Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I have the same question as well. Kind of dumb design if not a bug tbh.
  • I gotta agree too. At least make them work only on death hook or something.
  • I was playing Trapper (obviously) and didn't know any game mechanic except for m1. Face camped and hit people on hook thinking it would fasten the sacrifice lol. As survivor. Meg with just sprint burst hiding in locker for a frigging trapper; running in straight lines; "what is pallet?". Boy, those were the days. (early…
  • This whole "breakable wall" is again a band-aid fix IMO. Why complicate an already clumsy game design while the real issue lies with map size. Shrinking the huge ass maps would be a good start rather than these.
  • Gen "speed" is fine. Its the maps that needs some serious rework. Not just the size, but also the awful procedural generation of tiles like spawning of god windows on a already strong tile, jungle gym right next to killer shack, just beside a really safe pallet etc shouldn't exist. If maps are reworked, game would be a lot…
  • IMO, every killer needs some sort of teleportation (like freddy) power for map pressure at least until they shrink those mindlessly huge maps.
  • If at all this really happens and devs indeed nerf billy's base kit, that would be the epitome of dev's incompetence, especially in game balance.
  • Not to be rude, but how is this relevant to the post?
  • lmao. Do people really believe billy is OP and needs a cool down? This community. *facepalm*
  • Guys, billy isn't OP in any form. Insane map pressure? Yes. But that's all there is. If you get caught in an open area, you probably go down. You need to maintain some distance against him and plan your path ahead. But in any other case, he is just another m1 killer. Even good billies who know how to curve and everything…
  • I would prefer something like, survivor get unhooked, DS activates with 60 seconds timer. During this time, for each other survivor downed by survivor, the time keeps getting reduced by half.
  • I thought it was pretty obvious haha but when people started making serious arguments, I just went with it.
  • Corrupt, BBQ, Whispers, Nurses.
  • I'm rank 7. Been to red ranks bunch of times but its just that I don't play much within a reset and couldn't care less. I'm also not upset about the recent ruin changes as in the changes itself but rather the dev's reasoning behind it. Huge ass maps need to be reworked/shrink-ed first before making any changes to few…
  • I would recommend the CI treatment. Give it a 3 minute timer and be done with it rather than being a hex.
  • While Billy has great mobility, he is still weak at chases just like any other m1 killer. Against experienced survivors, one would likely hate picking Billy (obviously depends on maps). Doesn't matter if you can curve, insta saw, "mind game" etc end of the day, its all about survivors making mistakes.
  • Sorry you feel that way but I was just stating the obvious. If this is bait, then every recent patch notes is a bait as well? LMAO.
  • Idk bud, you tell me. Devs believe game balance and gen speeds are fine considering the kill rate stats and stuff. I'm just reiterating the same and letting killers know its just them being bad and has nothing to do with poor game design.
  • It gives you 16% action penalty with very minimal effort like keeping all 4 survivors injured for most of the game. Is that so difficult for you bud? Also, there is literally no counters except below. Heal self. Find other survivors and get healed. Pick up a medkit. Just endure the 8 extra seconds on a gen. If you cannot…
  • Like I said in main post, you just gotta find a better walking route pal. Try not getting stuck on trees while traversing the map. You can't simply blame the devs for these huge ass maps and having 99% of the killers with slow mobility. You just have to improve and it has nothing to do with bad game design.
  • A less powerful version of huntress lullaby so that sKiLl checks would actually mean something.
  • Except I wasn't. The game is factually killer sided and I was just trying to help and enlighten the killer mains to get better.
  • Another tip Just learn nurse. Its easy peasy and I have seen nurses slug all 4 even before the game loads. I have done that too without perks and add-ons at rank 1. FYI, the recent "nerf" haven't changed her a bit LOL. I will keep adding more points since there are plenty.
  • what do you mean by "you people"?
  • Just like @Exerlin said, it can be easily avoided by 99'n the gates. I used to run it all the time but it just becomes highly situational at times and there are better perks so.
  • Devour, haunted ground works differently. Even when its active (not cleansed) yet, icon can go inactive based on its requirements (moving away from hook, for haunted totem to be cleansed etc). This would be a QOL change to avoid such confusion and be consistent across all totem perks. Hope this makes sense.
  • Ikr. The memes write themselves.
  • @Emhyr I feel the same too. If its really meant to be an anti tunnel perk, it should be deactivated the moment killer hooks some one else. Also, 60 seconds is too big for an average dbd match.
