First point I agree on the first sentence. After everyone's been slugged or there are two remaining survivors, survivors should be able to surrender. Or even the Killer should be able to surrender at 1 or 2 gens left. There's no reason why people should be forced to play games they see unwinnable, or be forced to spend 4…
Yeah, and also, you can still get those blinds with flashlights if the killer grabs the survivor while the surv is on the enter/exit animation, which, although avoidable, it still makes it hard to pick up once they are on the ground and someone is near ready to blind.
Yeah, Killers should not lose their collision when picking up. Flashbang blinds against a wall should not happen. And the locker grab blind immunity needs to be a second longer.
Yes! Please revert the chase music to the ptb version!!
Still no changes.
still happening in nov 12. played three matches of hag, and the last two i was kicked out mid match. no dc penalty for either, but I'm not risking trying for a 3rd match.
The outfit is so boring compared to the rest. Everyone else went to 4 different stores to complete their outfits and Adam just went to the bargain section of walmart to get his. I'd be fine with his outfit if everyone else's was just as simple and minimalistic. But it's not fair that everyone else gets pizzazz and color in…
Completely agree. It does not need the speed penalty. In fact it should do more than just suppress screams and make friends with crows. It should make the survivor immune to other stuff like incapacitated, mangled, or hemorrhage. And also, Botany did not need that nerf either. Just make the speed not apply to self heals.…
click and hold is simpler cuz i can just click 3-5 times and the web would be done. Clicking everything will be just as time consuming as what we have now cuz you still have to go node by node
"spirit's old vault animation". There was none. And no.
desperately need this. Long press the last node and it auto buys the trail. It will still be risky to do it since it'll be rng and it might go the more expensive route to get to that node you want. So you'll still have to click individually if you wanna save points or if you want a specific item/add-on. Or they can also…
her problem is that she gets little to no movement speed reduction when placing/sending crows off, which lets her catch up to you at loops. and the fact that you can get injured without being swarmed in close range. She literally puts you in lose/lose situations. It's just like release PH where if you vault/drop pallet,…
Identity V doesnt outright disconnect you when you have a sudden ping rise. They give you about an entire minute to try and reconnect you to the match before kicking you out and penalizing you. Getting a 5 minute penalty cuz the router decided to take a break for 10 seconds is ridiculous. They need to punish the people…
cutting prices of consumables by half would suffice imo. 1k feels a bit too cheap. I wouldn't mind an increase in the BP category caps also. Say increasing the cap to 9k instead of 8k so the total points u can make in a match is 36k instead of 32k
i agree they should bind it to a different key. personally it was kind of confusing for me when i used it in the ptb. Binding it to another key will allow the survivors to plan out a better use of the perk with other perks such as q&q, head on, etc.... and not be forced to use it when it's charged.
"mori was put in the game for a reason to be a quick and easy kill if your really struggling to catch people." thats not the reason they were added. People started using them that way, for sure. But thats not the reason for them. Too often we'd see sweaty killers tunneling after first hook and mori'ing at 5gens. The change…
the wiggle timer only increases when dribbling WHILE the survivor is wiggling. if the survivor stays still they wont auto drop
Not if you don't wiggle. If you are dropped the timer will continue. If the killer carries you without letting go then that will count as holding you hostage (if they don't close hatch) but this can already happen on the live game, but doesn't. No one wants to sit there doing nothing, not even killers. It wont be like…
Honestly I would add a secondary objective where survivors need to look for like, a book on gen instructions before they can work on gens (lets say the entity changes how gens are repaired in each different trial so the survivors cant just spawn in to start working on them, so they need to rummage through one of multiple…
all three of them need nerfs. at least with nurse you need a brain and Spirit has a decent power cooldown. I hate the three of them, but Freddy is the most annoying. Hand over the controller/mouse+keyboard to an 8 y/o and they'll be able to apply pressure.
dfgsdgfsdgf THE DEFAULT MEG 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
good! that way they can get the precious stats they need in order to nerf THEM as well <3 The three of them need nerfs/counterability.
im guessing you're triggered too since you called this a cringy topic 🤭
yo pog!
"Freddy is overly rewarded for little to no effort." Dont be afraid to say it. That is a fact, you don't have to protect yourself from those who disagree by saying it's your opinion. Freddy stans refuse to admit that what you said is factual. You can stand still for the whole match and still max out in deviousness if the…
holy poop yall really went off huh. 🤭
they do that BECAUSE they keep doing new killers and not new mechanics. The post isnt about what they do, its about what you would like. why would vote for the thing that doesn't excite you....
