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  • I agree with you. It is what it is. What's your opinion on faster search times but less accuracy?
  • No, you got me wrong, you are right in everything you said, at least in the OP and this reply (didn't really read all comments). She does not need a nerf per say, or maybe it is a nerf I dunno, but for her to not be able to chase into crows, so like she either tries to get you with them or a normal attack, not both options…
  • The fact a lot of people just spam her crows and try to only get hits this way and it works is pretty ridiculous already, but what I really want to know is what to do in the situation where she puts a crow which would damage you if you run forward and she is coming from behind. Her power button release period is way too…
  • So a bit of recap and short explanations along with my opinions, hope they help: Dead Hard needed validation because the survivor being chased and the killer might not have the same connection stability, therefore the server now decides the outcome based on the first command it receives, the hit or the dead hard. In my…
  • Having taken a break from DBD for my other main game and life in general, I have to say I'm glad I kept my MMR medium. The game went from having the occasional cheater to being absolutely infested and I mean pests squeezing to death behind the walls infested. That's not even the ridiculous part. Any game could start being…
  • So, I was just about to make a post about this topic and saw this one. Regardless if it is directly related to SBMM or there are other factors too, queues have become longer for killer. Also regardless of SBMM, I do not see a reason for MM to take this long before it expands the search to other MMRs and/or regions. Already…
  • Queues are very long for no reason, still being matched against players who have less hours than me combined as killer and killers uncapable to loop. It's not protecting newbies and making queues too long for some.
  • While it is their product to do as they please with and I don't agree with demanding anything from a developer, I always thought: Why don't you guys tell them what a win is? Why are you, the players making so many posts about what you want or don't in the game say something like: Example raw post: I think a win is escaping…
  • I just really hope escaping is not a factor because I played 6 matches today, all after SBMM launched, with all 6 having a very clear pattern. My teammates do corner gens first, getting dangerously close to the last 4 gens being in close proximity and then everybody is too scared to work injured or/and waste too much time…
  • Their system might be creating a base mmr for survivor and each killer depending on your stats/rank so far. Then, by playing your main killers, you are expected to reach higher ratings and so do the better survivors. Finally, after what could be a few days or even 2 weeks, we might see a proper distribution.
  • True. The point was that, you don't need to be taught to not just quit playing, because it's pretty obvious that nobody wants to play with you anymore if you do, at least that's how I see it. In online games you can't know who you play with, therefore I think developers should, in general, create a system that keeps those…
  • Further good points, thank you for the contribution.
  • So let's see. It still just as ugly to see it, but it doesn't affect me as killer, I let the others farm a little more then continue the match as normal. Doing it to let the only other survivor left to get hatch is, I think, a very nice thing to do, so yeah that should be allowed, maybe. For me, it would make a difference,…
  • I think I understand perfectly what you mean. I'm not saying it is always pleasant to continue and I do get that you want to have fun when playing a game, not endure a negative feeling. Once again, I would like people to think about a board game with your friends, it's just not fair for you to stop playing because it's not…
  • I agree, another good point, that's something a bit different then just giving up right from the start. Again, I don't know how an automatic system would tell the difference, but it's something to consider.
  • Indeed, that's why I never demanded that a good system comes out immediately nor do I claim to have such a design. I do wish that the developers are on it, that they didn't just put the mentioned system in place and left the matter at that. I do hope however, that you can agree, immediately attempting to escape 3 times,…
  • I think we both know that first line didn't really need to be there for any reason at all but oh well. You were probably writing as I made the above comment, but I think we are on common ground on many points. I don't think you should be banned for leaving. I think 5 minutes is perfectly fine for the first disconnect, no…
  • Oh, I see, you got a point of course. Indeed it's not a pressing matter per say. However it apparently was important enough for them to work on a penalty system, but they did only do half the work, or less. It is important, to me at least, to know how these situations are dealt with. Are they leaving this ticked box behind…
  • Yes, that system is indeed alright. But I am wondering if the developers realise people can just get hooked and give up to bypass it, on survivor.
  • First of all, opportunity. Not right, not privilege. Second, you shouldn't have the opportunity to do that just because you alone think the match is doomed to have a bad outcome.
  • I'm really starting to think that nobody is actually getting banned from this game. The number of daily active players is closer to being a constant than a variable. How does that happen with this kind of community? Dead by Daylight is by far top 2 most toxic games I've ever played, definitely not top 1, but also not top…
  • SBMMR was absolute garbage for me. Survivors were always varied, because let's face it, sometimes you want to play chill, but I cannot describe the level of troll and moronity (no idea what the word is) in sbmmr matches. Killer matches same thing but different problem, I don't want to finish the match in 3 minutes and have…
  • Hellraiser came out in 1987 Edit: Posted late, been said before, can't delete, hotel? trivago
  • This was actually a nice post. There is definitely something nice about the community speculating on the next DLC along with these clues. OP just brought up interesting points of view, but some of you just had to turn it again into a "who I WANT to see next" discussion. Some of you do not even read, leave alone understand…
  • That is not something I would know nor something I could find out by legal means. If however you mean, did the killer cheat during the match?; He/She disconnected before interacting with us, roughly 15 seconds into the match.
  • There was no indication that crossplay means console, but thanks.
  • He needs to be slower while getting ready to hit with the tentacle.
  • Yeah man, the guy I learnt the above from, had the same problem and I assume OP too since he didn't realise what the effect was.
  • That's also what I heard, shows aura of the crown from about 8 meters. Wasn't working yesterday if true. For me this info makes sense but again, only what i heard from others.
  • Further I think it's worth mentioning that my girlfriend plays DbD on PS4 or better said, as many of you have, used to play, because now as soon as the game starts the PS overheats to the point it restarts and we clean and maintain it, just like I do my PC. However, even then, the money she paid for this product did not…
  • I think it's alright. A good amount of comments, some worth the read, even an upvote. See, I would say most people here disagree with what I said, not quite with the topic precisely. And hey I didn't make my post extremely precise and explanatory so I got no right to say anything on the comments. But here, I see alright…
  • Wow, why is this thread filled to the neck with negativity? Dudes and gals, everyone gets it, it's the big anniversary and we could have bigger party, but it's a party nonetheless. The extra BPs from cakes are not to fix any kind of grind, I don't really get what some of you need so many BPs for. Fully prestige-ing all…
  • The balance comes from her having a very high skill cap. She is the best if you can play her better than the knowledge of the survivors you are up against about looping her. Did you even bother to read the comments of many before you? I really don't think you played her nor against her enough to comment on whether she…
  • Ah, yes indeed. Thank you. That's truly my bad, should have checked.