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  • The only problem I have with the first half (I dont know much about the addons so I skipped that) is that if you change the charge up to catch up to survivors that makes the point of a charge up useless. Nurse has a charge up for blinks. Hillbilly has a charge up and is stopped by all objects like a chainsaw realistically…
  • Spine Chill Calm Spirit Self care (for in case) Resilience/Urban Evasion/Aftercare/Leader/Small game for 4th perk depending on play style Resilience for alone and if you tend to get found Urban evasion is helpful against fast to arrive or tracking killers Aftercare if you are altruistic or with a swf Leader for team…
  • I disagree with this for the reason of why I have known a lot of people to disconnect. As a survivor I would like it but I also know survivors disconnect to leave a toxic game. Sometimes to get away from survivors. The killer bonus is compensation for losing a sacrifice but does not give the same amount. I've seen more and…
  • This post is assuming survivor is fun to play. It's not. Killers can become increasingly more interesting with every new killer. They have an ability, skins, new perks. Survivors get new skins and new perks. Nothing game changing. The killer doesnt have to consider every perk the survivor has and avoid such things.…
  • Then range addons would need a nerf. I agree with the widen the range though. Instead make you continue to go crazy when in a locker which is a common tactic I see survivors use to avoid it.
  • I could name only 1 survivor I know out of at least 50 who does that for the only reason of being a troll that purposefully kills their teammates. Any other time I see it is when no one finds it. No one can complain if they didnt break the totem when they saw one. That's just a stupid player.
  • I admit some games the totem may never be found and despite popular belief a great skill check is hard to hit everytime even for rank 1 survivors but small game, detectives hunch, and gen tapping are all counters to it. As much as the perk is a nuisance it's not anything that needs to be nerfed. If your totem is found…
  • Only problem I see with this is that Haunted Ground would become useless. Once a survivors finds a totem whether lit or not they usually cleanse it either for points or the chance of no ed.
  • In the end camping is completely ineffective unless its game end and no ed is active. (Even then I refuse to do so) It takes more time for a person on hook to die than for a gen to finish. Survivors can finish 4 generators while that 1 person is hooked. That's no including any progress completed during the chase of that…
  • Agreed. It seems every game I play especially among rank 4-8 is all camping and tunneling killers. Not bbq killers who know someone is near but an insidious face camper who downs the person the second they're off hook or a killer who abandons a chase with an injured survivor the second someone is pulled off hook. However…
  • I can agree with the everyone getting chat as a way to balance it. However that would upset killers who dont like swf already. Now everyone would be swf and make it harder. A lot of times survivors dont mention a trap or stop being chased and dont tell the group. It's the things they forget to mention that get the others…
  • To sum my own arguements since you didnt understand. I'm fine if you add a thing to tell you who is in a swf group but not a filter for swf. I just said it's usually easy to tell who is swf in the lobby by how they spawn in. And yes it is part of the game. That unbalance between swf and solo most likely cant be fixed. I…
  • Coming from the person that wanted a NOED buff. (And more but I wasnt going to read everything) Again is there anyone who wants an actual discussion?
  • Like usual killer mains complaining when someone points out something they dont like. (Survivors do it too I know) Survivors cant get rid of your addons or powers. (No disabling traps doesnt count because you still use them) but killers can? How is that in any way balanced? Stop complaining about one use addons when you…
  • It's an unbalanced perk. It bothers just about any survivor who goes against it not just me. If they use Franklin's Demise now why wouldnt they use the rework? You havent pointed out any flaws or anything to support your arguement.
