Hallo zusammen, zunächst: Ich habe eine lange Pause gemacht und wieder mit DbD angefangen. Ich spiele so gut wie ausschließlich Killer und mir sind Ränge egal. Mir ist auch egal wie viele Spieler ich in einer Runder opfern kann, ich gehe auch nicht selten ohne Kills raus. Ich bin der Meinung dass das Spiel für alle am…
Ich benutze es selten, da ich mich nur ungern auf die fragilen Totemperks verlasse. Das ist es leider. In den meisten von meinen Spielen wird das Totem innerhalb der ersten fünf Minuten gefunden. Das gleiche gilt für Devour Hope. Bis ich da drei Zähler drauf habe um zu onehitten ist das Totem schon weg. Am Anfang, im…
Efficient and relaxed play is not mutually exclusive. I play relaxed myself and it doesn't matter to me how many kills I make and whether I pip or not. I don't even want to be in the red ranks. But that doesn't mean that I have to make it easy for the survivors, I just don't get triggered in the match because I have no…
I play so that I don't care if I pip or not. I don't get upset when someone blinds me or teabags me. I just try to take it easy. Sure, I chase survivor and try to hook them, but I don't have to win at all costs. I try to be efficient while staying calm. But I don't camp unless there is a reason to and I give everyone a…
I would add: Don't worry about whether your opponents are having fun or not, unless you are having fun too. You as the killer are not responsible for it and the opponent doesn't pay attention to it either. Don't let salty messages and endchat get you down or disable them. Play the way you want, not the way they want. The…
I actually only play chilled and relaxed and I think many players take this game way too seriously. I would celebrate a casual mode.
I had a game as a survivor, against a basement camping killer. I was stupidly the first to hook, but I laughed so hard. It was so funny to see a teammate come down one after the other, only to never get out of there. When I play survivor, I love basement campers. 😍
I just play the killer I'm enjoying and in the mood for at the moment, even Trickster every now and then. I don't pay attention to the meta, even though I know I won't be successful with a bad killer. The different options of killers I can choose are more fun than necessarily having to win.
The rank 15 btw has survived and let his teammates die and camped the hatch. They also wrote after the screenshot something like "Trump 2024!!! He will come back!" According to their Steam profile, they were not from the USA and I am not a US citizen either. Oh, and tunneling seems to be when I port myself to the generator…
As great as some hexes are, I have the feeling that in eight out of ten matches the totems are found and destroyed within several minutes. Especially when they spawn right next to a gen. You can also put a flashing neon arrow on them, makes no difference.
Welcome to dbd. I think sometimes the matchmaking is just a random factor. I myself have only 150 hours and have to play as a killer against people with 5-10 times more game experience. But if you take it easy and don't mind not getting any kills or just one kill sometimes, then go ahead. For me it's the most fun when I…
If I have Meg on my shoulders as a killer. It sounds like she dropped a coin under the sofa and is trying to reach it.
Ja, man sollte meinen dass bei einem Spiel für Erwachsene, auch nur Spieler da sind die erwachsen handeln. Aber das ist ja leider nirgendwo so. Die Hemmschwelle im Netz ist halt viel geringer, und da kann man mal Beleidigungen schreiben, die man sich sonst nicht trauen würde, oder sich einen Spielstil aneignen, bei dem der…
Zu 1) Facecampen ist immer bescheuert, weil es taktisch überhaupt gar nichts bringt. Wenn ich als Killer dumm da rum stehe und nur darauf warte, dass der Gehängte stirbt, geht so viel Zeit durchs Land. Aber das passiert in meinen Spielen absolut selten. Was ich aber als Killer und auch als Survivor nicht als toxisch…
I am quite new to the game and am currently trying to "build up" my killers. I just unlocked 8 perks for all the killers and for Pyramide Head, which I actually like to play, I don't get a single perk from other killers. For Demogorgon I only have devour hope so far. Deathslinger also has no other killer perk. I only get…
He is one of my favorites. He is simply my killer for relaxed play. And I love his scream when he hits a survivor.
I was playing against a survivor earlier who was dc on the third hook. He went offline at the exact moment I had him on the hook. I mean, what the...? Dude, why don't you wait the few seconds and at least get your BP and no penalty? Is this one of those "you got me, but you're not going to kill me!" things?
