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  • Watch the next complaint is calm spirit/harden countering every scream perk and destroying doctor lol.
  • Also it's a easy win for stealth killers and so help me God if they have rancor, which then that reminds me if your using ooo wouldn't throw killer Also see your aura with rancor? I know without it ofc you see theirs they don't see you but if they can when you have ooo that is very disgustingly bad.
  • The amount of games I have on my ytd that shows the none distortion user hiding all game and me with it ends up with 1st place with iri in Chase healing and no downs or 1 down is wild. I Remember a match a nurse vs me and 2 friends and a random Sable who had no distortion, she was pretty new and I was looping well but she…
  • Post the adds in too you forgot them but yeah a aura read to punish survivors for doing their job.
  • I thought this was about the entire 8.3 changes but it's just about the washing machine failure.
  • Pig and Bubba does, hers is Amanda's letter she only gets 2 rbts but when she crouching it shows all survivors aura, Bubba has one when he revs his saw at certain meters it show aura, onryu I thought had one I just don't remember the name,knight I think had one too also not sure of name Slinger did had one I think but then…
  • Like adds on for aura reading ain't a thing either and my fav one no skilled rat poison that's actually 5 aura perks not 4. If aura reading is not as strong as all of you is claiming then why is 98% killers using them? If aura builds is weak am sure nobody would be running it so much and the posts are increasing in…
  • Leon= he fits me and am a die hard re fan but ofc lack of skins being his licensed. Leon traits I have, a no nonsense attitude but strong and smart solving complexity things with a slight of cocky and funny depending on games and movies though cause in re 4 remake he is so much more serious and gloomy compared to his re4…
  • Tomb stone piece is another one too it's so boring and no skilled, jumping in a locker only gives him free hooks anyways and I still don't get why it's not addressed. Myers onryu and triangle head should lose their passive mori honestly every onryu I face brings the most annoying maps where they easily spam tvs to get…
  • Yep and in my swf we all ran it and we all lol, can't tell you how funny it is when a killer DC at start at game when they have lethal(huntress and blight being the too two who love running it) cause oh am sorry where you expecting free info already? If solo q weren't stupid they would follow the suite, can't tell you how…
  • Likewise killers should not provoke a survivor by smacking on hook, back and forth on ground or shaking their heads when a survivor was just doing normal looping and mind gaming with no flashlights or flasbang, they got a medkit, and get down by VPN abusers or Walmart connection getting undeserving hits at that point their…
  • Omg am jealous now lol psn = need to pay for changes... PC can too freely too and I love names like chase me please wesker or trickster yes am a big simp for the two of them sometimes they even turn friendly for it and I beg em to Kill me just for playing along. this wesker and I had a good one yesterday but he wouldn't…
  • I agree with all you said, sorry that you misconcept the woo part as no I don't it nerf myself even though I don't use it and yes the maps is bad real bad on both side, thing is I just want aura perks to feel Abit more fair cause as I said I know some weird survivors qq on bbq and it's like what? It's a healthy one with…
  • Exactly.
  • Yet they won't admit it but use the excuse of survivors are scared and bad at chase. Amount of times I get max iri in chase even though I ran distortion lol.
  • Well said and valid points and watch them cry people keep dcing or giving up or they keep getting nothing but 4 man swfs.@rockstar. Idk why but seem when you quote someone and try another person after it don't work or must hit a few times ugh.
    in Distortion Comment by buggybug October 9
  • Bingo and I wonder how to counter nth oh I know amma run from north all the way from my gen to go in a locker then go all the way back(being sarcastic) or floods oh am shown for unhooking someone and my other 2 teammates also is shown for doing my job rip too if said teammate being chased was about lose killer gets shown…
    in Distortion Comment by buggybug October 9
  • Talk about over blown give me the other 18 things survivors can do. Can a med kit be use to strike a killer? Can a survivor close a window on a killer? Pallets hmm like theres like 95% of unsafe one . Can a key poke out their eyes or a map knock them out. Powder is only 5 mere seconds and syringe takes ages now possible…
  • Yep it's so annoying not able to even get a chance to see gen set ups, pallet windows tiles and what not and more annoying when it's op killers like nurse or Billy down someone in 10 seconds.
  • I second this
  • So if the killer's is a stealth one which all of them and ph runs it or the person healing is has oblivious then what can they do?
  • Lightborn shows aura when you try to blond the killer it has to do with the topic lol, if distortion is to not be use perm then why should lighborn be blocking flashlight all game?
  • First of all if you read properly I brought up windows since all the killer mains make 1million qq topics about nerfing it and just mention incase anyone of them to use it as a counter as to why am asking for the killer aura perks nerf. Am expecting the oh woo should be nerf comeback To all of what you say lighborn wise…
  • Yep exactly
    in Distortion Comment by buggybug October 9
  • I wouldn't even bother trying friend I already made my post and all the salty killer mains is just gonna gang up on you with angry mob torches. Good luck still xd. We can just only make 1mil post like they did for distortion posts and hope maybe aura reading be gutted back.
    in Distortion Comment by buggybug October 9
  • And they have crutchborn that blocks flashlights and flashbangs so all you got now are unsafe rubbish pallets. Windows may as well not exist since you always get hit through them.
