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  • How bad are hit boxes currently?
  • Ah thank you very much! This thread can be closed ^^
  • Tea bagging is rude, disrespectful, and obnoxious. That being said it does have its purpose's and I even do it sometimes. Not to be disrespectful but to purposely draw attention to myself. Like for example there was one time a bubby was chasing me and he was running really close to a generator being worked on. I tea bagged…
  • I want to bump this, I also logged in the 25th, but i couldn't play a match and was not able to get the item.
  • Definitely can win with her. Just it's not as laid back as I would like at times unless I run speed wind up addons. If I run anything but those I have to be ruthless. If someone unhooks someone in front of me you both go down. Can't just ignore one and move to the guy that unhooked you. Just on certain maps it's nearly…
  • Not sure about deadzones, but devs did confirm they only changed number of pallet spawns on a single map. Which is insane asylum which now only spawns 2 pallets Instead of 4.
  • I like this idea, it has potential and would give her utility outside of hatchets Yes you can sneak a hit at low ranks or areas that there is zero visibility. I scarcely see a huntress sneak a hit at low rank where it is easy to 360 your camera. Also yes if you can throw hatchets at pallets when they drop them, most…
  • I don't know I would go that far. It definitely took a massive hit from the nerf bat, but provided you can get it to late game, survivors don't bring tool boxes, and they do other things besides gens it can have it can be useful.
  • My point being is that someone who misses 5-6 he skill checks will have an identical effect and stall the game longer
  • A generator that is at 99.99% takes 320 seconds to regress. A generator with Ruin fully upgraded takes about 100 seconds to fully regress. If you were gone for almost 2 minutes as is then it would have lost a third of its progress already anyway without ruin. You can achieve the same result with 2 missed hex skill checks
  • Still I respectfully disagree. Put a situation where both old ruin and new ruin are in the same situation. Lets assume you 3 gen lock a match with ruin perfectly in the middle so you can protect it. This is literally the most ideal situation where new ruin can thrive. Yet it still pales compared to old ruin. If you were…
  • I strongly disagree. Playing over 50 matches this weekend it actually ENCOURAGES survivors to stay near gens. Even ones that killers patrol I see survivors rush to finish the gens because time is of the essence to get them done before they regress. I only played about 7-8 survivor matches, the two killers that ran ruin I…
  • While I whole heartedly agree with this statement we must face reality. bE is never going to make every killer the same level of competitive as per base kit. Ruin is already a staple to most killer builds because they need more time to snowball. If a trapper does not bring ruin he can expect 1-2 generators to be done or…
  • Not in the slightest o.o if it you have to hook someone to get this to proc that means that at most you could would be two stacks (except in extremely rare scenarios) so yes you would have 135% movement speed a survivor hears your heart beat still long before you are able to melee them as soon as they see you, you are…
  • I disagree. Ruin is already almost standard for most killers. Being able to efficiently get from one end of the map to the other would allow ample time managementand could encourage other perk combos
  • The fastest killer you can expect with this is a trapper (at 115% movement speed bumped up to 125%) a survivor still has ample time to vault a window or cross a pallet. As soon as line of site is established it is a standard chase as the speed increase goes away same as blood lust would after breaking line of sight.
  • I actually agree withthis list for the most part. The point of contention however seems to be Anna. I have clocked in around 500-600 hours as her and I will say this, she is strong for sure. Maybe not bill or spirt, but strong nonetheless. Anna has suffered several nerfs that have never been fixed. One of which was the…
  • I think the most toxic thing a Killer has ever done to my team was the following. They were playing Doctor on Haddonfield we has just finished our first generator when the first person went down and was hooked. I quickly ran over to get them off the hook but the Doctor was just staring at them in treatment mode. I ran up…
  • You completely missed my point or did not read my post at all. What I said was is that the Halloween items should only be available once a year. I do not care if they are paid for or earned free.
  • This is what I am hoping and crossing my fingers for. I am currently at work so I cannot even check for myself. Babushka + Grass braid was really strong before, but not really overpowered since you are only taking those two add-ons. What made it overpowered was coupling it with tinkerer and getting a fully charged hatchet…
  • Can anyone confirm this in game yet that her base hatchet wind up time has not been buffed? As a Huntress main I think the machine gun hatchet build was overpowered. However I think it is a bit much that I have to take two add-ons to get the speed reduction of one from the previous patch.
  • To answer the OP's question I think that Hillbilly, Huntress, and Nurse are very strong to the average survivor. There are several factors to consider though when playing all of them you cannot simply say they are overpowered or under powered out of the gate. Coincidentally the three killers you are focusing on are also…