Or you could download EarTrumpet from microsoft store to separately change audio levels of different audio inputs But I still agree, BP sounds are frustrating and I can't spend my BP without muting them. There should be no audio in spending BP, should only happen when you prestige your character to another level
mute single application, dead by daylight at this point. I do that from nvidia panel - for me its Windows + G under sounds tab
they should just let us have 100% at all times on the side that needs people
We all would love lunar to be back :(
SWF is excuse for bad killers to be honest. I wish it was shown in the endgame table who was solo or premade. I believe this would make a lot of people feel stupid when they found out it was solo que after all, not swf like they thought I love playing against SWF because they are overly altruistic and I find enjoyment in…
Here is mine Basekit corrupt Nerf blight Nerf nurse NEXT and PREVIOUS character selection button in the lobby, like it was before Daily (multiple aswell, so we don't finish within one game), weekly, monthly quest for both roles, not random - with better rewards. Better bloodpoints for surviviors, its bad if I escape match…
I believe not a single sane survivior will complain about slugging if they are playing for sabotage. In fact, they mostly should be ready for that.
yeah because bringing anti-slug builds only is fun…
probably monday-tuesday
Add billy to the list, Singularity and Wesker sometimes. Playing more solo que lately, my playing hours dropped by 50% because of it. Half of matches are blights.
2v8 will be played only for quest then
Also, I believe there should me some kind of mechanic, that it detects killer and their personal kill ratio and it doesn't give them easiest maps, so survivors have some breathing room, chance to win. But hey, at this point it's copium
Yeah, you are placed with them and thats miserable. tru3 actually plays pretty miserable. I went against his vecna this month and that was total tunnel on 5 gens. This gameplay doesn't leave any breathing room for surviviors. Same with me, last week i was matched against seth_kills and he chose to play haddonfield and…
That's exactly what my problem is, mostly nurses and blights, sometimes billys on my MMR and it's so repeatable and miserable, since those are the strongest characters and in good hands its total stomp I gave up last night on playing dbd, experience wasn't pleasent lately. I chose different game
That's sad but relatable for many people ;/
-19% from november to december is really big decrease. We should work on survivior experience asap.
but still, kinda back to the topic - that's how my matches go if i play dbd late at night without friends xd p100 nurses, blights xD We both had 9-10k hours that match and couldnt win against p100 nurse with 2k hours because she focused our teammate who wasn't really good
yup I remembered you from forum too ;p 1s delay btw
Also, without my swf I wouldn't spend much of my time on DBD, probably. Because solo que is just terrible experience. I am playing swf and we still escape maybe 40% of the time. We all have more than 3k hours each, one guy has 10k, I have 9k. But here is the thing, we all work full-time jobs and we just want to have…
I keep seeing that "SWF is a problem" but guys, SWF doesn't mean comp players. Most of the time swfs just are there for talks and laughs and the best info they can give is "im main" and "im shack". If I am playing with my 12 y.o nephew who has 60 hours in a game does that mean we are on adventage? Definitely no All it…
it's more often then sometimes on eu servers brother xd
Devs could always prevent blocking new killers for some time.
If you like randomness, you would not be forced to use the system. Unless you mean that you main blight and nurse and you want randomness within surviviors - casual surviviors to stomp, that would've blocked your character, ahh.
My idea would be great for surviviours actually, with good programming. For example only 3 killers that party leader banned would be not searched for. I am playing solo q today and 40% of my matches are blight and nurse. I just lost against nurse with 4 gens left ;p
I can wait for more balanced killer match, I don't mind. I bet a lot of people would prefer waiting 1 extra minute.
Be my guest, survivior is just a skin
Oh yeah, I tried solo que for past 2 weeks and it's terrible experience that I don't want to be part of. I don't play without 3 people in my lobby anymore. I am literally shocked why bhvr doesn't work on solo que experience, that should be really a priority because at that point bot filled lobbys will happen soon.
They fixed it once, killers didn't like that. So revert happened.
Some killers are just overtuned and it's miserable for casual surviviors. I am tired of my friends leaving the game one by one because they can't win games and get tunneled almost every match. EU gaming is miserable on high MMR, you've got to understand it. Of course I am not gonna be a sweatlord as full-time employee,…
Nope, there still would be people who dont use the mechanic and those who enjoy playing against some killers that other people hate. You know whats funny? You are saying that it that game would be unplayable for certain killers, and we all know it's about nurse and blight, maybe singularity. because those are the killers…
Just clickbait title. pardon me Wouldn't make game worse for everyone, definitely surviviors would appreciate such mechanic. That's the miserable side which seem not to enjoy and not have enough players lately ;p Wouldn't be additivie - maybe block party leader's choices.
Hopefully they do something before all surviviors decide to stop playing
Yeah, give survivior mains reason to participate in PTB. Killer reworks are not good enough if a lot of people only care about surviviors ;p
So why don't we make going against them less miserable? So people would enjoy games more? There is so many blight and nurse mains because it's too easy to win. Killer's should not be able to make 1151 winstreaks.
Chucky is hard to balance. I would stomp every match as a chucky, and chucky would stomp my lobby if I was survivior. Now chucky gets stomped hard. I had a match against chucky at a tombstone house, farm map and all he did was 3 hooks (4k hour chucky) Also, I didn't touch him since speed change, I refuse to play nerfed…
and yet we get jimmys who predrop shack and its not a greatest loop anymore, is it?
dbd is not fighting game the only fighting i've done is hitting wesker's face while he moris me, but I would not count that
You learn counterplay with experience, just give it time to adjust. I am literally telling you, looking down does the work when it comes to chain blinding. Also, losing 3-5 seconds because of getting blinded here and there doesn't mean you lose the game. You can still move while blinded and use your hearing to follow the…
Blind on the pallet is not a problem, even OP is talking about chain blinds. After the pallet breat you look down and flashlight is not a problem anymore. Bruuuuuuuuh
Newsletter never worked for me, even tho i've my accounts connected etc. Will it work this time?
I still manage to enjoy them. It mostly ends with 3-4 man slug tho ;p
"It also promotes more skill-based gameplay where each loop is a proper 1v1 mindgame between the survivor and the killer, where the better player winds due to how well the killer can mindgame and trick the survivor, vs the survivor able to respond to the killer and make proper choices based on what the killer has done…
I get it, you're getting frustrated because someone uses game mechanics that you are not very familiar with, but instead of proposing to nerf those you should be learning how to go against it. Everything comes with the experience, I can tell you as a 9k hour player. Might be hard at first, but you will get there. Ain't no…
It does fix it. You can still hear the footsteps, grunts of pain, breathing. Use that to your adventage. If you look up or down and survivior try to chain blind you, he loses distance - good for you. You literally have few ways to counter that, looking up or down, using lightborn, using franklins demise or overwhelming…
Look down or up for chain blinds, problem solved.
Some people are assinged to cosmetics, different people take care of game balance. That's how this probably work. So cosmetics people still can do their job :) But I feel like not enough people work on a game balance team. I agree on the money part - more people would be buying skins or even characters if game was more…
Smart. I gave up buying skins recetly too. Too much FOMO, viceral skins are moneygrab, since they could make additional category for moris and just make them cost separated price. Combined backpacks are still a thing too, which is weird in 2024 for me. There were some skins that I wanted to buy but didn't because of the…
Bone chill servers are just worse. That's it. Regular mode pings are fine
I believe she might be an issue. Dog is fast now