The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • i agree base billy wasnt op in fact i liked playing against it, its one of those killers in my opinion that takes skill to master so i dont see the problem in a skillfull killer be strong, but the addons really mess up the game and lets not gonna lie, its not hard to gather addons, they justify their overpower with "oh its…
  • wow im a survivor main and usually defend that we are over nerfed but that its actually true, i guess the devs wont give attention to this but you are right m8, the end game collapse turned out to work well in my opinion so maybe something like that during the whole game would work as well in the end it would change a lot…
  • well i do think the nea ballance landing was miss nerfed since it was most a problem on specifc maps so they should have just removed the inifitys from the maps but i didnt really used the perk even before so wathever, now the lightborn perk makes flashlights totally useless, that is something that i think went to far, its…
  • dude learn to read where tf did you see me comparing bl with noed i just talked about them in two entirely different points anyway go back to crying when you play killer and cant get four kills every game
  • just to clarify that the 20 seconds cooldown would afect only the stun reduction, you would still get exausted and wont get speed boost
  • also another evidence to that its that this only seem to ocour when i press E right before being hit the error never happen if i use with a goo window of time
  • hope the devs find a fix soon before the dedicated servers sometimes i would press E to dead hard and becouse of the latency it would not activate before i was hit but it wouldnt give me exaustion either now maybe its the samething but the server "remembered" i pressed E and maybe is giving me the exaustion
  • same here its really anoying but im pretty sure it must be something about the dedicated servers thats causing the trouble
  • "Headshots are hard to hit and its fair that they cause insta down" "Legion is the weakest killer and dont need nerf" "MoM its soo op they should remove it" "Momento mori is not op just git gud dud" "This game its too survivor sided killers need buffs" Stay tunned for others quotes from baby killers
  • Its not like it needs to take longer for the genarator to be done, its just that ot will be no longer just siting down on a single place but if the killer camps you would still be able to rush gens I see your point though but with enough thinking we could find a way to make it work for both sides
  • what if i told you i also think loops should be reworked? they wont be removed but they should be worked on and its not like the devs dont try, thats what bloodlust is for, of course its far from enough. now you see the diference between you and me, im not just whyning, im trying to find solutions, you should do the same…
  • dude nobody will enter a trial with only anti camp perks and if they do they would pay the price while making anything that is not beeing unhooked or unhooking, now camping may not doom the other survivors game, they might get all gens done while their commrade dies but what about the guy on the hook? he also paid for the…
  • well doesnt seem like it cant be worked out, you seem to already know a few cases when the killer should camp so why dont work on that. for example, for the case you mentioned. lets say you increase the cooldown after a sucesfull hit when the killer is camping, this cooldown would stack acording the the number of gens…
  • Still doesnt seem like it cant be worked out, you seem to already know some specific situations where camping is right so you could work on some mechanics, for that situation you said, lets say you add a increased time between hits when the killer is camping, so the increased time would be based on the number of gens left,…
  • the legion hit also dont stack the perk and he is atacking with his main weapon why would devs make a perk that demands you to be hit by basic atacks if 99.99999999999999999% of killers nowdays dont use this kind of atacks
  • what about if the timer dont stop if you are on a chase? or if it never stop at all just slows down lets face it, losing points its not a real punishment, most people dont even care about that even more on low ranks, there are a lot of possibilities that can be explored like revealing the aura of campers or maybe…
  • ok then soo its now clear that most people thinks the devs are doing the right thing, that was my question and thx to you all even the salty ones
  • i played the game for something close to a year but still, i have never been a top rank player so i know what i think may not be true im just saying what a see from my point of view, as a said if you dont think the game is unballanced then im probably just wrong thats why i made the post, to see if more people were feeling…
  • the thing is that if you take 4 bad survivors and 1 bad killer the killer will win if you take 4 medium survivors against a medium killer the killer still hava the advantage on the high level matchs even if they are better balanced it will be really hard for someone ho starts playing now to get better on the game if you…
  • i dont think soo he can ignore pallets and windows while running super fast once he lands a hit he can see all survivors in its terror range but if he just take a few steps back he will and tha chase making the counter turn on without really stoping the chase since he could only follow blood trails, it will depend onthe…
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