  • Exactly don't forget cheap add ons too like rat poison. @KerJuice
  • Well said.
  • Yep and i play more patient and not auto pick up and whack them then fake chase them and that means they are not on gens so free injuries. @SoGo
  • Not really I seen times where people would do there best to heal as far as possible and the killer still finds them with nurses whilst even chasing another survivor . Has nothing to do with overconfidence.
  • Most aura reading perks from killers to activate involve the survivor doing something and get punish for it like nurses for trying to recover oneself or others and what's the problem with making aura limited to number of uses just like distortion you and everyone seem to keep avoiding the question specially lightborn why…
  • Bad news for you I don't care or complain about 4 slow down, if a killer is bad at catching people what value does gen regress foes. Omg survivors save their team with a pallet or flashlight or flashbang nerf or bfp nerf. Omg survivors use ftp and buckle up to save someone and themselves and another person nerf Omg…
  • Hmm I still am needing an answer why is a problem for aura reading to be more limited why it be free all time. Why must lighborn negate a flashlight or flashbang all round? Surely before lighborn this was a none issue?why should plague deny all heal perks and take a while emblem from a survivor.
  • Yawn is that all try again. Provide some answers why you have 27 free info with no requirement and plz give me a list of crutches for survivors as they all been gone.
  • I mean same can be said for killers too. Must I remind you about adrenaline an end game perk that's been born with the game where survivors are only playing with 3 perks all game and yall cry to gut it when the perk never use to be complaint about for years but all of a sudden it became an issue why?
  • Again your trying very hard and you must be bored, but here since your bored. Lethal,nurses, friends till end, face the darkness, darkness reveal,no where to hde and ofc lightborn makes sense how is it fair to deny a flashlight all game where it's one of the few defenses survivors have other now unsafe pallets? Try give a…
  • I do too only weskers and tricksters my fav killers I do not mind it. Any other killer I see bring one I make sure they don't get to use it. They usually always tunnel for it too legions and ghost faces being the makor culprit.
  • Exactly but they won't admit to it and know aura reading is just as or more crutch as distortion is. I bet you if bvhr one day decide to limit aura reading to just one and you can't stack them and give them the pain res treatment of 4 use of any aura read including lightborn fully negating flashlights all match what a…
  • Ye let's give stealth killers a more easier game and huntresses more free snipes.
  • The amount of matches I have recorded where the distortion user did far more than the non using one. Heck cant tell you how many times I had people with no distortion still hides all game doing jack squat. But ofc they are just gonna always blame the perk. Just hope when things like nth gets called out for nerf and what…
  • There was no need to because there was less crutch aura reading perks with bbq being the only balanced and fair one that had counters to it.nice one there but try again. keep making all the counter backs you want you just not gonna admit at the end of the day your just as bad needing free information as bad as a distortion…
  • But killers using aura reading perks aint as crutch a distortion, are yall so lazy yall dont know how to find people like old days?
  • As I say do not be surprise when aura reading perks /add ons starts to more complain about, but hopefully you and every killer also dont cry nerf shadow step/object if some how they become popular which am sure regardless it be complain about as killers want every survivor perk to be in the garbage bin. Hey I even seen a…
  • I just pointed one out, lets do darkness reveal for example then since your not getting what am saying, opening a locker how does that take any skill? I can understand its more huntress/trickster needing to reload but still getting value of opening a locker (even though you need to reload your stuff takes no skill. Ill…
  • Still havent answer my question but Its fine just dont be surprised when every aura perk starts being complained about the top one being no where to hide with its none low cool down down.
  • It is free else it would have a token limit like distortion and that is what all killer aura reads should get just like how pain res was change to 4 tokens only so should all aura read perks even if it's survivors too I could not care less. How does getting Wall hack free hits from chucky with rat poison even fair. There…
  • Is it hard to open a locker or kick a gen? How can you kick a gen if it has no progress which requires a survivor to work on it which it's the survivors Input or ill be more straight forward what skill does opening a locker or kicking a gen takes from the killer to get free informstion?
  • Umm killers have 8 perk slots, that will be their 4 perks+ two add on + their power . Oh how about a plague killing every healing builds in the game and robbing the arti emblem for free is fair? I think she should be changed then and what's wrong with asking for aura reads to be more limited to 4 stacks like distortion. If…
  • People run alert? I probably see that perk maybe once every 3 or more months, survivor aura reading perks other than windows is a complete waste of a perk slot else their pick rates am sure would be up there but it's not not even kindred, windows is the only one and I don't run this perk so even if it was to be nerf ty God…
  • me healing or being heal by someone else aka nurses= takes no input from killer Me unhook and gets reveal = takes no input from killer Opening a locker and finding me still don't count as input from killer. Kicking a gen which requires a survivor to work on one also is no input from the killer. Hitting good(use to be great…