What the hell happened?
So, the last few weeks I havent won a single game as Killer. None. 0 kills, 3 hooks a game is what Im averaging. Usually by the time I get my first down, within the first two minutes of the game, two or three gens pop one after another. Im not the best killer in the world, but it feels like no matter what Killer I am…
I wish Doctor's hallucinations did something
Other then just stare in disappointment as you do a gen in its face. Imagine one spawns, has a terror radius, and runs around the corner to hit you. But instead of taking damage you just scream as your madness level goes up.
Missing Characters I paid for
I logged in, and am missing killers I purchased. I dont know what happened. They are The Knight, Sadako, Clown, Huntress. Survivor side im missing Kate, Vitorrio. It kinda worries me cause I paid for cosmetics for some of these characters..
Killers arent allowed to have fun, change my mind
Honestly, ive played against nothing but the sweatiest of sweat lords all day. Im doing everything I can to get them, but its always the same thing over and over. I get a down, go to pick up, flashlight. I try again, get another down, make sure nobodies around. Pick up, then someone sprint bursts in front of me with a…
Is this intended?
In facing my first 5 minute ban, but not because I DC'd. It literally kicked me out of the match saying Disconnection From Host. One second Im trying to avoid hatchets from Huntress, next I get kicked out and banned for five minutes. I had no reason to DC, the match had just started and I hadnt been hit yet. Do I have to…
Im not upset over Unbreakable Basekit
I'm upset over the last man standing, and the changes overall to Mori's. I mostly play killer, and I see this as them taking away something fun and one thing I could choose to do if I wanted. And what's worse is I'm being forced to Mori when I don't want to. Dont get me wrong, there's a lot of fun in having the opportunity…
Killers are far too weak, can't change my mind
I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but right now it feels like playing the Killer is like saying, "I WANT TO LOSE THE NEXT 40 GAMES IN A ROW!" On loud speaker. Honestly, that's how it feels at times. Made only worse by SWF players. The teamwork, coordination, everything makes it far too easy for Survivors to…
When I play killer, it's like I'm not allowed to have fun
It's always the same thing constantly. Groups of 4, all coordinating, gen rushing, and flash light clicking. It's non stop every game. Everyone has decisive. Everyone had borrowed time. Everyone is bringing toolkits or medkits. Boons are constantly going off. Like, im sorry to ######### and moan. But I use to usually get at…
Did anyone else lose Clown or Kate with the update?
I don't know what happened. I updated, logged into the game, and they were both locked for me. I got Clown and the Pustelina skin for him from the Gamepads Perks, and don't know if that was temporary..... I so I'm pretty upset, I had him at level 50, Kate at lvl 39 ish. As well as losing them I lost their teachable perks I…
I had to turn off Cross Play
And it's simply for the fact of PC SWF groups I'm always going against. I just feels ungodly unfair. The higher fluidity, speedy as ######### mouse aim, and generally they sweat and are more likely to annoy you with flash light clicking and tea bagging. Yes Xbox Live had SWF, but at the same time they don't seem nearly as…
What's the best build to go against SWF groups?
Been running into them a lot more lately, and can't seem to keep up with the coordination. At times it feels unfair, cause by the time I get one down they've done four gens even when I'm leaving chases to go get people off other gens. Right now I'm playing a lot of plague and the perks I'm using are: Discordance, Ruin,…
I hate survivors who abuse Borrowed Time
All four of them run it. Every time you get a hook they just pick em right off. Left and right it never stops. It's like a free get out of jail card and it's just aggravating when this is the only perk load out I see in a whole team. Borrowed Time. Unbreakable. Decisive Strike. Spine chill. What am I supposed to do against…
I'm starting to not like playing anymore
Ten games in a row I've played as killer has gone as followed: Wait ten minutes for a match. Load into match. Three gens pop at once when I find the first survivor. Two more pop while hooking the survivor I found. Note I'm playing Freddy and it's not hard to follow people and slow em down with his pools. Within four…
As a Killer, how often do you let the last survivor escape?
Generally if I've had fun the whole match, and they haven't been trolling me and actually trying to play the right way I will often give the last survivor the hatch or close hatch and let the last one escape. I see it as a sign of respect, like okay. You've played a fair game, you've evaded me, managed to escape and you…
The one thing console players can't handle...
PC users having to use cheats to win. I've gone through the process of reporting the individuals, but I figured if you introduce cross play you'd up your anti cheating game. But I guess not. I went through a match not about an hour ago with four people painfully using cheats. I was playing as The Shape, aka Micheal Meyers.…
It's starting to depress me playing as Killer
You wait 10+ minutes, load into a game and within the first minute three gens pop at once and by the time I hook one the gens are all done. Then they stay at the exit gate teabagging non stop. I've played survivor, and it's just not as fun to me. So it's like I'm always getting punished for wanting to play killer and…
My idea on how to slow down Gen Rushing
I mostly play killer, I live me some Freddy man, but there's a lot of times where after I get my first hit, two or three gens pop right after another. And it's quite frustrating knowing that I got even less time to try and do my thing when the game started only a minute or two ago. My idea is simple, a double edged sword…
I wish there was more then one game mode
Always doing gens or hunting people doing gens is fun for a while. But I feel like this game has potential for some better game types. Perhaps have a game mode where the survivors are looking for the killers weakness to kill them first while they are being hunted. Like for spirit, they have to find her body parts and…
As a killer, someone messaged me after I got 3k
So I'm on Xbox One and this happened last night. Me: That was a fun game, I'm liking The Plague -gets a message- Survivor who died: You suck so bad at this game lol uninstall Me: but you died first... Survivor: uninstall you are trash Me: .... If I'm trash and I killed you first that makes you even worse. Ya know this…
My Current build with Freddy
Barbecue and Chili Surge Hex: Ruin I'm all Ears Add Ons: I forget the names Red one where all survivors start in the dream world Then a yellow that causes the blindness effect when the survivors run over a snare. It works pretty well for me. I get a solid 2-3k per match
So I'm a Rank 15 Killer going against Red Rank Survivors
Been happening for over an hour. Can't seem to get a kill, and they just like to all teabag at the exit gate. I mean, I heard matchmaking was a joke, but come on now. How is making a new player face seasoned vets fair? I think I'm about to hit one, then some how they circle around me Ina second and I missed. This is…
What are your favorite Builds for Pyramid Head?
I'm steadily leveling him and trying to think of fun ways to play him. At the moment I'm running Barbecue and Chili, I'm All Ears, Unrelenting, and Sloppy Butcher. Are there better ways to build him? I can usually get 2-3 kills a game depending on the survivors. And it's fun with I'm All Ears and Punishment working…
I became a Killers pet
So, the other day I was playing as a Surviver, no big deal. We loaded into Mothers Dwelling and I did my thing, walking around trying to find a gen when one person went down then immediately DC'd. Then it happened again and the killer came across me. It was a Plague and my Dwight ass had just given up. We got five gems and…
Stuck on Loading Player Independent Shop Data
I've been trying to load into the game for about an hour now, and I can't seem to load it past this part. I'm on Xbox One. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game. I've reset my internet and soft reset my Xbox. The whole hold the power down for ten seconds then restart it, as well as deleted my account and…
A Relative Newbie Here
I have a couple of questions. First off, I've been mostly playing as the killers, and even went and got me Ghost Face, Pyramid Head, and Freddy, along with The Cannibal. I get bored relatively quickly when I play one killer constantly, so I'm having trouble unlocking all of the teachable Perks everyone has. Is there a…