I really want a Evil Within chapter. I want to play as Sebastian Castellanos sooo bad. I would also enjoy playing as the keeper. I bet they could also make beacon mental hospital look sooo good in dbd
I recommend Binding of Isaac repentance. It's pretty fun and you can sink tons of hours in it. It's basically a dungeon crawler type game
i swear i saw somewhere that the killer is alex wesker and the survivors are ada wong and rebecca chambers.
Sadly it won't happen soon. The person who got the rights after the lawsuit said they won't allow Jason in dbd as long as NFTs are a thing in dbd. I can't remember where I saw that though.
Probably a charm.
The first game i played was Adventure on Atari VCS. What got me into gaming was Super Mario World. It was a lot of fun playing Mario. I really liked the different types of yoshi and my favorite was the blue yoshi since he could fly when he put a turtle shell in his mouth.
The lisa Garland skin is legendary. Nea's new cosmetic is very rare not legendary.
you should only be able to mori someone when you hook them twice since their on death hook it doesnt matter just a new kill to do and keys idk yet
november 13 it shows the dates for all of them in the patch notes thats where i found them
i think its a great idea especially the rank idea with the gen
will there be a hotfix soon to fix the game i really want to play it but swf doesnt work most of the
its already an anti tunneling perk since its only actvated after you get unhooked so if they do tunnel you get a chance to not get right back on the hook
No the two haunted ground totems will still stay and he wont have noed unless you cleanse one of the haunted grounds then the other will become noed