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  • Lol, I am not dumb. I just play differently to you. We don't all play the same way. I have a different way of thinking and in games like DbD it tends to pay off. I am not saying I win every game. I fact that past week or two I have been on a bit of a losing streak. But that's OK. I still get 20K + blood points which is…
  • There should be some sort of bonus BP for No Mither I wouldn't say double. And it does fit into David's, High risk/High reward play style. No mither is already hard to run, might as well give a bonus as a way of tipping our hats off to those that a brave enough or stupid enough to do it. 
  • I wouldn't say that would be worth it. The idea I'd being able to stun a killer wherever they are would break the game. I would say having a bigger speed boost to cover more ground, something perhaps similar but just short of a sprint burst might be a better way to go. Right now Dead hard only buys you a best an extra 3-4…
  • Freddy, no. Not keen on him, I am not a fan of being invisible to survivors and having the smallest audio range. Seems like a crutch if you ask me. The wraith I quite like. You have to be careful when you time the in cloak not to give them too much time to run, but that is when you use your positioning to corner them off.…
  • I find it easier toget ranks as a killer. Most games as the killer I double pip, whereas a survivor I struggle to get a pip, mainly I am fighting not to depip. And yes all chainsaw welders should get a debuff. They both for starters shouldn't go so far, the distance I can close with them is silly. I don't even need to aim,…
  • I just love how everyone on here is like "hit boxes aren't the same therefore killers can't take the small length as a survivor" Come on, they aren't that far out. The speed increase is still way more than enough to compensate. Just because two people escape, doesn't mean you can get all salty. For them game to be much…
  • The number of pallets has already been reduced, so the OP question is more of a "You were playing it wrong" than actually being valid. And the wraith and LF are perfectly viable killers. LF needs a major nerf to his chainsaw and the wraith has the fastest movement speed of any killer. If survivor are looping you, then…
  • Exactly. This game is so balanced overwhelmingly in the killers favour it is borderline stupid. Because Killers don't have everything given to them on a silver platter they start moaning at everything. 
  • It only happens if you let it happen. If you are there chasing someone around a loop for 80 seconds, who is the real idiot? Killers need to learn better map control and learn to pick their battles. If you play correctly you can get a good 4K, everyone gets over 18000 bloodpoints and no one depips. Killers on here get…
  • At since this forum is 98% killer, this is going to hurt you alot. There is no such thing as looping or an infinite loop. It is mathematically impossible. Let me break down nice and easy for you: Lets say that a survivor has a base speed of 'n' Since killers are faster we will say that the killers speed is 'n+1' Given that…
  • Nah, LF is way too overpowered with his chainsaw as is. If anything he needs nerfing more. He moves way to fast while swinging the chainsaw and can move far too easily with it. Slow down his speed while swinging and it makes it way more balanced. At least with the Billy you have to have some skill in using your chainsaw,…
  • Killers already have the speed advantage Why buff their speed anymore?
  • I play both sides too. There are hits I have gotten on survivors which I know is pure BS. And I can see you are already starting to say that its my fault? How is it? I can't control when I get into a chase, if a killer find me as a survivor they find me. I also just tried your any direction hint and the killer did a…
  • I am not sure it would be. Killers can still pull off the hitting people on the other side of a pallet/vault despite already being on the other side and moving. It would still function. Just causes Killers to think more before they strike. Right now with all the hit boxes being broken and Killers getting hit when the game…
  • The wraith isn't weak.... And Myers is overpowered. Leather face has his one-shot chainsaw. You are joking right? 
  • Okay, I do not know how many times I have to say this... I am not talking reinstating the old fast vaulting by default. I am suggesting having it so you can hold the vault button to easily transition into a medium speed vault. That way there is no idiocy where the game sometimes let's you transition and then the next time…
  • But the Hatch isn't free??? You have to have at least 2 gens online for it to appear in the first place. So survivors have to work for it to some degree. It's not some freebie. And killers don't need any more buffs. For survivors it's all about escaping anyway you can. 
  • So whether I vault or not should be decided on whether or not the game decides to give me the pop up early or late???? That is flawed
  • The point of the Hatch is to e sure that there is always a valid way for a survivor to escape. You are just being salty cause you think you deserve 4K in every match. The Hatch isn't a safety net it's a alterative option. Just like killers have the option to kill survivors if they want to with the right offerings/perks. 
  • Okay, you seem to have missed my point here. I am saying add it so that vaults transition easier so we don't get penalised because the system doesn't register we want to vault until we are right ontop of the window and coming to a standstill. 
  • I dont really think there is an issue here. The killer can grab people going into the Hatch. If you really wanna try something, then try having the Hatch cast exposed within a 6 metre radius when the door is opened. But as I said before, I don't see it as an issue really
  • I don't think that SC should be removed from the game. Or needs a major debuff for that matter. I can see why killers get frustrated by it, but then again there are things that frustrate survivors that killers do. I think the key here is not to limit the number of uses but penalise multiple use. The first time you use SC.…
  • And there we go, another match, 4k, they got down to one gen because I was off the ball a little bit still got 4kills in 15minutes. No hook camping needed. Remind me how killers aren't OP again? 
