What are the requirements for flashbang?
I just got pitted against an swf squad that would go into locker so their allies could drop a flashbang when I pulled them out. I thought they could only do it 4 times, but they did it so many times I lost count. The locker they were using was right next to a gen. Do they only need to tap a 40% gen in order to create a…
Is there a way to identify an Unknown with Insidious
I just played against my first Unknown using Insidious and it's ridiculous how well that perk works with him. Is there a way to tell the difference between hallucinations and an Insidious Unknown? It's easy when the hallucinations are just plopped onto the floor. But when they're standing up, I don't know how to tell which…
Curious about differences between Hex: Pentimento and Boons?
Did the devs ever explain the reasoning between why Hex: Pentimento can't be reused on the same totems but Boons can be reused endlessly? Considering which side is more punished by spending time, it seems like it would be the other way around if anything. I can't really figure out what their logic was with this one.
Question about the Dead Hard buff
When they buffed Dead Hard to make it to where killers now get punished for swinging during Dead Hard, did they make it to where survivors are now vulnerable to bear traps such? Or was it just a straight up buff with them being able to nullify counterplay while maintaining all the advantages it had before as well?
Did they remove depips from disconnection penalties?
I feel like I'm seeing a lot more intentional disconnects recently. And from higher graded players. Did rage quitting lose some of the punishment it used to have?
Holy Hell, this Built to Last buff is going to be crazy powerful for gen rushing
Here's what BHVR changed about Built to Last for those that haven't read it yet: Built to Last This perk shipped with fairly safe numbers to make sure it couldn’t get out of hand, but that ended up making it a pretty unpopular choice. We’ve reworked it to be far more effective at what it’s meant to do. Hiding in a locker…
Anybody else concerned about the Trapper Sack addon change?
For those who didn't read it, one of the very rare (purple) addons for trapper is being changed to where he gets all the bear traps in the match at the beginning of the trial, but when he places them, he can no longer pick them up. Why the hell does a purple addon have such a painful nerf tied to it? God forbid if the…
Why hasn't the Game map been disabled?
I don't remember if they ever said what the reasons were for other maps being disabled, but being unable to break a pallet from one side while survivors can jump from both sides seems like a pretty huge issue. What's going on in other maps that require them being taken out of rotation, while that huge issue in the game is…
Please make Pinhead's attack animation vertical
I would severely appreciate it if you made the attack animation for Pinhead a vertical swing of his chain rather than a horizontal one. The horizontal swing is incredibly misleading and has made me miss a significant amount of attacks that I seem to easily get on any other killer. With survivors at my rank always trying to…
So is Punch Drunk broken?
Does anybody know if the Punch Drunk achievement is glitched right now? It's description reads "Apply the Oblivious status effect to Survivors 30 times in public matches." I've first hooked dozens of survivors using Hex: Plaything (which is how I assume you're meant to get it) but have 0/30 progress on the achievement. Are…
Who's good at math?
I'm kind of wondering what happens if you put a survivor into a match with t3 Self-Care (self heal efficiency +20%), t3 Botany (healing efficiency +33%), t3 Streetwise (item consumption reduction 25%), t3 Built to Last (refill 50% item charge), a Ranger Medkit (32 charges), Gel Dressings (+16 charges), and Gauze Roll (+12…
What do you think the game's dumbest achievement is?
After going and trying the Not Today achievement (in public matches, unhook yourself 50 times), I realized how horrible this achievement actually is. It requires you to bring Deliverance into a match unless you want to try pure luck which is only going to screw your team over even harder. In order to activate Deliverance,…
Does Power Struggle help with Rescue Mission?
Another thread mentioned that if you stun a killer with Power Struggle (perk that lets you drop a pallet and free yourself at 25% wiggle progress) that it helps you make progress with Rescue Mission (achievement where you pallet save a survivor from killer 5 times). I tried it and got myself free once but I didn't see any…
Did they nerf chaser emblem progress?
I feel like I've been screwed out of the Adept Nemesis achievement 4 times now cause of the chaser emblem. I never remember that being the problem any other time I needed an adept killer after the emblem system was introduced. Until now, the hardest thing was getting 9 hooks and insuring all the survivors died before too…
Does anybody have any hints for the Self Depreciating Joke challenge?
I'm in the red ranks and survivors don't loop against clown at these ranks very often. Setting up a path of pink gas and then yellow gas mid-chase is a chore in and of itself, but forcing a survivor to walk through them both is more of a pain in the ass than I originally anticipated. And all this just to decrease your…
End game perk idea
I feel like the fright factor for survivors essentially disappears after all the generators are powered. At this point, the most challenging thing to do is 99% the gates and organize a rescue that's easy to do with 2 healthy survivors who know what they're doing against most killers. If there isn't enough survivors, they…
You don't get survival bloodpoints from struggle phase anymore?
