so he doesn't chase anyone else ? Nah. You…
''having a blast with...'' ''...slug build''
This is probably a golden comment which should be copy pasted to every similar thread for ever and ever. I like you, you articulated my exact thoughts in a perfect way.
You're not supposed to get downed in 10 seconds either.
alt tab and make them waste time while you browse net, works every time
''Dead hard is problematic because... because it does what it supposed to do''. Excuse me, what ?
Twins - whole killer based on slugging which super not fun neither for the survivors nor the killer Clown - M1 killer who throws bottles, extremely unoriginal and boring to play as. Myers - probably most iconic killer who is made fun of, the power boring and he plays boringly.
I would because the 90% of progression converts to meaningless skins. Give me dead hard and I am ready to go. I play the game for fun not to dress my characters like Barbie dolls.
Spirit because she removes the counter play from the equation. I noticed a lot of people in here really dislike the Nurse but you all fail to realize you can outplay her unlike Spirit. If the Nurse makes the right reads, correctly uses her blinks you should not hate on her and maybe realize it's you who needs improvement.…
I think you should have said gg wp and closed the chat window and move on
You had one job OP
4k is a perfect victory in my book, you can give me 0 pips but if I see 4 skulls I know I have achieved my best no matter what nonsensical calculations were used to measure my success
As a killer I glance over the survivors. If I see one with a key I take Franklin's, if I feel like a douche today, I will make sure the survivor with a key dies first. I know this doesn't help if the survivor with a key is in a party with his friend on coms, because he can counter Franklin's by dropping a key for his buddy…
Nah man, I feel like killers are in a rare timeline where they have an upper hand for once.
If my personal info was stolen I would probably have sued the company
Sounds like you got filtered.
b...b...but he looks COOL!
Those who say DS is a second-chance perk like unbreakable and adrenaline have no idea what they're talking about. With the upcoming DS nerf it's MORE THAN OBVIOUS it's core design is to escape a killer who downs you soon after being unhooked. I dunno how more obvious the core design of the perk can be.
Literally your whole reply is about a hypothetical scenario where Freddy with best addons and perks demolishes soloq. You do realize not every killer player will pick Freddy right ?
''Stop expecting 4k, because.... because just stop it!'' Nah man, I will expect 4k every single game I join because if you lower your expectations you become a joke of a killer who is prone to be bullied. Why should ANYONE expect less than 4k when playing as a killer ?
Noed is meant to punish gen rushing and ignoring secondary game objective aka cleansing dull totems. You're trying to cuck the killers using their final tool for this job. So yeah, I'll pass your suggestion.
BHVR should add an unremovable hook suicide counter so everyone knows when they open their profile. Might be easier to avoid playing with these scrubs who ruin the game for everyone. Sure, go ahead and suicide on the hook, obviously it's not against the rules but you'll constantly be in the lobby for the rest of your days…
woah my mouse button which increases DPI is now a ''system'' and an ''exploit'' lmao give me a break
Broken again ? As if it was working as intended previously 😂
This is something that I thought about as well, maybe the hex perk icons could be of certain colors which also be color the totems themselves. For example, Thrill - red, Haunted - white, Ruin - yellow, etc etc
You can always slug the 3rd and look for the 4th one you know.
Easily countered by being near the killer or hiding in the locker. Killers use this perk for the bonus BPs most of the time than anything else. NEXT.
Yes, lets make mouse DPI controversial and ignore the fact that spaghetti code exists which enables to do this.
Funny thing is I thought of this poll after playing 3 games in a row against spirit / nurse mains after waiting for 10 mins while my team mates were yellow ranks. Same as you, it was during the night.
In-game report, submit a ticket, move on.
I would argue slippery meat is a better perk than deliverance.
Not a must but it has potential to extend a chase substantially which on a grand scale of things might shift victory heavily to your side.
Sounds like Korean problem, not sure how it related to the new DLC.
It's different and it's bold, I respect their decision.
it something has to do with lore which no one cares about
Video games?
Video games ?
Any compensation towards the lost pips due to dev incompetency by any chance ?
I started playing other games. I remembered what it means to have fun for once.
We have transcended alpha
Mainly desync
Spirit has to go because she doesn't leave room for counterplay. I don't care if you main her since day one, this killer is not fair in the slightest. She has to go.
Have you tried to play other games while devs fix their mess ?
I'm straight up making a long brake from DBD until this is fixed. I'm tired of getting killed due to this bug. Hope you guys have other games to play / other hobbies to attend to.
... to be bought by a competent publisher.