Its embarrassing because your asking someone else to fix YOUR problem without looking for solutions within your own gameplay. I play killer, like, a ######### ton of killer. And I can count on one hand the amount of hatch standoffs I've played. Do victims occasionally get a hatch escape? Sure. However, with the way that I…
Really, this cry baby thread again. From a killer; please stop. You're embarrassing yourself
I dont mean to be "that guy" but I'm gonna one up you. I was playing Freddy. 4 gens done and I walk up on almost complete gen with a victim on it. I put her to sleep but she just keeps working on the gen. She completes the gen and takes off. 1 second later shes asleep and laying in the dying state due to NOED.
So that's what it is. We're all dumb as bricks and dont understand what you're doing. On the contrary, as every killer in this thread has said we'll kill you if you try it.
Not only do you promote an unscrupulous way of playing the game but you also call into question my integrity by accusing me of lying. I'm done with your discussion.
If we both happen upon the hatch at the same time, I wait 8 seconds. After that, it's obvious they aren't gonna accidentally jump in and give me the grab, then I just hit them and move on to another game. Why do that to yourself? Camp hatches? Mexican standoffs? Why?
It's not bannable but it's a ######### way to play. I'd just kill you.
You cannot lose a pip until you hit rank 14. Between ranks 20 and 15, there is no way to go backwards.
How quickly did they nerf The Nightmare into the ground after release? Maybe not 2 weeks. Whatever the time was, I'll put money on that time frame for their reversal if/when they ever do release a DS change
Possibly. I have both a normal and a pro and when I tested them side by side the pro was faster regularly, but even faster in boost mode. If a recent update changed that, I haven't tested it since. I'll take your word for it, if you tested a pro next to a non-pro post update.
You have deceived us. The thread talks of rank 1 playstyle but you only talk about rank 10-20.
They do, it's called Exposed
No, that would discourage people from making reports on real issues when they aren't 100% sure it's a legit issue. Like if I see a game where something questionable happens, but I dont fully know, like maybe it was sheer dumb luck on the other players end, so I decide not to report it because I dont want repercussions for…
The irony is strong with this one
If you have a PS4 pro, put it in Boost Mode. Google it
You can put it on Settler difficulty and bully all the AI opponents you want. Civ has better forums too
Adept claudette is easier, so no, it isn't LITERALLY (not that you understand HOW to use that word) the easiest thing to do.
I agree. That's why I try not to rely on them, except NOED at red ranks. Honestly, we shouldn't need second chance perks. If there are still 4 victims alive when the 5th gen pops, theres more problems with our game than the last minute and a half.
Shouldn't care what your victims say. A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinions of sheep.
Grats. I'm at about 80% without trying for the adept ones nor do I have all of the Hags or Nurses cuz I just never play them
Wow, it's almost like you can tell what rank a player has made just by reading their comments in this thread.
2 TB is fine. But three? Piss off with that. One exception, it's more than 1 when I play Trapper. Chances are you'll find a 3rd in a chest anyways
You guys need 3 toolboxes to complete gens? If you suck that badly, then you're not ready to play against me. I'm taking it easy on you by not forcing you into a game with me.
Good jerb
I can't answer that for you. Well, what I mean is, I can't give you THE definitive answer. I dont presume to speak for all killers. I will leave the lobby if all 4 people join at same time AND one of the following conditions are met; MORE than 2 toolboxes OR dont ready up
You dont understand what "salt" is if you honestly believe what you just typed
It counters Adrenaline. That's all. And it's easy to remove
Depends. Considerable could be 50% like in the case of Evil Within addons. Considerable could also be something as small as 3 or 4% as in the case for luck offerings.
So. If you aren't depiping, then you're not struggling. You're telling me that you de-rank to avoid 1 kill and 2 kill games? That's even worse logic. "I purposely lose games so I dont have to settle for a minor victory!" And you're proud of that?
Then just walk away. Your continued insistence that you are leaving is a running joke at this point.
Dont combine Coulrophobia or Unnerving Presence with Nurses Calling. The victims will see the other perk and never heal within your terror radius. Ever
Would be nice. Be prepared for the incoming victim salt train
Insidious counters BT. NOED counters Adrenaline. Remember Me counters perks that make actions faster (I think Leader and a couple others fit in this catagory) [i admit, that's a weak counter, but those are weak perks] Enduring is a soft counter to DS, as is Unnerving Presence. Slugging is a hard counter to DS, unless…
I'm at work, I'll listen later. I love ps4. Audio file hate messages are the best.
I call bullshit on this part. You can't have it both ways. If you're losing games, then you are already losing pips. Deranking = losing games to avoid losing games That's the dumbest logic that gets thrown around this forum.
To have better games. To challenge yourself. So that you dont get matched against scrubs.
It's due to the FPS drops. Playing killer can suck at times
Yes. Yes it is entitlement. And I feel entitled to my entitlement. And I will conti us to use whatever is in my power at any time that I deem it appropriate. Theres nothing any victims can do about it. Why is this thread so long? Victims felt so entitled to play with their friends that they literally got the developers to…
You have to actually do your job to use a mori. Twice. I fail to see how that's a second chance perk. Especially since it's an Offering.
A pallet breaking perk is now considered a second chance perk? LOL abyssion, you're funny. @OP, without all the sarcasm that abyssion gives, yeah we have second chance perks. NOED is probably the one that iritataes victims the most, a long with Blood Warden. To a lesser extent, Bitter Murmer gives you a boost every time…
A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of sheep.
Yeah, they've been making the Killer side a lot more fun to play lately so you have more people playing that side. Since the game can only support 20% of its playerbase playing killer at any given time, this can lead to long queues for killers. Especially at rank 20 at this point in the month. On the 13th (of every month)…
That's fine. I'm not going to tell you that you can't disconnect. But I will say that it shows your level of integrity and character by not completing a game that you say down and agreed to play with 4 other people. You seem like the type of person who would toss the table if you were losing Monopoly.
No. For $100-$120 you can find a BEAST wireless headset. Better if you have PS4 because the bluetooth wireless tech is superior
Dude? Seriously? That's a 15-20 dollar headset with no surround sound capabilities. You should totally advise people not to get THAT headset but dont tell people yo not get a headset at all based on your experience with a cheap PoS headset.
I love the audio file messages. Nah, actually I ended up turning messages from non friends off
I dont care about the chaser mechanic. If they want me to constantly only get +1 pip and take longer to red ranks, that's on them. I play to kill victims, not worry about some arbitrary ranking system that has changed a half a dozen times already and will change in the future
On PS4, I get hate audio-files. It's nice to hear someone's voice as they incoherently string expletives together.
DC is about the weakest in game thing you can do, character wise. That goes for everyone, victims and killers. Grow up guys.