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O god no its bad enough ghost face is in the game we don't need one of his ripoffs to. Those mid 90 horror movies sucked. There are much better licensed killers to choose instead.
how about bt ds adrenaline spine chill unbreakable dh require skill instead how about stop being selfish and entitled how about understanding that killers deserve to have fun to
Fake Palletts are weaker than the snares stop being entitled because if Killers call for nerfs to survivors bs crutch perks and swf you will have a fit
She Shouldn't be touched at all. Spirit has already had a nerf her power is fine. She literally goes blind while using it and has to rely on the buggy broken sound.
It needs to not reward failure and require skill
O look another entitled survivor begging for a nerf to a strong killer.
Heres the thing survivors like to claim both. They do it defend their bs. On one hand they claim swf is rare to fight off calls for balance but will claim if anything is done to remove swf or comms the game will die because everybody plays swf.
no no no and no
At this point if survivors cant play without cheats i mean comms then let the game die
i wish there was a way killers could find an object to completely remove a survivors perk. O i found this thing goodbye ds
Thank You same thing happened with ruin
Bs Your kind always want to cripple killers but dont you dare touch your perks
the Same thing was said about ruin and now it sucks so no thanks
Not so fun because you couldn't get your easy win ok gotcha go off sis
Your not allowed to talk about thier cheat mode.
No changes to moris you already ruined nurse and ruin stop being greedy
O hell no just slug was the mantra survivors constantly repeated to justify ds you don't get to ######### about slugging now.
Whats The point anything i say will be disregarded.
keep it i say cuts back on the toxic a holes
another whining entitled survivor when will it end
Sure when survivors perks require any skill at all instead of rewarding you for failing.
Lol Not a massive nerf omg are you that stupid.
Hey killer take this massive nerf. I know it ruins your fun and makes your game harder but im not having fun. And p.s. dont touch any of my stuff.
Got Em lol. These survivors believe only their fun matter.
Because They are entitled
How about no. Moris a fine stop being entitled.
nope get good for once cant rely on your crutches forever.
Ahhh poor baby killers have had to deal with game breaking bugs for months even a year so cry me a river. Suck it up and deal with it killers have to.
Why if they were to lazy to get the killers lore right then why would you think they would get anything else right?
its likebive been saying these entitled survivors dont want killers to have anything strong. They are the only ones allowed strong things.
Once again entitled survivors
There shouldn't be a lisa skin and there shouldn't be a Heather. Come on behavior play the games and come on konami give a ######### about your ip and correct behavior.
should be no Heather at all.
Thank you survivors are just scared they will have to learn to play without crutches.
No his cages are perfect maybe learn to play without crutches.
Silent hill 2 characters need to be associated with ph well only james but if you are going to screw the games lore at least use the right game.
Well maybe they should avoid the big final fantasy 14 glowing orange indicator then.
Reee i cant have all my second chance crutch perks please nerf
Entitlement in its purest form.
o hell no more than 2 hits to down and stacking second chance perks. If you want that you better slow gens down by a lot and add more gens to do and get rid of all second chance perks.
hmmn a killer calling for a killer nerf i smell bs probably just another survivor trying to nerf a strong killer that already got an unjustified nerf.
Dude English may not be their first language
Sure When ds requires any work.
The only People complaining are survivors and i could give a flying you know what about survivors opinions because survivors dont have the best interests of killers.
Yes i can see the venom in the chat now and the calls for nerfs here its wonderful.
Hmmm i like it but most survivors believe once the gens are done their job is done and the match is over they should be allowed the escape.
they nerfed toolboxes for a reason
ill never touch him again anyway but i dont know its fair but part of me loves king camper bubba because it pisses survivors off.
wow im pretty hard on survivors and even i wont support this. Let them play who they want to play.
Dont get me wrong im all for a buff taking him to his bbq unlock was awful.