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  • well, killer's name is the twins. if main killer is grown ass woman then I guess Victor can't really be a baby. However I get it, it looks like freakin baby so
  • I wouldn't promote D/C and is definitely ban-worthy. Sometimes me playing as a killer I lose add-ons and offerings because someone does it right after match starts and that's not fair. No bans would promote such behaviour. What I would suggest is kicking not active people out by game - no activity for 5 mins or any time…
  • There are already perks that offer it, I don't think add-on would be necessary.
  • they should allow mode like this for like a weekend-long organised event or something of this sort, would be cool to play. I would just put 4 ruins on and camp around hexes. Lol, joking (or maybe not).
  • As a killer: I would say borrowed time. I was thinking about dead hard I tend to leave survivors who loop me and focus on generators so it doesn't really bother me that much. I also assume that everyone I go against have dead hard on, so I kinda expect it. Whereas, borrowed time is annoying especially when exit gate is…
  • be a good sport as a survivor and don't make me walk between two exit gates and tbagging before you escape. I'm defeated I get it, I want the match to finish as soon as possible, no need of this toxicity
  • what was the old rank reset? I'm fairly new to the game so I didn't get to experience the old way
  • I wouldn't be surprised to be fair, that game will not surprise me with anything else lol I got Jeff and Legion as my first DLC and was excited to play as him, but his loud noises just turn me off haha to be fair I've never seen anyone playing as him (or maybe few of them) and I guess that's the reason why he's not…
  • if that's the case then it's another thing that gives advantage to survivors. Shouldn't be like that imo. However survivors are also loud, at least some of them. I try playing as Jeff sometimes but his panting when he runs is so loud I can't lol.
  • I totally agree, I don't play with anyone in a party and I usually get around 8-10k points a match whereas WSF get 25k+
  • What killers have you got available?
  • I play cross-platform on PS4 and I'd say 60-70% of my matches are against SWF.
  • completely agree! I belive there should be 1-3 rank window between killer and highest rank survivor in the group (in case they're SWF). Me being rank 12 killer having to face 1-5 rank survivor is not fair at all. I believe nowadays matchmaking mechanism is completely randomised, if it's not then someone is not doing best…
  • You probably shouldn't camp really, but if there's situation where there's only 1 gen left and you haven't hooked anyone I'd probably said go for it. I tend to camp-ish in this situation, just be around the hook and give opportunity to unhook by other survivors. And then I try to proper chase them. Sometimes it works,…
  • unless you get SWF who drop pallets, blind you with flashlight constantly and loop you for 5 minutes straight. Killer has advantage of playing whole duration of match whereas survivor only plays as long as he's not dead, but that's the beauty of the game - you can choose who you want to play as. Choose your battle.
  • completely agree!
  • I tend to do that when I have a good game as a killer and I sacrifice first three survivors fairly quickly. Doesn't mean I play with either of the survivors, just fun thing to do for me. Especially when it's a nice lobby of survivors who don't t bag on every possible occasion.
  • I completely understand where you're coming from as well. Playing as a killer I can tell when there's three SWF and one player on their own, it's the one who gets killed first and killer will most likely pick on them if they can see they perform worse than other survivors. It definitely helps if you have decisive strike…
  • I have similar problem. I am rank 12 killer and am paired with red rank survivors. Whole gameplay looks like bullying and there isn't much I can do about it. There at least should be mechanism that counts amount of games played vs points earned as I feel like I gained this rank from the amount of games played rather than…
  • Deathslinger - Spies from the Shadows, No One Escapes Death, Barbecue and Chilli, Enduring. Pig- Spies from the Shadows, Infectious Fright, Make Your Choice, Surveillance. These are my two current favourite, however I tend to chance interest in killers each week or two and try to shuffle perks to find my perfect build.
  • I don't know if it's SWF I play against all the time but being rank 16-13 I get paired with 10 + survivors, more often that not that means rank 5 and higher. I didn't know mori doesn't count as a sacrifice (rank progress of however you want to call it), that is a valid point. Never thought of that.
  • Valid point, however if someone is low skilled player, going up rank won't really help them either if they progress and play against higher ranks anyway.
  • I played once as a survivor, there was two of us left and Killer was showing us when generators are, and let us escape. I don't think it was ban-able behaviour at all, in fact I thought it was really nice and refreshing! I wouldn't worry. It was probably last survivor's friends who had to wait in lobby for their friend for…
  • I believe there is a ban, but I totally get you! The amount of offering and add-ons I lost because of this behaviour just makes my eyes roll.
  • Overall I don't mind the sounds. The only issue I have is when I play Julie version of The Legion. Her breathing sounds like injured survivor at times for me and I get confused especially when someone is down and I don't have Deerstalker on.
  • I wouldn't mind if Make Your Choice was basic for killers lol. At least you would avoid camping and DS would also be helpful in this scenario.
  • I've heard somewhere that you shouldn't even bother to aim at juking survivor because by juking they make themselves slower and you can catch up with them. I've tried it few times and it works so maybe you could try this too! I think maybe I get on well with him is because I play COD and I'm used to aiming with a gun lol.…
  • I would love to see Jason, I think he would fit well to the family and map would be interesting.
  • I play mostly as killer and my favourite are The Pig, The Deathslinger and The Cannibal.
  • I actually don't find deathslinger as difficult as at the beginning and I get quite few shots with him these days. Huntress is a big no no for me. It's a shame that joystick makes it difficult for some of the game's features (I even find it diffucult to use flashlight when I play survivor but oh well)
  • yeah, definitely too easy for killers if you are a rank 16 killer and you're playing agaist rank 5 survivors. 🙄
  • I think for me it would be The Oni. He's really difficult to master and I don't tend to play as him, however he's really rewarding when you play right. Maybe The Clown as well, just because I play on PS4 and it's bit difficult to aim and throw bottles efficiently.
  • That literally describes me 100%. Me and my boyfriend take turns in playing as a killer, account is at rank 12 and we literally have handful of enjoyable games. All other games are just us getting pissed off at survivors who are toxic af having time of their life while we try not to throw controller at the TV. What we…