  • OK, firstly. I play as survivor and killer and have level 50s in both. And your logic so doesn't stand. What you don't see is the fact that yes unhooking and healing have X amount of time, but you haven't factored in the fact that they will most likely run to somewhere safe to heal costing them more time. It's OK, just…
  • @Dwight_Confusion I am not acting like the entitled one. You are. Your whole post was basically along the lines of "If I know they are going to be unhooked I will just sit there" You are the problem. What you should be doing is: Okay, I know someone is nearby, so I am going to leave the hook and while they waste time…
  • I am not biased or a noob, I have been playing this long enough. If the game was survivor biased then the killer would be slower, the doctors power would be nerfed, all the killers wouldn't have bullshit abilities and you wouldn't be able to hit people on the otherwise of a pallet or change attack direction. Please, this…
  • Oh also, in those matches the minimum blood pints we leave is 15000 and that is for killers and survivors. We all have a good match. 
  • @RuneStarr I want to say I believe you, but I don't. I can easily win a match as a killer against rank ones because I change the way I play, I focus on dragging the game out by damaging generators, not getting into chases with survivors and making them fear going near the gens. As time goes on and the gens come online they…
  • @holywhitetrash That is where you are wrong. Killing is a secondary objective. To win you need to stop them escaping so you can kill... So you go for the generators first. I played several games yesterday where I did that I focused on generators, damaged them, never got into chases. I saw them. I knew where they were but I…
  • @Wolf74 cause it is considered unsporting to do so. I don't want to survive every match. I am more than happy only winning half of my matches, but what I want to do is have a good chase where the killer doesn't pull any bs like lag or being able to walk through a pallet. Actually have a half decent shot of escaping a…
  • But by the same merit when I am playing as a survivor I am in most matches where not all 5 gens are done, so the game is wrong in the wrong direction. I think killers just need weakening so chases are meaningful. I also think killers need to reminded that generators prevention is their goal not hooking survivors. 
  • Why would you want to body block anyway, the killer will always win in the end. I don't see it as an issue. Killer can hookcamp so survivors should be able to hook deny
  • Firstly @holywhitetrash just get out Secondly @RuneStarr that's fine and dandy however if that is the case there needs to be a system in which the survivors can communicate the fact they are being hook camped asides from everyone rushing towards them only to feed a stupid killer more kills. In that case as well the wiggle…
  • Clearly this is stupid. Unless you are in a sfw game and yo can tell your teammates stay away there is no tactic to deal with someone like that. That's just common sense. Clearly the devs like making over powered killers. You can't break chases at all, you can't escape their grasp and there is a hook around every corner.…
  • True, but it takes alot more for four survivors to quit. There should be some protection regarding quitting, both for survivors and killers 
  • Trust me, I am not inexperienced. I should have been rank 9ish by now if i hadn't lost pips due to camp hooking killers and other toxic practices. Most matches I am in end as 4k, the fact I have played as the killer only a handful of times and got 4k on each one only helps show how broken the killers are. Anyway, back on…
  • Not everything has to be an advantage to the killer? It's there to help survivors see which way the killer is facing and his field of view to make stealth easier. Otherwise people would just never try and move. Which makes the game dull. 
  • Yeah I do get the impression that Killers are stronger. I am in the 15-10 bracket and while I like the Increase in difficulty, I do find that this is at the expense of some nasty tricks, hook camping has become so much more prevalent on these ranks. Generators time could be extended to make a longer game, but I think the…
  • I am unsure, I don't see pallets as a problem. Killers have a speed increases so can close the extra distance gained by a pallet. I think it's down to more Killers getting tunnel vision and fixating on a target so much the rest of the team can do whatever they like in molested. Learn when to give up and go back to applying…
  • Firstly my Killer Rank doesn't matter? Secondly they could do that... Did they have tool boxes? Did they have brand new parts? We're they together and moved as a unit taking advantage of Dwight speed perks for staying together? The game gets harder and harder for the survivors until they power all 5 generators. Then it…
  • I do agree though, vaulting needs more work. The amount of times people get hit through vaults is silly at times. They are supposed to help survivors balance out the speed advantage the killer has. Most survivors don't know where the adults are and so just use them as opportunist break points. So while the three style of…
  • I agree with Hodderfodder. The Trapper is perfectly fine as is. I think the issue is people playing as the trapper expect too much of their traps. Higher level traps can be almost impossible to escape from. Besides most killers just use the traps to AFK Hookcamp. I tend to find Trappers are among the worst Hookcamping…
  • In the current state of the game the generator times are fine. Killers can hook and chase down survivors too easily. If the killer is doing his job properly he is sabotaging every generator that is being worked on and slowing their progress. If they balanced it out more so that there were less hooks and the wiggle timer…
  • The alterative would be for you not to be near the hook to trigger it. Go damage some generators apply pressure on the survivors in different ways
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