I just realized that I'm not getting any bloodpoints for the new struggle phase mechanics even though it's actual more complex than the previous one that gave bloodpoints. Is this a bug or do they just not want you to be ab le to get bloodpoints from the hook now?
I just realized Trickster is the perfect killer for deranking
After failing to getting anywhere near close to adept on Trickster, I resigned to the fact that this is going to be impossible in red ranks so I'm going to have to intentionally derank till I'm surrounded by noobs to get the achievement. I was thinking about how to go around doing that and then it hit me. All I have to do…
Does anybody know if there are any current sound problems in the game?
I just played a game with infectious fright where I've downed people but I barely got any scream alerts. Then when I would pick somebody up, they would come out of the woodworks. One had a toolbox and was constantly trying to sabotage hooks I was headed to after I picked up a survivor. Another was just holding their sprint…
I don't know how accurate this no bloodlust test is going to be
I just realized that doing a test while tome challenges are still being done is probly going to give some skewed data. I've lost 3 games in a row just now and it had nothing to do with bloodlust and everything to do with the fact that I was trying to break as many totems as possible for my cleanse 20 totems challenge.
Is there an ETA for chapter 18's release?
I'm wondering if I should be saving up bloodpoints and challenge rewards already or is there still a month or something?
PC - not getting 4 perk options in level 50 bloodweb
I'm levelling up my final perks on Ace and then I noticed that one of my bloodwebs only had 3 perks in it even though I have a few left to get to tier 3. I finished that bloodweb to get to a new one to see if it would repeat itself and it did. I don't know what's going on, but now I have to be extra careful to get 2 perks…
What survivors don't bug out for Productive Day challenge?
I finished the Deadly Deceit challenge for killer and went "finally, now I'm done with this bugged garbage" only to run into the Productive Day challenge for survivors. I was told that Clown and Huntress don't bug out for the killer version, but what survivors will allow you to earn objective points correctly for…
Does anybody know how to avoid problems with the Deadly Deceit challenge?
The text for the challenge is "Earn 20,000 bloodpoints in the deviousness category." However, I'm constantly earning thousands of bloodpoints per game and getting hundreds of points towards the challenge progress. I have no clue why. At first I thought it was because I was using the petal offerings so I stopped and I'm…
I don't think I understand how to play Blight
Is it just me or is his power hard countered by looping which is pretty much the worst weakness for a killer to have? If there's a straight line you have to run into something and slam which is a dead giveaway to the survivor that it's time to run around something or go into dodge mode if there's nothing nearby. If it's a…
Intentional disconnects have become severely more rampant since crossplay
For the love of god, can we just get the bots that DbD mobile has to solve this problem. It's the most obvious freaking solution in the world and yet for reasons I cannot possibly comprehend, our dev teams is confused as to whether it should be done. How can it possibly not be an improvement to the game?
An explanation on how MMR works
Reading the forums has shown me that a much larger fraction of the playerbase than I thought doesn't understand how match making ratings work. A lot of people already know how mmr works so you don't need to read this if you do. But since so many people don't, I want to explain it to help avoid a lot of inaccurate posts…
Just tried playing a game as Freddy
The new auras make playing Freddy a "nightmare" ba dum tss
[PC] Perks not showing in end game menu
This has happened in a few games now to a few characters; sometimes to me and sometimes to other players. The perk loadout will show as a blank loadout as if that player was using no perks in the game. If this was only a cosmetic issue, I wouldn't care. However, if you're using BBQ, this means it ignores the bonus…
Can we have a recycle/crafting system for unwanted addons/items/offerings?
I'd like an option where you could toss stuff into the campfire in exchange for new stuff but it would cost more in old items than what you get in new items to discourage abuse. Let's say for every 3 things you sacrifice of one rarity, you get a random item of the same rarity. Or if you sacrifice 5 things of the same…
Lol, just got crown on Spirit. Why has nobody mentioned this?
I thought they would move the crown to a more visible area for her, but I didn't expect them to not take her hair into consideration.
Anybody ever gotten a random bp reward upon logging in?
I just logged into the game to do a few quick matches before I have to go to work. After the game loaded in, I got to the main screen and a pop up showed up saying "Your account has been awarded 50,000 bloodpoints". It didn't give me an explanation. I don't remember losing bloodpoints anytime recently and I definitely…
Can we have unlimited challenges?
