Almo said himself on stream if he could delete one killer it would have been billy, they want to sweep him under the rug and forget about him. I bet if they could delete him from the game they would have but it would cause community uproar.
It’s his worst map easily, the bushes have insane hitboxes that stretch out like 3 feet, can’t do ######### on that map.
I get patching spacebilly but they removed any mid air shenanigans he can do while other killers can still do it (Blight, Spirit) which really solidified the point for me that they just want to remove him from the game and not balance him.
Yeah the most recent bug patch is really just kicking a dead horse at this point, like he was only fun but incredibly weak. but they proceed to reduce his fun factor even further, all we have is flicks now and once that’s gone well he would officially be deleted from existence.
nah definetley based
most people would never rate billy anywhere near top 5 if they have a brain in there head. but stay delusional ig
hmm I wonder why, maybe because he’s not good anymore.
You contradict yourself, the reason people don’t use him anymore is because he isn’t good anymore. way to much effort for normal rewards and no good addons.
I still think Billy’s need reworked again, they hardly even touched the pure amount of awful addons he has.
Yeah I kind of agree with you on that one.
Maybe because hes way to much effort for the reward, skill capped by overheat and lacks good addons more then any other killer in the game. just a thought.
Agreed, make him fun again atleast.
Don’t bother with people like him, if they can’t even deal with a pre nerf billy they were obviously quite trashy at the game.
They are punished more via overheat
Yeah he’s painfully average/mediocre and isn’t fun anymore which was his whole reason to be played which was he was very fun for both sides.
I played billy for curving and flicks which is the enjoyable part of him and those were nerfed harder then back revving. hell going across map was nerfed worse then back revving to, the nerf is completely ass backwards in almost every way.
Most of his issues just stem from overheat, it’s best to either rework or remove it tbh. I also love when people use the arguement that they never overheat so it’s fine when you can just stop sawing before the overheat and then are forced to wait for it to cool off so there arguement is then just completely moot.
your telling me that mess of a hud took 6 MONTHS?! people made far superior ones in 30 MINUTES...
It’s just the overheat system making it unplayable and it’s a really simple fix, remove the overheat mechanic. doing this change would just boost the addon and make it a must use always (more than it already is). even if they reverted it to ptb status it wouldn’t be fixed.
The only fun killer that will be played at high mmr is probably blight. i doubt there will be any Billy’s, overheat and no charge time addons neutered his playability versus top tier players.
fix hillbilly.
Any of the non object scp’s from containment breach.
the game could be in a pretty balanced state by just listening to the veteran players but like that would happen. we will have to go through multiple almo shitstorms before that happens.
its not, there just doing it cause they think its a good change when its the exact opposite. im just wondering when they community will give up on them so they will stop doing this #########.
if you watch the devs play the game its obvious they know very little bar maybe 1 or 2 of them. so they obviously cant tell what would be a good decision or not so they ignore us.
either way thats still really ######### on there end, its sad that they've fallen so far.
they stopped along time ago, i think its because we complained so much they started to just stop caring.
the new animations added this shuffle that basically makes doing 360's impossible, it also made moonwalks much harder and less satisfying to look at. so basically movement is watered down now.
they will screw it up in bhvr fashion, i doubt people will want to play with this new hud and movement.
im just tired of the overheat affecting me, i played him for 3 years and its still annoying at times to manage it. especially with doom engravings or double engravings equipped.
im glad people agree on that the system is pointless lets just see if bhvr cares to change it someday, prob not there to prideful.
its funny how bhvr's pride will be there downfall. they've been given so many chances its absurd.
the main problem is that it dissuades new players, at most the overeheat is a nuisance for good billys which i see no reason for it to be like that.
Basekit billy is pretty easy to play against, flicks aren’t deadly when you know how they work. even before it was easy
my best guess is its just a person who hates billy's, though idk how you can hate the fair mindgame machine of a killer.
is this sarcasm or what? cause thats a really ######### take tbh.
they take months to get simple things done like this. prob next chapter in a couple months.
they work in weird ways, they tend to not want to take steps backwards cause it makes them look bad oddly enough.
im just thinking of the non obvious thing to do since the devs may consider it then.
revert her to her launch status when she had smaller terror radius and endgame traps. also make brown crouch addons basekit so its more usable.
Hopefully hillbilly overheat being lifted.
can't say anything about any of this and says something completely irrelevant. ill list that one as an almo thing.
Revert the hillbilly changes.
i think it purely makes him unfun on top of that, why would you play a killer who both doesnt have very good addons and isnt fun.
Yeah its not bad its just annoying and he would be fine without it, all it did was make him reliant on addons that dont make him old basekit anyways. Edit: i also forgot that the reasons it was made don't even work and builds like double engravings are nearly unplayable due to the way the overheat works.
I believe they said they made it to stop people from feathering to long and stop face camping. Feathering isnt an issue yet they think it is for some weird almo like reason and it completely fails to stop face camping in the slightest.
The Billy overheat. it just straight up shouldn’t exist for multiple reasons, the main one for me is double engravings is nigh unplayable.
killer stopped being fun for me when they took billy away, and he probably wont ever come back either.
it was fun until the devs stopped caring for the game and you start to notice it, its a downward spiral from there until you give up out of frustration.
yep, this new update will help alot of people move on from this game so we can finally be happy.