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  • I think survivors should just lose collision with the killer for some time after the unhook. Its still possible to tank a hit this way, but its a lot harder.
    in New Ds Comment by TicTac April 30
  • I understand the op. Neaxolotl explained that wiggling is just restricting where you can hook. Then OP replied that even then it doesnt do its job bc the strafe-effect is barely a factor. So i explained (like moputopia but their comment was faster) that it means the time limit and not the strafe.
    in Wiggling Comment by TicTac April 27
  • No, its not about making it more difficult to move. The function of wiggling is to give the killer a time limit to hook. So he cant bring you always to a good hook like basement, near to a gen he wants to defend etc.
    in Wiggling Comment by TicTac April 27
  • Great perk. Got a triple hit with unknown.
  • For starters its important that you play every match with the same killer. I get most of the time good survivor as Unknown (30-40 games with 80-90 winrate) but at the same time weak survivor with my old mains which i play once per month. Now for your question: 30-40 games were enough for Unknown but i didnt start from the…
  • You can know its unbreakable bc you see the faster recovery speed in the hud. But yh most people dont notice it. An icon for having an self-unhook (anti-vamp or deliverance) would be great. You could show it before the match, but that would maybe increase lobby dodging.
  • Out of curiosity, whats your build?
  • With your pretext about bias, entitlement etc, i wouldnt have expected some of your takes. For example i would list bubbas (and some other killer) camping potential as unhealthy, but listing the power as a whole is biased. Its similar to artists, knights etc gameplay loop of holding w and leaving loops, where i can…
  • With R1 you mean playstation? The standard layout is different. Or is that another console layout?
  • The fun part is that it is possible to change it, but bc its not the standard most console player dont change the button layout.
  • You can have different buttons for vaulting and healing. But healing and portal is always the same button (except healing with a medkit)
  • First of you can do what you want. But that is not an competitive mindset bc this games miss the challenge. You just dont want to lose. There is a difference. I mean with this argumentation you could also use an exploit or even cheat.
  • If you didnt know about the ruin deactivation, you probably also dont know about the ohter nerf: ruin regress speed is now 100% and not 200%. Other things: Pop now destroys 30% of the current progress. Call of brine is only 125% regression speed. DH got nerfed two times. Made for this is the favourite "exhaustion"-perk now…
  • The fundamental unbalance is only for m1-killer against survivor, who are good. So only for a few. Thats why you dont see it in the stats. Its not fair, but with over 30 killer, you can just choose another.
  • If both sides got nerfed and one side still continues to use the nerfed perks, it must not mean that the nerf was not enough. Maybe there are just not good enough alternatives. They can easily replace dead hard with MFT, but what should they use instead of corrupt?
  • It depends if you want to proxy-camp or use your time while the survivor is on the hook. If you dont proxy-camp sloppy helps to get back in time and then to destroy all healing progress. Hex: Plaything can also make it easier to tunnel, you could even pretend to go for the unhooker and then switch and the tunneled survivor…
  • Only resilience, for Spine Chill it was only the old version.
  • A bit more than 2k hours could be enough. I bought every non-licensed-killer with shards, many survivor (some perks are from the shrine), some outfits (roughly 30k shards), have 50k shards left and i have 3k hours.
  • Nah, atleast doing it repeatedly meant killer is camping. I dont change that. With the Hud-system you mostly know when nobody is coming.
  • Yes it is. Its boosted bc of the event deco.
  • I would go for p1 for the first 4 perks, bc it should be quick. After that p3 bc you dont need more perks asap. But with the current event p3 is not even that far away and going straight for it is more efficient.
  • You should get 4 perks for your survivor, so with 4,5 million bp (even less if you like something like resilience), you have a good and fun build to play and earn bp. I did the same: deliverance, sprintboost, windows and resilience. The current Made for this-Build also works with two free perks: resilience and hope. Killer…
  • I know that it was a decisive.
  • Thats not the point. The perk is always useful. The additional distance is also good against a nurse or every other killer when you reach safety bc of the faster speed. But the point is that its less useful. Yh if a spirit misses her phase, you can make more distance with the perk. But with sb, lithe, etc you can dodge one…
  • Made for this is great against 50/50 killers like executioner and nemesis. With 50/50 i mean you can either drop the pallet or run another round, and you need to guess correctly if the killer uses his power or runs through the pallet. You also reach pallets faster and can predrop more safely, which helps aginst them. Made…
  • Just let them unhook you, get a long fun or a short chase and everyone is happy. If you want to give up bc you cant win anymore, you shouldnt play solo que. If a fun chase or some other small thing isnt enough to make the match worth it, most matches in solo que wont feel worth it.
  • I think there is a huge misunderstanding of the game. Slugging can be effective in some situations, but only slugging is harder than hooking. (3x 4% chances on first hook is not really a factor and if you have teammates picking up a slug is easier than unhooking) And another thing: you cant have a match outcome, where…
  • But thats not completely true. In this case the skill of the survivor matters. If you loop most of this pallets on the long side and vault the pallet, the killer needs more than T1. So the survivor needs to make a mistake: - dropping the pallet, when the killer can go around the short side, while in animation -…
  • Too much information.