  • While I would love the idea it wouldnt happen. Addons are like a no return policy. You could buy a green item for 5000 use it 10 games until you have a purple item then sell the green item to use the points later. It makes more sense to have a player trading set up. Often I give the items I dont want to my friends in…
  • Sometimes the survivors and killers that DC do it because of lag or a urgent matter. I once had a killer DC to go to the restroom. What happens if you DC for a good reason or lag out? Youd be punished too. Why does it jump from 30 minutes for 5 games to a whole week? I dont support dc-ing but it would be very hard to…
    in D/C Comment by milo77727 November 2018
  • In literal terms yes but its proposed to balance the perk. The perk can negate addons and offerings just by playing the game. It also impacts games in the future because you now dont have that item you could've had before. Plus with the small window as you're running out giving killers an easy last hit always makes you…
  • As a swf main I can truthfully say the only time we base our perks or addons on each other is when we are bored or exchanging items we dont want. It improves killer by learning how to play in less than ideal situations. Think like a swf group and dont fall for their tricks they use. If you feel something in life is hard…
  • Ok. That makes more sense now. I was understanding it as each player could only hold 1 key and swf could only grab 1 key per game. I feel like that's something Franklin's shouldn't be able to influence. Otherwise keys will never be done and every killer would run is for how OP it would become. Instead a perk could be added…
  • I'm not sure what you mean by the temporary speed boost then is that just during reappearance? If so then I can understand that but no longer than 3 seconds (which is the length of survivors sprint burst). I was agreeing with the appearance time sorry I didnt make that clear. Overall you balanced pretty nicely. I'm just…
  • I understood the first part mostly. I still see the issue that swf can only have one key each making it impossible to do gens if it's a four man. I get the everyone can work as soon as its unlocked. It would also be difficult for solo if someone has a key and dies then the other players have no idea that key is there and…
  • The wraith is a good killer as long as you use good add ins or arent randomly walking down obvious paths to survivors. I agree the invisibility can be increased and his appearance be a bit faster but otherwise no speed boosts for a missed attack or anything of that sort. If he were to have a speed boost or anything more…
  • That means generators cant be done because only a certain amount of keys can be picked up. Either random has to do more work and unlock more keys or if they die you cant do any more gens then the keys you are allowed. Your two survivors can unlock 1 gen and the two randoms can unlock 1 gen each. That's still 2 gens that…
  • Problem I see with this is most of the time killer finds hatch first unless survivor knows where it is. If it were a race to hatch then killer would almost always win. Survivors cant run around looking for hatch without a care in the world without running the risk of being found by killer. Killer can move freely about…
  • Problem is you cant nerf swf without is affecting solo players. In a four person group it wont show as much but for anything less it puts the randoms at a disadvantage. We usually only gen rush or 99 hooks if we want to be random. The two rank 1 plays like running the killer around distracting and saving. I usually rush…
  • Swf do have a certain amount of advantages however one simple fix for one of those advantages is removed players abilities to see killer perks until after everyone has died. That gets rid of information you should not know in the game regardless. Devs know there is no getting rid of team chat for players and they are…
  • That would promote tunneling injured or hiding survivors. Say you're injured and your friend runs the killer nearby. Killer can see your aura and ditch your friend to go after you because you're injured. Also makes distractions for unhooking or cleansing completely useless. It basically gets rid of teamwork in general.
  • 360s and 180s are a tactic used by survivors to get away just as pallets and windows are. Trying to eliminate a tactic to get away will only make it easier to kill especially with fast killers. It takes a while to learn how to do it and doesnt always work. As a killer you just have to learn to predict it.
  • I think this would just ruin part of the game. I'm a survivor main (who plays killer too) and I usually play with one other person as survivor because I'm bad at running the killer around and hes bad at not being noticed. We balance each other out but we lose a lot of games too. Even when we have a 4 man group we lose just…
  • Then swf would have no one to play against. How many people do you know would not filter that out? Even those who play swf dont like swf groups as killer. Just know what a swf group looks like and leave the lobby if you dont want to play them. It's really not that difficult. If you want the challenge then play the group.…
  • That would be a bug fix. Nerf is for making something the person is SUPPOSED to have worse. The doctor isnt supposed to be able to shock you backwards from a vault.
  • So to make killers (which in my experience win as much as lose during swf) happy and ruin the game for everyone else? If you play killer you know it's not always going to be easy. If you dont want swf groups then DC on menus no one says you have to play against them.
  • Killers already have hatch plays they can make. Bait a survivor or hook a player with more on their hook. Force them to either be selfish or altruistic. Or just have a hatch standoff in which they eventually get the other gens done or either one gives up. Hatch is there for a reason. Imagine being in a lobby and a player…
  • So basically make overcharge and pop goes the weasel mandatory while adding more complicated and OP mechanics. An easy way to avoid the bonus to generator repair is to damage the last gen. What is the point in just 1 generator getting that? Survivors can just avoid that generator until reset or attempt it to get a bonus.…
  • Most of the time killers can tell when they go against a SwF group because of how they load in which is why those groups often have killers that leave the lobby. I can understand the perk thing however most of the time survivors can make guesses or know for sure anyway. It's a game based on teamwork why take away the…
  • Hi I'm a survivor main. And on the occasion of 1.5x bloodpoints I main hag for the reason is NOT OP. Survivors can easily avoid traps by crouching or flashlights and the hag will never know you are there until the action has been done. She has nothing that makes her useful in a chase outside of her traps. As survivor most…
  • I agree that trapper could use a buff however wraith when used correctly is in no need of help. Too often I see a player play wraith as a tank as if charging at a player uncloaked on a generator will work. The only thing that makes Huntress good is her one shot addons. High ranks can easily avoid her hatchet throws by…
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