Ich fände es schön, wenn Behaviour eine Rückmeldung geben würde, dass gegen einen gemeldeten Spieler etwas unternommen wurde. Ich kenne das von Smite. Wenn du jemanden meldest, kommt oft, nach einigen Tagen beim Login ein Pop-up mit "Gegen einen von dir gemeldeten Spieler wurden Maßnahmen eingeleitet." Das ist dann schön…
Es ist halt so dass jeder das Spiel anders sieht. Jeder ist ein Individuum und der eine findet tunneln toxisch und der andere nicht. Die Erwartungshaltung ist also bei jedem etwas anders. Und das ist etwas, was ich bei keinem anderen Spiel bisher so gesehen habe wie in dbd. Es liegt irgendwo auch in der Natur des Spiels,…
Instead of saying that noed is unfair, you should see the game from the point of view that maybe, it's just not enough to make the gens to escape safely. But if you open the gates after several minutes, then you haven't accomplished all your goals, and you'll be punished for it. Making the totems is part of the game, and…
Ich kann deinen Gedanken durchaus nachvollziehen. Wie gesagt, wenn ich merke dass ich gegen Anfänger spiele, mache ich auch locker und versuche das Spiel spannend zu halten. Meistens treffe ich aber, als Rank 12 mit 120 Spielstunden, auf lila und rote Ränge und dort achtet niemand darauf ob ich Spaß habe. Da werden die…
I had a 3k in one match and the last survivor (red rank) escaped through the hatch he camped while his teammate died on the hook. Endchat: Surv: "ez baby killer" Me: "OK, redrank" Surv: "I still made +2" Me: "Yeah, good for you!" But I don't care if the last survivor escapes through the hatch. The hatch is in the game and…
I'm rank 12 as killer, but I don't have that much game time and experience yet. Therefore, I think that I also belong to 15-14. With 12 I often play against purple and red with meta-perks. In the yellow ranks it was even more relaxed. I don't have to win the games, but I don't want to be completely taken apart either.
I think it's funny when people just do something stupid. You can't take the game too seriously. Even if it's a bit dumb for the two players who play the match seriously, but it's only for one match. Last week I played as a survivor against a piggy-basecamper. I was, stupidly, the first to hook in the basement. And every…
Ich werde es mal versuchen. Vielen Dank! So langsam läuft es mit der looperei auch besser. Ist zwar vieles noch schwer in der Lernphase, aber ich denke das wird noch. 👍️
Ich denke nicht dass es um facecampen geht. Ist in meinen Augen auch keine Taktik, weil es gar keinen Sinn macht. Das einzige wenn ich einen Haken becampe ist, wenn die Gens alle fertig sind und ich hab gerade einen an den Haken gebracht. Meine Objekte sind durch, und das einzige was ich machen kann ist zu versuchen dass…
I played as Bubba a few days ago. In the end I got three and one escaped through the hatch. The one that got away accused me of camping and asked me why I didn't use bbq even though I had it selected. Well, as soon as I hooked one, his buddies took him down in front of me. With bubba as the killer, a big mistake. At the…
1-The entitlement of the community. Most people, for some reason expect the other side to play the way they want, and when the other side doesn't do that, they get pissed. I feel like this seriously takes away from the fun of the game on both sides. You should only play for your own fun. Maybe the devs should remove the…
Taschenlampen an sich nerven mich nicht wirklich. Nur wenn ich sehe dass die Gegner komplett blutverschmiert sind, also Prestige 3, dann weiß ich dass sie höchstwahrscheinlich 10x mehr Erfahrung haben als ich. Und wenn sie dann noch zusammen spielen, habe ich gar keine Chance mehr. Im schlechtesten Fall loopen die mich bis…
I have yet to see a gaming community where players get triggered so quickly. It's so funny and I almost joyfully expect the salt in the final chat. I imagine a manchild sitting in front of the monitor with his head red and getting upset with me. Dude, it's just a game! I either don't write anything in the endchat or…
Geht mir derzeit auch so. Ich hab vor 6 Wochen angefangen und war vor dem Rank-reset 10, bin durch den reset auf 17 gefallen, und nun bei 14. Und jetzt bekomme ich als Gegner wieder rote und lila swf-Gruppen. Zwei mal heute kamen Kommentare wie "Noob killer" und "ggez killer". 😂 Mich stört das nicht wirklich, aber…
I don't know who of the the survivor mains also plays killer more often. I started out as a killer main and am currently playing more survivor to see the game from the other side. I got facecamped once in these matches. Am I getting upset about this now? It happens so rarely, even in the streams I watch. And when it does…
I have had the opposite experience so far. As a killer, I am insulted in the final chat, regardless of whether I have killed none or all. As a survivor, this has not happened to me yet. I don't really care, I like it when they give me their salt. I have also been slugged for several minutes. Yes, my God, then it just…
I haven't been playing dbd that long, but I quickly noticed something: Everything you do is toxic. Any style of play that is efficient for the killer is toxic! I have the feeling some people think that tunneling consists of chasing just that one survivor the whole time, until he hangs on the hook three times and the killer…
I also started a month ago. I like it and play it exclusively at the moment. Just make sure you take the game relaxed, that's when it's the most fun.