Pasting this from another thread I spoke in: Freddy has no movement slowdown when placing traps/teleporting. No power cancellation cooldown (he can swipe immediately after faking a trap placement / teleportation). Survivors fall asleep automatically after 60 seconds. The clocks are automatically the farthest ones, getting…
decreasing falls, footstep noises by 50/60/70% sounds good enough for me, 100% is a bit unfair imo.
bloodlust should not get removed after breaking pallets. This would be a nice buff that isnt broken. Also, instead of losing it immediately after losing chase, it should stay active for 8 seconds to give the killer a chance to catch up to the survivor who made distance with a chance of continuing tiering up
Freddy has no movement slowdown when placing traps/teleporting. No power cancellation cooldown (he can swipe immediately after faking a trap placement / teleportation). Survivors fall asleep automatically after 60 seconds. The clocks are automatically the farthest ones, getting woken up by others takes longer the more…
yeah, no thanks. I dont want angry green ranks swearing at me cuz i didnt go save them in less than ten seconds of them getting hooked/slugged.
even with censorship people will just replace letters with symbols and numbers. The devs haven't implemented options for colorblind players even tho people have been asking that for years, you think they're gonna do something about steam names? this is a rated M game. You are already "breaking" the "game rating laws" (lol)…
Opening a hatch with a key should require an animation that lasts 12 seconds. This animation would be similar to the one we have when we are sabotaging a hook. The reason why it needs to be 12 seconds is, to allow the killer a reasonable amount of time to get to the hatch before it's opened, if the killer is away from the…
thanks for your replies, everyone.
it was 3 seconds in Oni and Yui's Chapter PTB. Then they increased it to 4 seconds when the chapter went live. It was just the other day that they reduced the cooldown timer to 80/70/60 seconds.
is that really it? like, officially? hmmm, but why is this a problem? the only reason why the killer's succesful attack cooldown would be "countered" with AMN is if the killer hit the survivor while they were throwing down a pallet, and by then, you'd probably get stunned and that would cancel the 3.2 second cooldown and…
what do you mean by longer? longer as in duration, or longer as in it looks like his arm is longer? Because, if it's the latter, I've stated over and over, that that isn't the issue. You still get hit... from 2 meters away. Because his claws, on the survivor's screen, look like they are two meters away... and it still…
it doesnt matter if he "yeets" himself. He connects the hit when in the survivor's screen it did not. That's not a problem with "visuals" it's a problem with the hit boxes. His needs to be adjusted. Billy and Bubba have (or atleast used to have) gen speed affecting add ons but, the difference with those, is that you must…
First of all, what;s the meaning of those images? Second of all, Hag and Blight are shorter than Freddy and they don't feel like they're hitting you from 10 meters away. Yet Freddy does. I'm willing to bet it's because of his 1st person model. We all saw how outstretched that arm was. You can't keep using "he looks like he…
Its overkill. They just needed to make falling asleep more threatening and make him able to m1 you regardless of your status. Not have Freddy's power do absolutely everything for him. Clocks? Farthest one. Waking up with others? Takes longer each time. Teleporting? Every 15 seconds and I dare say less. Snares? Feel like…
if you saw the 1st person bug, you can clearly see his arm is 3 meters long lol. I bet real money that's the reason he can hit people from so far away.
That won't make waking up with the clocks more meaningful. It will still be the same but worse. The bots will never do gens and instead will waste time waking up. Clocks should be RNG and his cooldown needs to be increased, both for when survivors are awake, and when they aren't. Personally, I'd just remove the whole micro…
Literally most of the recognized dbd streamers have commented on how Spirit, Nurse, PH, and DS have little to no counterplay, and Freddy's power does everything for him. Phase with Spirit, you win, blink with Nurse, you win, fake your shots with DS, you win, fake your Punishment, you win, (the recent change did nothing to…
so calling the devs, who have not rewarded their playerbase outside of bloodpoint codes or charms, who just keep putting new content behind paywalls, greedy is bad but calling players that don't agree with their monetization "strategies" even though they have been playing the game for years and spending a lot of money on…
They CHOOSE to ignore your points. Literally Ayrun and JRM's videos are sufficient proof of why this needs to be addressed. WGLF Healing boost should be decreased to 50 / 75%. Or survivors preventing pick up by healing should be removed.
the way they all just ignored the main concern in your post... I wonder if these are the same people that stan Decisive Strike. People have already said Soul Guard is a bs perk and they're gonna pretend its not. Someone on the ptb feedback was talking about this, how the new WGLF would make it difficult for the killer to…
girl... just lower the menu music to zero my guy
I disagree with all the people saying the game will die. That's what ptb's are for. They could go down the list with suggested changes, do a ptb for say, no more than 10 of those changes, and see what the players think. If they just did ptb's with minimal changes and not super big mechaninc overhauls, on a regular basis,…