I love the challenges from the archives. However, after you complete them all or when there's no current rift, obviously you don't have access to any. Is there any way we could get a option to have endless challenges outside of the rift? Preferably a bit more difficult than the rift challenges, but not ridiculously so. In…
Just saw the new bus loop
I don't know how it's been so long after the patch that I finally witnessed the new bus loop in action. But holy hell is that the most survivor sided jungle gym in the game now. Did the devs get together and actively try to think of something that can't possibly be mind gamed and has exactly the right distance to ensure…
Is it really rational that KYF doesn't get any bloodpoints while SWF gets full bloodpoints?
I'm not saying that KYF should get full bloodpoints; maybe 25% of a normal match would be rational. But at the same time, for similar reasons, I think it's ridiculous that SWF gets full bloodpoints for playing the game in a much easier mode. If SWF can get full bloodpoints, why can't KYF get any?
I think the killer playerbase has actually gotten worse than the survivor playerbase
A year ago, you would see far more entitled survivors making posts about stuff like how nerfing MoM was unfair and demanding an easier escape after they failed to finish generators or get to the hatch first. Even though there were some entitled killers, the vast majority were throwing facts around and making decent points.…
Possible Anti Hook Suicide Idea
Can we make it to where every time a survivor gets hooked for the first time, they get a 20 second timer going and if they reach the sacrifice state before that timer finishes they get a negative bloodpoint action like say -25,000 bloodpoints which gets subtracted from your account's bloodpoint pool if you didn't make more…
Can somebody explain to me how slugging is so effective a tactic against intelligent survivors?
I understand that if survivors are stupid and everybody just immediately races towards a survivor that gets downed, then sure, slugging can have brutal results. But all I do is use the exact same strategy that I always use and it's the easiest thing to deal with. This is how I deal with killers as they hook. Once a killer…
My current dream patch (how I think the game can be fixed)
Gen Speed Balancing: Whenever a generator is finished, a feed back loop will surge through the map that causes all other generators with progress to lose half their current progress. This will force survivors to choose between teaming up on the same gen which makes them easier to find and guard the gen, or continuing to…
Is there a new no Borrowed Time meta?
I seem to have found myself in this weird new meta where one of the most critical perks in the game is no longer used all the time. At first I thought it was just coincidence but after so many games of not seeing it, I decided to just start smacking the injured survivor if somebody unhooked them right in front of me and…
This is why I have trust issues
About 7 minutes into the dev stream, they say that killers and survivors have similar width collision hitboxes which is widely well known to not be the case. Looping is fundamentally built around the fact that survivors have a significantly smaller collision zone that killers. Ironically, if they actually made the…
Is Wraith supposed to remain cloaked after getting flashlight stunned?
I'm not referring to flashlight blinds, but flashlight stuns that are unique to the Wraith. Whenever I get those stuns, I continue to remain cloaked in which case there's a visual bug that makes it look like my hand and weapon aren't cloaked. Or is the bug that I'm not supposed to still be cloaked after getting stunned?
This Ruin nerf has made me realize how powerful killers were when they used hated tactics
In order to deal with the giant Ruin nerf, killers have had to change their playstyles in order to compensate for the new found ease of genrushing. I've tested out a few things like different perk builds, but what's proven to be most effective isn't perks, but slugging and especially tunneling. I never played using those…
Life is cruel sometimes
The rift may not understand how to maths
Question to devs about how data was grabbed for recent graphs
I believe last time @Peanits posted graphs, it was revealed that the numbers included games with disconnects. Do the round of graphs this time also include games with disconnects? Or have they been removed to make sure they don't skew statistics again?
Any updates on husks for disconnecting survivors?
I know a while back there was a discussion about having players who disconnect leave their character behind as just an idle survivor instead of dropping dead. That would allow other players to interact with it for more bloodpoints and destroy one of the primary reasons survivors intentionally disconnect. But I haven't…
If you're going to rework Nurse, then rework SWF
SWF is the opposite side of the same coin as Nurse. The following phrases describe them both: not all of them are that good it's what they bring into the match that makes them oppressive too OP when played optimally It would be incredibly unfair to rework one and not rework the other. Especially considering the reason was…
How to help make OP bloodweb items palpable
I'm sure everybody in the forum knows the feeling of going into a game with a basic setup and then getting matched against an ultra rare addon or offering which makes the game so one-sided that it feels like a waste of time to even play. Personally, I avoid using overpowered addons and offerings unless I need to relieve…