not inherently. People will continue to play killer despite it being boring because there's no better alternative.
nobody said they were less popular. OP asked if it was getting boring and implied unfun.
put a tiny strip on tape on your screen where the hatchets go, ezpz
if it could make it so scratch marks didnt show up on walls. That would be awesome.
Incredible. Everything you said was wrong. The advantages that pc players get over console players aren't as significant one might think. Not in this game. And the "they have higher frames" is such a non-arguement as the frame rates pc players would play on over console aren't even perceptible to the human eye. I'm not…
How the hell do you enjoy Clown?
one that heals survivors when you hit them.
turning cross play off will stop you playing with the other console platform too though. So you can't have a console exclusive mm. That said, I don't particularly agree with the idea of being able to target one platform specifically to not play with. That's just asking to breed toxicity and prejudice over literally…
Feng would be a fox.
this too, precisely. He could simply continue the discussion in the original threads he made, however instead decides to not engage in his own discussions at all. And merely creating a new thread about a second issue which could have been debated in the original thread.
I'm sorry, but I feel that there's a line to be distinguished between having an opinion and having argumentative posts. Many of the threads and comments they've made are objectively wrong, dismissive of valid counter points and almost always on hotly debated topics with certain word choices I feel are intended to get a…
I'm not sure what the excuse would be for a lack of PTB considering there's an example of a PTB in Player Unknowns: Battlegounds which has a console PTB. And I would absolutely prefer the delay in an update drop by a few weeks if it meant the update didn't make the game unplayable for the several days to weeks after update…
don't forget, unhooking, grabbing and swapping killers in menu also cause frame drops and freezing :)
die. *mods, for legal reasons this is a joke. don't get angry*
yea as awful as the map is, I've at least had good games cuz it's just awful for everybody, not just killer. Haddonfield can just get Alt+F4'd from the game
Stop doing gens, and we'll stop tunnelling :)
Dead Hard buff: If you Dead Hard into the killer, instantly ends them, uninstalling the game from their pc and ending the trial. All survivors gain 32k points. There, I fixed DH for you :)
calling it a system is a bit generous don't you think?
proceeds to cry
Demogorgon is hands down the most fun killer to face as a survivor imo. The mix of chase pressure, the few jumpscares, and his general presence from his appearance, stompy stomps and tr music make him an absolute joy to play against.
Vommy Mommy is pretty top tier at the moment anyway and very fun to play. Which is rare, a fun to play killer that is good.
whats the name of the rocky demo skin, geo- something. I got it and loved it
Dont blame the Pig, blame your teammates for stealthing. Both in my experience and watching others with her, there are countless times where you're left no choice but to tunnel somebody with an RBT because there's just nobody else to chase and often survivors with an RBT are running around franticly and so are easier to…
ha, no.
Clown. He is simply the most boring killer in the game and is nothing but frustrating to okay against as a survivor. There's nothing "fun" about how his ability works, and to add insult to injury he isn't even good. His bottle throwing feels awful and he is the most linear and brainded killer in the game.
games I have that run better are and haven't been mentioned. Battlefield 4 and V, Fallout 4, No Mans Sky, Stellaris, Warframe, War Thunder, Black Ops III, Planet Side 2 (which is 100 v 100 v 100 games mind.), Titanfall 2.
a streamer I was watching was doing what you talked about and this ended up happening
Nemesis. He should have had some mobility built into his kit from base to be more like himself in RE3
all that just for survivors to still be the power role ;)
who is Hellraiser?
eating M1s sure, w/e. I really don't think it should eat M2s tho. It should dodge M2s, so side dodging a huntress hatchet or out if range of slingers spear and PH's POTD. But it shouldn't be able to eat them outright.
It'd be nice if when your head on was ready the aura of the locker you're in would be shown to teammates within say 32 meters, so they know you're set up for a head-on play.
I highly recommend him as a killer, but just note you'll only really get to play with his base powers as his addons are straight up TRASH. But yea he's a fine killer and there's not too much nuance to his abilities or how to play him. He will teach you patience too and baiting with powers. Not a bad choice at all.
I use the claudette head cuz it matches the P2 Bubba outfit :)
can you tell me when I'll be getting my Nemesis x Carlos commission I payed you for?
if survivors don't clease then they basically give the Plague an instadown M1 while they're easier to track. It's harder to loop for long periods of time when you can only take 1 hit. And it means if survivors make one slip up they will go down. It also makes going for saves riskier as you cant take a hit to unhook, or…
one platform is not superior than the other. It's all contextual. In a lot of shooter games a mouse and keyboard is better because it allows for more precise aiming. However a controller is better for fighting games such as Mortal Kombat. There's also the issue of preference, some people myself included prefer using a…
damn, I guess Nurse, Spirit and Blight are C-D tier too
what makes her C-D tier?
Removed Pigs RBTs and increased her Ambush charge by .5 seconds.
just die on hook? basically the same outcome, also god forbid the killer try kill you as fast as possible to also move on...
one of the biggest killers for tension was BHVRs god awful reworks of the maps. By this I mean the damn lighting, all the maps feel like they're daytime, and coldwind literally IS daytime. Which doesn't even fit with the games own title! But seriously, I much preferred the maps back in 2018-2019 when they were way darker…
NOED is far from the strongest killer perk in the game. It's strong, sure. but it's not even near the level of perks like Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer and No Way Out among others. You don't get any value until all the gens are done, and it's in the hands of survivors wether you get value from NOED or not. Also run a perk like…
Yes, it's fine. There's no shortage of perks to counter it. Also the argument that "survivors shouldnt need to waste time trying to get rid of a perk that may or may not be there." is the height of double standards, as killers have to waste time respecting DS, BT, DH, UB. All perks that survivors may or may not have.
yeap, pretty good job with the reworked maps.
but a blanket over it, they'll never know
there's a difference between a high skill ceiling and whats fun. Nurse is incredibly hard, but she doesnt feel like ass to play. By most accounts Deathslinger is now seemingly just a worse Huntress. both practically and ergonomically.
you're being punished for ruining others game :)
it isn't about whether BHVR sell them or not, it's about the fact BHVR endorsed them, agreement or not they could have chosen to decline the deal. But instead they decided they want to help create and promote NFTs for a licence. BHVR has lost pretty much all their credit as a reputable company to a lot of people. Why?…