  • He could even have a stealth mode with only his fin showing.
  • Yh well everyone gets bad survivors. Borgo is widely known as survivor sided map and i have no trouble looping on it. I mean you can definitely get a hit with bloodlust 3 on this pallets, but you would lose too much time. Without even counting the safe pallets, which reset your bloodlust and after one hit they are easily…
  • The entity could just give him the ability to swim through solid ground. Not the weirdest thing, it has done.
  • For me its the same. Well, at the start i had a lot, i even disabled messages for a while. I think at some point you just become good enough, so you win your games against them. Most toxic people are not that good, so now you mostly lose against people, who arent toxic. For example if i play solo que, its almost always the…
  • Borgo filler pallet? Almost every filler pallet on borgo is strong and so close, you can chain them easily. I wish someone would try to tunnel me on borgo. They always give up (Nurse excluded). To be fair i use windows, so its really easy. There are some weak pallets in one corner, but no reason to loop there.
  • That almost never happens. Yh some killer are strong and get you quick, but not bc of deadzones. You reach a loop, but against a blight or nurse it doesnt help much.
  • I did the same at the beginning, but now i dont need bloodpoints anymore. Sometimes i still use it bc i want to practice with the killerior the build. But if i just want to do chases, i can still let one die and have more time for chases. But on the other hand i want to know which situations will give me a win. Which is…
  • It has nothing to do with how hard it is to learn a role. Its just far harder to get a 4-man-escape than 4 kills. If you are winning as killer you can slug for the 4k or even the hatch game is in favor for the killer. But even if you are dominating as survivor there are many ways that the killer can secure one kill.
  • Tunneling and gen rushing is pretty similar. On the hook would be camping, not tunneling and there you can do nothing. And why would you run into a deadzone? Being there bc a gen needs to be done sucks, but if you getting tunneled you dont do gens. And you have two downs to identify a deadzone and run to another location…
  • What do you want to say with that? Its not about how viable killer on average is. A team which is good enough to deal with a good nurse, will have an easy time with other killer. But the good team rarely exists, so killer have a pretty good chance to win. My point was that its not an argument to not nerf the nurse, only bc…
    in Nurse Comment by TicTac May 2023
  • But how many other matches are engaging? If i play with players which can keep up with a nurse, most other matches against other killer end with one or two hooks. I personally have many fun matches against nurses, but its hard to tell if its bc of the skill level of the nurse. Sometimes i go down in 20 seconds in the first…
    in Nurse Comment by TicTac May 2023
  • That makes no sense. I dont think you get unhooked immediately. So if a survivor waits for the last second, a nurse will waste more time than now. So it cant get worse. Now you could say survivor unhook themselves earlier bc they want to quit. That would still be better as hook suiciding. So this change is still better for…
  • As a user of deliverance i know the value of unhooking yourself. But i get rarely camped, so it wont make a big difference. I die mostly on first hook in a trapper basement and it will not help there. (But no problem, you can just avoid basement against trapper). Still there are some killer which can can still camp and…
  • Thats not really true. If the next survivor has a good chase, gens are quickly done. Sometimes not, but i play as a 2-man and if i get a 2min chase, the game is over. Granted, a blight should dominate in chase and a 2min chase shouldnt happen.
  • Yui and Artist. Claudette and Clown. More i cant remember.
  • Just a quick note at the start: there is no 50/50 hatch spawn at shack. Its always outside on the opposite side from the window. There was a realm which was the exception but dont know if its fixed or which one it was. For the wraith-topic: i myself play wraith with a pretty high win rate. My build is Haunted, Undying,…
  • There is a tierlist from otzdarva. Also with video: https://youtu.be/-wt6SAMQQQw I personally prefer to play with my favorite killer and give survivor a chance when they would lose too quick. This makes not that much of a difference and you can also have fun. But some killer, for example with instadown, dont work. You can…
  • Its not about mobility alone. Its about chase power. And its even more important than mobility. Like you see with the billy example. Or Wraith. And the easier way to fix mobility is to make maps smaller.
  • The entire thing depends on the time you need to remove a trap. The devs notes say several seconds and its impossible mid-chase. So it shouldnt be that short, but we need to wait for the ptb. And healing was always a problem. Maybe not for you bc you dont play a territorial killer territorial. But if i have a web and a…
    in Hag nerf Comment by TicTac March 2023
  • Did you read the Dev post? They changing two maps. And not like graphic-wise like the Realm Beyond (which was sometimes bad gameplay-wise, they trying to fix the gameplay problems. And the maps are the same like the other things. They did cost time, thoughts, money, designer etc. Thats no reason to not change it.
  • A bit stalky, arent we? There were many instances of finetuning. Yh it can take while and not all things got it, but it happened a lot. Im not okay with many things in the current game and sometimes it feels like nothing happens. But if i look at the complete picture i realize that a lot of good things happened to the game…