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  • A couple months ago, I proposed a hatch solution that would also remedy this problem. The short version is that the killer auto-closes the hatch when finding it and gets to see the remaining survivors aura for a while in exchange. A new hatch spawns a little while after that. Both the hatch stand off and the last survivor…
  • Earned out the full Wraith. Bought the full Doc (as a show of support for BHVR, plus I like it) Working towards the full Trapper now.
  • Hmmm. My experience on both sides of the event has been quite different. Most games have felt pretty friendly to me. When I play killer, I telegraph hard that I'm willing to play nice at the beginning of the match by not attacking any survivors I find harvesting nectar and just nodding at them instead. Most survivors (but…
  • I doubt that DDoS attacks are a major issue for DbD players - or even a minor one. The OP claims that he (or she?) is being targeted by a former friend and that DbD might be somehow be related in that attacker discovering his (or her?) IP address. Possibly. Maybe. However, the solution here isn't to require that BHVR…
  • Huh. Maybe I'm just lucky. I've had several games where everyone started playing nice - killer and survivor - once a survivor or two offered themselves up as gifts.
  • Well done BHVR! Player goodwill (and sales of cosmetics) will likely be increased by this. You have chosen WISELY.
  • THIS! And, yes, @Dwight_Confusion I think you played a role in this change. Like you, I too give BHVR props for listening to the fan base and making the change. Player Goodwill Leveled Up!
  • As a further thought, after uncapping the limits on the vials, BHVR could've said that the option to get the new skins (by play or by purchase) would end with the event. They could've said the skins MIGHT be available in the future, but that they would NEVER be available again via an event OR AT THE REDUCED PRICES that…
  • Totally true - but its more like a consolation reward for no longer being able to participate in the event properly. Many players are expressing disappointment rather than excitement - and that's the opposite of the reaction you want. To clarify, I'm not a naysayer on the event at all. As a fan of the game, I think it's…
  • This! Capping the number of vials you can get ISN'T NECESSARY because the amount of time that the event runs is ALREADY CAPPED. Sure, some crazy players might play the entire time to try and unlock everything, but so what?! That's just GOOD for the game and for the community. '
  • Thanks for the explanation Dreamnomad. Do you think more killers are running NOED now than before? Or does it seem to be about the same?
  • I think you're right that more survivors will look for totems - but a survivor hunting for or cleansing a totem isn't fixing a generator. So it seems like a change intended to slow down the pace of the game - much like how the devs said they were extending the healing time - only this explanation for why NOED was buffed…
  • There has been a fair amount of discussion on this. Determining the proper length of time for the chase to last is a contentious issue - but an important one to resolve. Once Survivors learn that the last one of them will get FREE GATES at the end, the incentive for them to keep doing generators goes down if things aren't…
  • This is interesting. I suppose the idea could be justified by something like "the Entity is infusing the remaining generators with it's power" and the Survivor Aura / Time till Free Gates would be based on how close the survivors were to actually powering up the gates. If they were a long ways off - the time would be long.…
  • Thanks FrenziedRoach. That's good to know. I think we're all on the same page here. We all agree that the Hatch standoff is pretty anti-climactic. Horvath's suggestion gets at what we all think would be much better - some engagement and excitement at the end of the game for when there is only one survivor left but all the…
  • I don't recall clearly - but didn't they previously spawn the Hatch near the start of the match? Then the Dev's realized that revealing this too early was bad for encouraging people to do generators - so now it doesn't show up until after the threshold of having more generators completed than there are survivors left alive…
  • I suppose it is possible for the Devs to try and dial-in the delay before the Free Gates to try and make things more equitable between the killer and survivor - but this seem fraught with all kinds of new problems because whatever time amount they settle on will seem to favor either survivor or the killer. Hence, I would…
  • I don't see how opening the exit gates for free 60 seconds after the next to last survivor is sacrificed is a chase against time. The survivor doesn't die when the time expires - rather the survivor gets some big easy outs. I think we need to think this proposal through in terms of how it incentivizes the killer and the…
  • Horvath's proposed solution may make the endgame better and more interesting, but it will encourage survivors to camp the hatch if it continues to appear before the next to last survivor is sacrificed (like it does now). It could strongly hurt single player survivor games as the last couple of survivors will be even more…
  • Good Insights, OP. I can see why the devs want to nerf BL - because of the technical issues created by such a big speed discrepancy between survivors and killer. But this nerf seems to undo the reasons for having it in the game as a "safety valve" to cut short endless chases in the first place. Personally, I think that the…
  • I didn't know this was a DeathGarden solution. It does seem viable. And, incidentally, mirrors my original suggestion precisely.
  • Thanks for the ongoing feedback in this thread! Based on some responses, I think that maybe my original suggestion may not have given enough information to demonstrate how simple, fair, and easy to implement given current game mechanics it is. It's simple to understand. Both killer and last survivor want to find the hatch…
  • I generally agree with your analysis, although Megawaffle does make a good point that killers must spend BP on add-ons that don't carry between games. They earn more on average, but their cost per game is also generally higher too - I think. Anyway, my question is, what survivor behaviors do you think should award more BP?…
  • The gameplay economics of the current design encourage the standoff behavior whenever the killer gets to the hatch first However, most people agree that this isn't fun or very interesting for either survivor or killer. Hence, we should be looking for a design change that incentivizes both the killer and the survivor to be…
  • I think you're right regarding the relative weakness of the Perk - but it was just an idea. I suppose it could be paired with some other Remember Me-like effect to make it more appealing. That is: Powering the Exit gates now requires an additional 10/15/20 seconds AND closing the hatch gives the increased aura times. Still…
  • I think the standoff would end because under my proposal the killer could no longer grab the survivor upon his or her jumping in. Hence, the survivor is motivated to make a dash for it and the killer is motivated to close it to prevent the escape. No more standoff. Looping and chasing round and round would still be…
  • Conversely, you could have survivor perks that increase the rate at which the new hatch spawns once the old one is closed by the killer. Perk: Final Favor - When the hatch door is closed, the Entity will spawn a new one for you 5 / 10 / 15 seconds sooner than normal.
  • I think these are good observations. Resetting an unfound hatch after a set amount of time would prevent bugs like the example you gave. Also, I think the amount of time that a survivor's aura is revealed upon closing a hatch is a good variable to test. Heck, you could even make a perk out of it! Default time = 3 seconds.…