  • Nice. Thanotophobia should be base too, just saying.
    in Tunneling Comment by kimukipi July 2019
  • You do realize the"swf" in this video made some terrible mistakes right? All 3 running around the downed person, against a NURSE? You just can't do that against her. Depip squad went against some really great nurses (Mr K, Blinky) etc multiple times with perks/perkless and it was a 4 man escape most of the times with…
  • Like others have said, base nurse is fine. Rework her range add-ons to not be stackable and maybe increase the rarity of additional blinks. That's all the changes she need. Also, there are plenty of counters/builds that works well against a nurse. IW, DH, DWM, QQ, Distortion etc. While some can argue that DH rarely works…
  • I love the idea but cosmic horror is so hard to pull off. If at all they make one, I'm all for it tho.
  • lmao looking at the downvotes. Feel free to downvote but at least provide an argument as well for the sake of discussion. Let's not turn this forum into a killer/survivor circle jerk if not already.
  • Yeah right, that's why thanotophobia is so meta in red ranks. /s
  • TBH, I haven't thought about all the edge cases but I believe it shouldn't be too hard. As mentioned in another comment, while in dying; hooked; or broken state the penalty accumulation should be paused I suppose. Feel free to suggest.
  • If you don't think forcing survivors to heal helps in prolonging the game, I don't know what to say to you. Either you are new to the game or doesn't play killer at high ranks? Also remember, you got 3 other slots. You can always include sloppy butcher to slow down healing as well. I get your point though, to each their…
  • that's kind of the idea though, to force survivors to heal. If you are aware of high rank games, no one bothers to heal since there is no effective penalty. This should change that and help killers by delaying the game considering ruin is a joke against good survivors.
  • Good point. For balance purpose I feel that being in dying state or hooked should pause the penalty accumulation.
  • and that's why its a "rework"
  • You mean within an image? i would love to but I'm so bad at that. Feel free to post it though if you got some time.
  • sounds good but I feel its too many changes for a single perk. I liked another suggestion from here recently i.e. after you are unhooked, DS is active for 60 seconds and during this time for every other person being hooked, timer gets reduced by 30 seconds. So, hook two persons and timer is null. This way, it can punish…
  • I couldn't agree more. A team of 4 good survivors who know what they do can give a great nurse a run for her money. Even in the stream I embedded, you can see drastic difference between the survivors in that match and the following games and this was all in red ranks. Nurse appears OP to some due to the vast difference in…
  • @Master Luckily it doesn't happen often where I play. Also interestingly I often see toxic survivors in purple and green ranks rather than in red ranks. 3 and 4 doesn't happen often too. It mostly comes down to ping issues. That one Russian guy (I'm SE-Asian) that refuses to leave your lobby with 300 ping lol.
  • @OrionsFury4789 items? maybe. but cosmetics? Is that even a thing? I know in low ranks killers could become scared of seeing all P3 claudettes (I used to dodge that when I was new to game) but who does that in high ranks lol?
  • be me..lobby simulator with 300 ping..good ping game finally..1 person dc..its legion..pallet stun the killer twice or thrice, loop a bit and go down..killer facecamps..hits you at hooks and nods mates be altruistic and follow the same fate..rinse and repeat..check the killer's profile and what a surprise,…
  • I dodge lobbies only for below reasons. 1. Some survivor refuses to leave even though he got a 300+ ping. 2. Toxic survivor(s) that I have played against before and were not a good sport. 3. More than two toolboxes. I don't like running FD btw and oh ruin is a joke. 4. Survivors that refuse to ready up at least 10 seconds…
  • my bad then. That's the problem again. She recently tweeted that she had been warned before to chill on her DCs. By who exactly she didn't mention but I think you can take a guess. About how many games, from the few times I have observed or heard from others, she starts her daily streams at green ranks and ends in red…
  • @powerbats my bad then. That's the problem again. Recently she mentioned in a tweet that she had been warned before to chill on her DCs. By who? The Devs? If so, what does that imply? I don't follow her streams except for a few times. But from what I observed and heard, she ends her streams in red ranks (2 to 4) and starts…
  • @Orion I can only assume you are an European. Without getting too political on a video game forum, all I can ask from you is to not be too narrow minded. Don't follow the narrative without hard reasoning. Question both sides of the story. US media in general is well known to be extremely biased towards Democrats so don't…
  • @powerbats Your responses doesn't make any sense to what OP is saying here. To clear the air, there is a certain "Fog Whisperer" who does self rank reset almost every single day with reasoning as "variety" and then goes against low rank killers with all the meta perks and swf to "entertain" the stream. Do you get the…