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  • What you just said makes absolutely no sense. How is it killers feeling entitled to a 4k when they clearly deserved it? I am not saying "why gates exist?" or some #########. If you lost, you lost, you can get outplayed, out perked, etc. However, if I clearly won the game, I do not see why survivor gets that extra chance,…
  • So all good points, honestly in my frustration I did forget about old days that I been told about. Still though, it is rather frustrating having to go through the whole ordeal to slug, look for last survivor, having 3rd picked up, repeat over and over till you say ######### it and look for hatch and just ignore them for a…
  • I do believe you but is there no better way? Like devs could not come up with something less frustrating? Like what if, just if, last survivor just idk, loses the game? To emphasize the fact that it is a team game and not "if I get out it's all cool"? Lets be real here, as I said above, 4 survivors doing 5 gens 80 sec…
  • LOL so you basically said that you can nerf those perks in game by LOSING? Cool ######### story. News flash, killers play to win too. How about we work on that 12 hooks vs 5 gen ratio if you want killers not to use scummy tactics?
  • Basically that ^^. Also I came to forums quite a few times and from what I saw is that there way more complaints on keys and ds rather than moris and noed lets say. Why? Cause you hardly ever encounter a mori, so it's not that much of an issue. I can play for weeks before I get hit with one. While ds is nearly every game,…
  • Looks like devs going the good old hide the head in the sand route. Cool.
  • Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lets do another killer nerf. I am at this point just curious how far they gonna go with this. I do hope that by the end of 2021 this game will lose all of it's killer playerbase and game will turn into what it was always meant to be, 4 v 4 survivors, gen rushing each other, who gets more gens done wins. I…
  • I know that which is honestly bs. Imagine as a survivor if you used any tool box you got less points for gen repair. Imagine you got less points for co op. Which is not the reality. You ######### get bp for literally reuniting with other survivors and even for dying. So why some killers get punished for their powers? I am…
  • I do agree but correct me if I am wrong. It don't get any harder the lower your rank gets, no? Like piping takes same amount of effort on rank 20 as it does on rank 1? Which basically means it's already badly balanced since there is no increase in difficulty. If thats not the case and it does get more difficult, scratch…
  • I don't actually consider 4k only way to win. 2k is a tie, 3k is victory, 4k is absolute victory. Yes on crows and semi yes on pallets cause unlike survivors you don't just get handed by a map an obvious chase stopper except a few very obvious dead ends. On the problem that you have with a key though I entirely disagree.…
  • I don't feel like bringing franklin's every game is viable in case they find key in a chest. Mori? Everyone seem to hate it and want to delete it so toxic answer is not a good answer. Sure this might not happen every game but why is this even a thing? Last survivor already gets a chance to escape and killer got to slug to…
  • I do have to agree with that because it honestly feels like if killers start stomping survivors and survivors have to work to actually you know, survive then it's an instant problem and a fix is introduced. Yet when people been complaining about swf for ages and no one even says remove them, no one worth listening anyways,…
  • She is one of the top killers for sure and first I do wanna say, what is wrong when tables are reversed? Is it too hard to imagine a game where killers are the ones that have advantage in some way? I personally would enjoy the game way more if killers were all up to a par with a hag and therefore be more threatening. That…
  • Also why I said survivor complaints is because of steam forums. Sure, I saw a couple killer posts how they are unhappy that they are paired up as rank 20s against red ranks and I saw that happen myself when I played a survivor. However there were also topics on how killers don't like being paired up with green ranks when…
  • Thats great to hear that it is being reworked and not completely thrown out because concept is good. I understand that my experience does not reflect everyone's experience but I generally had more fun even if my survivor games were considerably harder, honestly in game thats 1 v 4, you do think that be the case. Generally…
  • Was that suppose to offend me or something? I am a killer main, yeah, and I am quite tired of dealing with a game where one side is favored so heavily. I give you a hint, it aint killers side. Whats funny is that my suggestion is not even that broken. The only thing it removes is ds + unbreakable really. You still can…
  • Honestly ds and unbreakable should make you exhausted. This way you can't abuse both in synergy and also even if you ds, you can't then dh or other bs, and I be fine with it.
  • If thats the case and they actually wanna make it better, sure, all for it. Though if we are back to just matching by rank, not that hyped about that cause I am tired feeling like abused wife in 1930s while playing the killer.
  • No, thats a bad idea and I am a killer main. Survivors need more things to do and have other fixes. Like showing when there swf in lobby without needing to check their profile. Like giving killer extra perk slot or increasing amount of gens you need to do if there is swf, etc
  • The title is loud and it needs to be. If devs reading this, which I hope you do. I am throwing this thread in there just so it's obvious just how bad this change is. Forget about balance, forget about swf complains, tunneling, camping, ds, lag, matchmaking, forget about literally everything because this is by far the…
  • That sounds already better. I get it that removing things can piss people off, old hex ruin for example but this is hardly fair right now. Sad part is, it is unlikely to change but yeah, insta key or coby, I don't know why they exist. Also existence of noed or eboni mori don't excuse how unfair these things are.
  • Trapper and wraith are trash killers, and I played trapper for a while when I got into killers. Also even your broken killers can be bullied and completely annihilated by swf. Spirit for example, I started playing her and done well literally on second game. The difference in power between spirit and some other killers is…
  • Well I do play killer and survivor rather equally actually and I do feel that as survivor it is much easier. Dude, you also assume I don't respect players. It is rather common for me to just walk away from a loop or from a player that I know can kite me. On contrary, it's often the survivors that don't show respect to a…
  • Cobys are rare, yes but when it does happen you just feel cheated, same as with a key. It literally feels like you got to work your ass off as a killer while survivors have several second chances perks. As a killer if you missed an attack, you missed it. If you can't catch someone, you walk away, I do at least once a day…
  • I got to say that I see lots of people say clown needs no slowdown when recharging and honestly sure, that could be helpful but most of the time when I play him I recharge after downing someone and it's hardly noticeable. Thats why I suggested having the intoxication do extra effect where survivors would stumble around as…
  • So the issue there is that these changes wont really make them that much better at all. Clown would still only chug bottles that help in chases but are completely shut down by premeditated pallets. Wraith will still not get much done in most situations, and trapper will still waste time collecting traps all over the map…
  • Anyone else? These killers are in dire need of some buffs or god knows, I will have the 30 4th anniversary cakes just collecting mold on my trapper. Have not touched wraith and clown much either after I compare them to literally the rest of the cast.
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