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  • Ye, whatever solution can be a lot better than the actual state 😛 I forgot to mention that I'm against the prerequisite of doing all the master challenge in a single game (this is one of the biggest design problem that leads to wasted matches). So you can split the progress of the master challenge across multiple games ...…
  • Ruin shouldn't be a problem for new players if they fix matchmaking.
  • They are 230 people, if they want they can handle it easily.
  • Come on ... it's better to not write anything rather than writing this. The community proved this is wrong several times, and I agree with them. You devs don't accept that (or don't want to understand, I don't know) ... and it's ok, it's your game, your company, your business. But please stop joking about this, you will…
  • Ye, the game is trash for new players, and it will still be trash because devs aren't solving the problem the right way. They still think nerfing Ruin is good for new survivor ... if it was me, instead, I would rather FIX the matchmaker (including systems like TrueSkill or ELO or something similar), handle disconnections…
  • I don't work in the game industry ... but I know how the things work in sw development, servers administration, etc. for big projects 😉
  • With the addition that survivors don't know there is a Devour Hope until it procs, while the new Ruin you know it's there from the beginning.
  • This ^^ As a dev myself, I really can't explain why they are doing so few changes to the core gameplay (and in general too). There are now 230 people working there, and I can't believe this is the result of their work. They seem to not recognize the real problems, and focus elsewhere. They go 1 step in the right direction,…
  • So in the first part you are saying that killers have to tunnel to decrease the survivor power ... and I don't think, as a survivor, it would be so much of a fun. Yes, there are DS & co. ... but a game shouldn't be balanced around "necessary" perks. I like the Ruin change, I don't like it's still a Hex and the mentality…
  • So you made the 3 gens situation even worse: if ruin is near the 3 gens you are patrolling, you can stall the game ... and considering it's the only thing the new Ruin is good at (if it will survive until that point), it doesn't seem like a good change for the game health.
  • In fact, even Otz have problems without ruins, but most of the time, in particular these months with the archives, survs make many mistakes: I can easily win with the weakest killer, perkless and addonless, but if survivors decide to escape, even with the best killer, full equipped with mori, I can't do nothing ... at best…
  • I got "behaviored" 😂
  • Right now (not 3 years ago) the game you pay is only a fraction ... make it free to play, as now you have the store, the season pass, DLCs, etc. ... and even then, some things costs too much to get started and enjoy the game against people that own almost the entire game.
  • Damn ... even the forum is bugged ... I wrote a message and it doesn't show up ... come on 😓
  • Now there are 20 survivors and 18 killers. Considering some key perks are behind locked characters, considering you still PAY for the base game (i can understand only a little if it was free), considering that most skin (not reskins) are not included in the base game, as a new player you have to work hard to reach a first…
  • They should at least decrease the shards amount of some killers\survivors not included in the base game (which we all remember that still costs 20€), like every other "moba" style game already does (and yes, some of them give the base game for free ... here we have to pay for it). Or due to the nature of this game, let…
  • I agree, if I had to buy DBD nowadays, I would never, ever, buy a game where you have to pay for the base game, for tons of DLCs, with a cosmetic store where most of the cool skins are behind the paywall of 10$ each, with a "timed" season pass (the archive) that force you to grind/pay for its content, and for the overall…
  • I agree, I think they did a pretty good job so far 🤭
  • The problem is that we aren't talking about the lack of a perfect balance, that would be great ... we are talking about the total lack of a balance, with very few steps in the right direction, and other few steps in the wrong one ... sadly 😔 ... but hey, there are a lot of skins!!! 🤣
  • Source: https://deadbydaylight.com/en/news/2019-year-review 😉
  • I agree, it takes time to fix bugs, but not "that" time. They are 230 people at bhvr, not 2 or 3: if a department is overstimated, take some resources from one dept and put them in the one that needs them. Example: do you remember some time ago that the Haddonfield map intro music suddenly was so loud? Well, it tooks 3…
  • For me the game is a total mess, never seen a "moba" style game with so much problems. Devs don't seem to understand what is the right way to follow, and for being 230 people they are too slow in doing everything, and even if they do, they usually do it bad: it seems the result of a work of about 20-30 people at most, with…
  • Devs in the last stream said that this thing of rescuers hiding behind the hooked survivor is a glitch and it isn't meant to be there at all. Obviously, because they are a small team with only 230 people working on the game, if we are lucky the fix will arrive this spring .... considering is a killer problem, maybe this…
  • If devs metrics are really based on these stats, this explain why the game is in its current state. I think to myself that when they show these numbers, these are only to entertain the community, not for real balancing. In the past it was demonstrated by some community members that even if survivors have by far the power…
  • Lol, I missed the Almo post ... so are we talking about David being the same of Claudette? Or Kate the same of Jane? And so on? They are not the same, they should be similar eventually, but not clones. In movies they are not clones, and even more so they should be different in a videogame. Passive little buffs can be an…
  • I want to point out that this game is balanced in its unbalance, the devs know it, but people still try to defend ones side or another reporting examples that ... don't mean nothing. One real problem is that some games finish too early, due to the extreme snowball power survs have early game. One single error or simply…
  • I managed to do that with the wraith perkless and addonless, with all the 7 gens almost untouched at rank 1 against rank 2 and 1 survivors. This confirm that the game is in survivors hands, and that there are a lot of surv that throw their game away ... maybe to have fun, maybe to achieve some Archives challenge, who…
  • I think the 3rd solution is the way: right now for survivors there is the a mid and a late game phase, but there is the total lack of a early game phase. This early game phase could consists to find, for example, a fuel tank to "power up" a gen, scattered on the map, to start repairing it. In fact, is the early game that…
  • 400 seconds if only 1 survivor does gens sequentially ... but there are 4 survivors who can do gen simultaneously, and because 1 is distracted by the killer, there are 133 seconds of absolute gen time. If all survivors know a bit of looping, and if they DO gens if not in chase (and not trolling around doing totems, chests,…
  • The team doesn't need to be perfect: survs just need to do gens separately, with a bit of loop knowledge. Many teams, even at red ranks, don't do this, becasue ranks don't represent skill but the time played in a month (so there could be noobs at red ranks), and because doing gens is boring. With that said, it's true that…
  • I play dbd since the launch, I know how rank reset is ... what I see is people only doing their quests no matter what, clearly throwing the game. I agree with you on lobby time ... but I want to play the dbd of 1 month ago, where sometimes, at worst, you found here and there people doing their daily ritual ... nothing more.