I have no problem with that. Why should I? The survivor knows that the killer is busy with the pallet, and if he has the confidence to heal himself at that moment instead of running, he can do it.
This! However, many survivors invite the killer to camp. If I hook a survivor, turn around and not two seconds (exaggerated) he is brought down again, why shouldn't I go there again if I know that two survivors are nearby? I don't like it myself when my devour Hope doesn't get a counter for it. Survivor make the mistake,…
Ist irgendwie doppelt gepostet...sry
With all the TOXIC killers in this game, this is a STAPLE perk, and it is NEEDED. So I NEED it to work. Oh shush up obvious killer player. I know what decisive strike is for. I did not know about the stupid nerfing for certain actions. No one cares about your feelings. It's funny when someone talks about toxic, with such…
Ich hab auch vor etwas einem Monat mit DBD angefangen und mir anfangs gesagt "Ich spiele so dass jeder Spaß hat". Das heißt als Killer kein tunneln, kein campen, keine Mori, kein Noed. Auch weil ich keine Lust auf dumme Kommentare und Beleidigungen im Chat hatte. Ich hab schnell gemerkt dass diese Spielweise vom Gegner nur…
There is nothing toxic in the game, except for the end chat. I, as a killer main, have absolutely nothing against flashlight saves. It's a legitimate strategy. But that also includes tunneling or camping. Some people should just be a little more chill and not scream "toxic" at everything. "And i made him day bad" Oh dear,…
I was Rank 10 killer and was reset to 17.
It is often argued that these tactics are no fun. But the killer is not the entertainer of the survivor. The devs are responsible for the fun. If someone wants to play efficiently (as survivors do) why punish this way of playing? There is nothing toxic about it, otherwise it would be banned. Neither a tactic, a character,…
That's why I don't imagine it's very exciting for such groups. I can deal with getting only red rank-swf groups as opponents (as long as it doesn't happen all the time). Most of them are also quite nice, as well as fair and they sometimes feel sorry for me when I had to play against them, but if they just want to screw…
I wrote this yesterday in another thread, but I'd like to reiterate it here: I've been playing for about a month and just wanted to play a relaxed match yesterday. I'm actually always nice and never play unfair. I play different killers, just whatever I feel like. So I took my Hag (level 22) and went into the match. And…
I played against chilled swf as well as sweaty, red rank groups. Mostly it comes down to fast gen rush though because they communicate together via Discord or something, also with the intention to finish the game quickly. For me, as a rank 11 killer with 80 hours of game time, it's frustrating and I've wasted 15 minutes of…
I don't think it's toxic, but for me there are no toxic perks. Everyone in the game always takes some risk because you never know what perks are in the match. The perk is in the game, so you can use it. If someone whines about it, it's not my problem. I'm not going to let someone tell me what perks I can take.
It was the same for me yesterday. I am Rank 11 Killer and played six matches yesterday. I competed exclusively against red and purple ranks until I turned off in frustration. I have nothing against it when that happens sometimes, but only such opponents, and partly as sfw, to get, makes no fun. I'm still relatively new at…
Ich schließe mich mal hier an: Ich bin erst seit einem Monat dabei und hab etwa 70 Spielstunden. Ich spiele fast nur Killer, derzeit auf Rank 11. Lief bisher auch ganz gut und die Matches waren meistens ausgeglichen und ich hatte auch, als Anfänger, ne Chance. Aber gestern und heute hab ich aber mal gar kein Land mehr…