Jeff AOT Skin Bugged
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When a certain distance away from the killer, Jeff's AOT skin gives him psuedo-invisibility. PLATFORM: Nintendo Switch STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Chasing a Jeff player but when they were about I wanna say 16-20 meters at minimum away from me, his skin caused him to turn…
Strange Locker Issue with Switch
Platform: Nintendo Switch Description of the Issue: Sometimes when rounding corners killer can see in lockers. Steps to reproduce: Unknown aside from walking around a wall where lockers are on the other side of the wall. How often does this occur: More often than I'd like it to be happening.
Bear Oil Doesn't Work
Platform: Nintendo Switch Description of the issue: Bear Oil doesn't make bear traps silent for some reason. Steps to reproduce: Equipping Bear Oil and going into a match I guess. How often does this occur: Just had one game on Badham and this issue cropped up. Shocked at first thinking it was inconsistent, but then it did…
Weird Red Tile on Forgotten Ruins
Platform: Switch Description: A weird tile with blood red ground that let players run off the map and warp somewhere else appeared on the map as I was playing a match today. Steps to Reproduce: Unknown, presumably a map generation bug. How often does this occur: First time I've seen this on the new map.
Two Pallets in the Same Spot on Vecna Map
Platform: Switch Issue: There was a second pallet after breaking the first one at a jungle gym tile. Steps to reproduce: Seemingly none since this is the first time I've seen this bug. How Often: Just had it happen once.
If 2v8 was real, Plague would be S-tier
Hear me out on this one - Plague's power in a 2v8 mode would be an excellent support tool to leave survivors one hit, especially if they don't cleanse. If they did cleanse and the amount of fountains was adjusted for the increase in players, cleansing survivors would give Plague a seemingly endless supply of Corrupt Purge.…
Dear BHVR (My Road to Prestige 100 Trapper on Switch)
It was back in 2018 when I first heard about your smash hit game from a friend on Discord. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have spent the last six years following this game and playing it as much as I have. We've been through a lot together. Through times of different metas, different chapters, paragraphs, updates, tomes…
What Add-On is Your Guilty Pleasure to Use?
Title question is pretty self-explanatory. These can be add-ons that are good, bad, or just plain memes. My own guilty pleasure is Trapper's Bear Oil - being able to set silent traps and sometimes get them to work mid-chase never stops being entertaining for me.
Trapper Bug
Platform: Switch Description of the issue: Sometimes when placing down traps, the bear trap is suspended in midair above the ground, rendering the trap useless. Pretty crippling for Trapper. Steps to reproduce: Unsure, some positions tend to cause this to occur, but others don't. How often does this occur: It's happened a…
Feedback: Lights Out on Switch
For a test of the Game Modifier function, I think my favorite part about Lights Out (aside from trap value in the dark, that was a great time) was the fact that on Switch, my performance in terms of framerate has been the best it has ever been since I started playing on the platform. In every Lights Out match I played, the…
STBFL Changes First Impressions from a Trapper Main
Short answer: The PTB isn't out yet, so I'm gonna see how things develop before making any concrete decisions. Long answer: Well this is certainly something interesting to look at. Mucho texto incoming, but I wanna put down a lot of my thoughts on the matter. The idea that the Obsession can run headfirst into traps all the…
Switch Killers Have it Rough
Why can't the Switch port run at least 30 FPS? That's all I ask - just a stable framerate so I don't have to work ten times harder than every other platform to get the same result of even one kill per game.
Haunted by Daylight Highest Score Thread
I decided after this match on Dead Dawg, I would want to open up a thread where we post our highest scores we get in this event, because from my experience alone? We're looking at some JUICY BP harvesting. Curious to see how everyone else fares!
New Map Has Framerate Issues on Switch
Nostromo Wreckage. Such a well crafted map with one problem. The Nintendo Switch has a horrible framerate problem that's been festering for a while now. Nostromo Wreckage brings out the framerate issue the most as it is very hard to play any killer on this map without the framerate having to suffer for it. I am aware that…
Could We Have Icons for What Platform We're Playing On?
See title. I think it'd be nice to see what platform players are playing on aside from the globe.
Current Trapper Build, What do we Think?
I just got to Prestige 40 as Trapper on Switch tonight. 60 Prestige levels to go, and despite all the frustrations, I actually do feel accomplished for maining Trapper for this long. I found a build that's worked for me thus far, and I hope it keeps working not for consistent 4ks, but for consistent matches I feel…
What's something only DbD players understand?
With how unique this game is and all the different 'tech' names, being a DbD player makes me feel bilingual sometimes. What's a concept or phrase only DbD players know what it means, whereas to someone looking in it'd completely fly over their heads?
Thoughts on Trapper from a P33 Trapper Main
In hopes of creating a constructive discourse on Trapper's current state in DbD, I wanna preface this by saying I've been maining Trapper for 5 years casually now, and I'm crazy enough to run Padded Jaws purely for the extra Deviousness points, which I have been doing for a while. I mainly play on Switch and have been for…
What was your biggest brained outplay of a killer?
Normally I play killer, but sometimes I play survivor. Nowhere near the level of some content creators but I have my moments from time to time. I've been sitting on this story for a while and wondered if anyone else had something similar to share. During the Halloween event I was playing a survivor match as Adam with a…
Switch player here, how am I able to do this?
With a little over a thousand hours in DbD over the course of four years (not playing every day), and at least 80% of that on Switch (the other roughly 20% was on a low end laptop), I've been wondering something for a long time. I've been dealing with the not 100% reliable framerate of the Switch for a long time for about…
What's your favorite 'non-meta' perk to run?