  • This is for sure. At first I was thinking in spending some $$ in archives (usually I'm not in this kind of systems in games) ... but after I saw the slow progression without the tome, and the quests in the 4th tome, I said bye bye, at least if they don't make the 4th tome interesting and not frustrating as the 1st one is.
  • Tempting players, not frustrating them.
  • Some of these challenges are ridiculous: they remember me when I did my first exam of game design at the college. The game we made had some very hard and frustrating side objectives to achieve. Then I proposed to my team to change them to be still difficult but less stressful, because 1 of the metric was to keep the…
  • So we can't do nothing to relieve this "magnified" effect early on? It's not fun both parties. I'm not saying to not getting punished for early mistakes, but to not getting punished "so hard" for early mistakes. Nobody likes a match when its outcome is almost decided early on for an early mistake (or bad map design, or…
  • Right now we have a late game task (the gates) and a mid game task (generators). We need an early game task to slow down a bit the gen pace in the first mins: nobody likes loosing 3 gens in the first 1:40 of a game. Early on, killer poor performance (maybe due to some errors or unlucky events), or the lack of survivors…
  • Right now we have a late game task (the gates) and a mid game task (generators). We need an early game task to slow down a bit the gen pace in the first mins: nobody likes loosing 3 gens in the first 1:40 of a game. Early on, killer poor performance (maybe due to some errors or unlucky events), or the lack of survivors…
  • When that happens is usually a big, big, gigantic, survivors fault. Here we are talking about killers getting punished even if they play optimally, doing almost zero mistakes in the match, and still loosing hard. Edit: Killers already get few points and depip when that happens.
  • Yes, for me all survivors are just skins with perks. Ye, they have also different sounds, but even some skins now have different sounds ... so what's the point
  • Yes, 2 skins with a different name and 2 sets of different perks 😋
  • Simply for devs this isn't a big issue: yes, it's a thing to fix, but because this game is balanced around mid level, it's not so much of a problem. They have other priorities. I agree with you that this should be top level priority, and addressed asap, but they are not working on it right now. An example? Look at the perk…
  • Some games yes, last long ... and as a survivor or killer these are the games I like the most. I really wish every game was like that. But they don't happen very often, most of games are too short: you spend more time staying in lobby rather than actually playing the game. And no, the chances to escape are almost the same,…
  • I was talking about balance around high levels, like every other online game on the market. This means a balance rework from new to experienced players in various game aspects, not simply giving more power to killers with the current game state ... but don't worry, they will never do so because there is a lot of work: if…
  • I think they will never balance this game against high levels. Devs said so clearly in a dev stream: the game is balanced around mainstream players. I agree that balancing the game around high levels should be obvious, but their direction is another one, sadly :(
  • It's a bit trash because at high ranks you don't have time to set up surprises. It's a funny mechanic, but should be adjusted so it can works even at red ranks. It's the same old problem: devs balance this game around rank 12-10.
  • Hex totems aren't risk vs reward: if they were that way, they would be fine. The problem right now is that Hex totems are luckiness vs reward. Furthermore, against good survivors, often their effects are just "meh" (Ruin for example), so there isn't the reward part, only the luckiness for a trash effect. That's the…
  • I agree with you, except that this tactic (3 survs on 3 separate gens, and one in chase) is so effective that if everybody does this, and everybody knows just a bit of looping, the game is over for the killer, no matter what (even with mori and addons). Maybe only nurse\spirit have some chance to handle that situation.…
  • I usually play him with BBQ (mainly for points, and a very little bit for tracking), Ruin (to give me a bit more time at the begin of the match to find someone and start stalking), Surveillance (to hear better if someone is repairing a gen and to monitor left gens, so I can come back to stalk again) and Discordance…
  • Mmm, no, nothing special. Sometimes, like you said, the chat is quiet or friendly, other times is toxic. Depends by a lot of factors that happen in the game and in the games before. Also depends by who is playing. Sometimes you stay more than 5 seconds, other times a lot more, but even 5 seconds are enough to alter your…