Killer Nicknames
What sort of nicknames do y'all like to give to the killers? I know there are a few that are well known throughout the community, but I'm curious if anyone has some unique names. I'll start with a few of mine Hillbilly = Billy boi Dredge = Dreg (think Greg) Demogorgon = Demogargle Clown = Funny Man
How WOULD Nurse be changed?
Putting personal biases aside, if Nurse was to get nerfed/changed in some way, what would even be the best way to go about it? Feels like most suggested changes I've seen just wouldn't work. I know many say that they should make her blink attacks special attacks instead of M1s, which certainly would dial some things back,…
Chains Should Not Impede Progress While Actively Solving Lament Configuration
By far the only issue I have with Pinhead, albeit a relatively minor complaint, is how chains can still spawn if the player is solving the Lament Configuration. If it were not for the fact that said chains interrupted the solving process, I would not have an issue with this, but as it stands it is an annoying feature that…
How Would You Fix Killer Stress?
Inspired by Trickstaaaaa's post, I want to ask the community, how would you fix the problem of the stress that comes with playing killer? I'm sure most of us are well aware that playing killer is no walk in the park, especially when compared to the survivor experience. More often than not, a single mistake on the killer's…
Smear Hag Traps
By far I think one of the more annoying aspects of Hag is you only have two inconsistent methods of dealing with her traps: either you trip them yourself or you use a flashlight. While both are valid ways of getting rid of her traps, neither are necessarily reliable, considering that the former gives your location away to…
Autodidact Buff/Rework Suggestion
Autodidact as it stands is a fairly "meh" perk. On paper, it sounds pretty strong but in practice it is wildly inconsistent due to its benefit relying on hitting skill checks, which may not always show up. So, to rectify this, I have come up with two buffs/rework proposals to make it a more reliable perk. Proposal One:…
God bus is gone?
You know it just occurred to me that I don't recall seeing god bus at all recently. Did BHVR by chance remove it? If so, I question if it was purely a balance decision or if it was a mistake. I do remember that the Autohaven bus had some collision issues when the maps were reworked, may that have something to do with it?
Basement hook bug?
Just had a game on the Yamaoka Estate where a player was hooked on the left (viewed from entering basement) hook in basement under Killer Shack. For some reason, the game physically prevented any of us from being able to rescue them, not giving any of us the prompt, forcing us to leave them to die on hook.
Swap usage time for Skeleton and Broken keys
As the title implies, I think it would be a good idea to swap the amount of use the skeleton and broken key items have. As it currently stands, the Broken Key only has 10 seconds of use by default while the skeleton key has a whopping 30 seconds. Now one thing I'm sure some will argue is "the skeleton key is rarer, so of…
Keep this bug as a feature for Bloodweb
It would appear that BHVR has accidentally sped up certain animations, including the blood web. However, I for one hope they actually keep this speed up, at least for the blood web, as it would make for a nice QOL change. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to isolate specifically the blood web but if it is doable I…
MacMillan Estate Pallets
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed but the pallets in the MacMillan Estate realm seem far more plentiful than I remember. Disregarding Shelter Woods, since that map even now has never been particularly pallet dense, Coal Tower and Groaning Storehouse seem to have way too many pallets. For clarification, I'm not so…
That would explain a lot...
No wonder updates are so slow and only come in batches. Whoever is in charge of these deadlines needs to just let their devs do their jobs instead of forcing them to have something out on X date.
Fast Gens On the Rise?
Is it just me or has there been an increasing amount of content regarding gens going by in ~3 minutes? I cannot tell if these scenarios are more of a fluke caused by being placed with more top% survivors that know what they are doing or if the general survivor meta has just shifted. In light of all the outcry about…
Pallets Not Being Thrown Down (PC)
I wish I had video proof of this, but on two separate matches I encountered an issue when attempting to throw down a pallet. The first time was on Rancid Abattoir I found myself unable to throw down the pallet outside of the abattoir itself (the one directly next to the building typically sided by a short wall of…
What is "Forever Freddy?"
Refer to the title.