Curious where this thread will end up. For me personally, Blood Echo is one of my favorites to run, specifically on Legion. Legion, a killer who can get first hits easier than most others, can force survivors to heal against them if they want to keep their Dead Hards or whatever Exhaustion perks they're running, and…
What Maps Should Be Removed/Reworked?
So it's come to my attention a lot of problems we have with the game boil down to the maps. What maps would you like to see be fixed if you could only pick one to fix?
Thoughts on Pyramid Head
Even though I haven't played Silent Hill 2, I've loved playing as Pyramid Head since I got him in my roster of available killers. I still like him these days since I think he's strong and fair. What about you guys? Do you share the same sentiment or is it different (my bet is because Pyramid Head players use Torment to…
Software Error causing crash on Switch
Platform: Switch Description of Issue: For the past two days, I've had two times where the game randomly shuts down due to some sort of software issue. Both times they've occurred when all gens are completed either immediately (the first time) or shortly after (the second time). How often this occurs: Only twice over the…
Victor Should get to Dress Up
Just had a match against a solid Twins player - if Victor is the one going around and getting all the snowball slugging pressure, it'd be nice if he can dress up in these cosmetic sets like his big sister. No hate directed towards the Twins at all BTW. You really have to use the strengths of each sibling effectively to get…
Infectious Fright Suggestion
This wasn't from me, this was from someone who makes content on YT. I commented on a video in which he faced an Oni using Infectious Fright (w/ Monitor & Abuse since why wouldn't a high rank Oni use it given the chance), and he responded to my comment with an interesting suggestion I wanted to see what you guys thought of.…
List of Common Complaints
Now I'm probably missing some, but I've seen these as complaints quite a bit. Feel free to add the bunches I'm missing please and thank you. The purpose of this topic is so I can put together all the common topics that can be filed under 'complaints'. -Keys and Moris -DS/Unbreakable -Ruin/Undying -Certain maps (If it's…
Question About Pallets
I've noticed a lot of players standing near pallets both in and out of chase and playing a game of chicken. I've even had survivors go for random pallet drops even when I'm minding my own business. Not saying survivors can't do this but... Any ideas on why survivors do this? Any tips to help beat this would be greatly…
Least Favorite Map?
Title is self-explanatory. What map do you not want to play on the most and why? Mother's Dwelling is my least favorite. If anyone has played FE4 and seen that map size, that's what it feels like. Unless you have high mobility you're in for a bad time. I like the look though.
Secondary Objective Suggestions
I've heard this be mentioned before by some other people, and let's be honest, just doing gens can be pretty boring. I do think a secondary objective would be the best way to get a lot of complaining to stop. Question is, what should that secondary objective be? I do think the Archives challenges were a step in the right…
Tell Me if This Sounds Familiar
I've always wondered something about this game - for some reason, it comes across as me getting paired up with 1000+ hour survivors who know everything about loops and jukes whenever I play killer, and yet when I play solo queue, I'm paired up with survivors who are...still learning some things, to put it nicely. I am…
What was your most intense match ever?
Title speaks for itself. I just escaped by the skin of my teeth against a Rank 6 Clown with STBFL, Distressing, Unnerving Presence, and Coulrophobia...and the guy brought a Jigsaw offering. Pretty much came down to a 50/50 on which gate he'd go to - he guessed right, but didn't have enough time to finish the job as I got…
Open Letter to Certain Survivors
You guys know who you are, but don't worry. I'm not going to be mad at you, I'm merely going to be giving my thoughts on the matter. Far be it from me to tell other people how to play the game. You know the ones I'm talking about - the ones that are a popular talking point. The 'toxic' survivors. The ones who killers hate…
Strangest Thing I've Ever Encountered...
Been a while since I posted here - moved to the Switch since I don't have to deal with frame clips on a low end laptop, and I've been doing alright. But that's not what I'm hear to talk about. I had a friend warn me about this sort of thing, but I didn't think too much of it...until it happened to me. So I'm playing…
No User Interface
Platform: Switch Description: Loaded into a match on Blood Lodge (only knew because I spawned by the main building), there was no user interface whatsoever - no map name, no hud showing me gens and survivor health states, no perks, nothing. Could not exit the results screen which didn't show up either. Steps to reproduce:…
Just had a match with 4 lag spikes during one chase. I'm not going to accuse the player of anything, but the only thing that truly gets me mad in this game is latency. Robs me of a lot of hits and downs. Any advice on what to do? I don't know how to fix the issue.
Theoretical Question
I've heard so much about the 'Killer Rebellion', the No NOED, the NOED rebellion, all of this crap...and here I am just wondering something regarding this game. (When it comes to the 'Killer Rebellion' stuff, I would love if this game could be balanced for both sides, so that way everyone has fun - both survivor and killer…
Question About Gen Times
I see a lot of people saying that gens go by too quickly, and they need to be longer. But something I've noticed in all these complaints is that they never specify how much longer they want gen times to be. So I'm going to ask what you guys think. What should gen speeds and gen times be to make it more balanced?
Advice on Hitting Survivors
So I've discovered a new tech called 'Running at the killer'. It's a lot more effective than the hook tech, as survivors literally in front of me I seem to miss. All jokes aside, I really need help here. I'm struggling with being able to hit survivors even when I feel that they should've connected. Sometimes it's latency,…
Camping isn't bannable, right?
Hi, how's everyone doing? Been playing this game for a while now, first time on the forum. So as for some context as to what happened, deciding to play some Hillbilly (I main Trapper and Pig), in the pre-game lobby I saw all four of these guys had toolboxes, so mentally I prepared myself for a genrush. One of them sent us…