Bubba can't look down for 5s after landing a chainsaw sweep
This makes picking up survivors that you down with his power quite frustrating and even allowed a Dwight to escape after I downed him in the exit gate area because I couldn't see where he was to pick him up in time.
Is there a way to turn off the killer auto attack automatic cancel thing?
Idk how to describe it but last time I complained about my basic attacks being cancelled instantly before I could hit the survivor despite holding down my left click button I was told this was a feature that had been added to the game recently. Is there anyway to turn it off? It's the single most tilting thing in this game…
DAE get verbal abuse for playing optimally as a killer?
Yesterday a survivor wanted to meet me to stab me and today another survivor asked me to end my bloodline because I camped a bit. I was playing wesker on the game and saw he was above me running towards the hooked survivor after he used spray so sure I camped. Even if I didn't see that the best play would have been to camp…
Wish they created a survivor perk for the following situation
Very often in my games a killer might chase me for 10s, see i'm a strong player and then decide to ignore me for the rest of the match and kill all my team mates instead. This will result in my first hook being my last hook and me spending basically the whole game repairing gens watching my team go down like bowling pins…
Basic attacks cancelling before I can get a hit
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Idk if it's specific to Pyramid Head but I was playing him recently and in the past hour of playing him in my last 3 games I've had this bug happen that prevents me from hitting survivors with a basic attack unless i'm right on top of them. In my last game it happened 10+ times. I haven't had it…
Did they make scratch marks harder to see in a recent patch?
Recently I've found it much harder to see scratch marks on the ground and i've lost a few people because of this. Literally I can't see scratch marks further than 5m away unless they are on a wall and I checked in end game and the people I was chasing didn't have dance with me or lightweight
Something needs to be done about all the survivors that give up in the first 2 minutes.
I've played about 10 survivor games today and in at least 3 of them 1 or more survivors will either dc or kill themselves on hook. I'm okay with them dcing because at least i'll get a bot survivor that is often more useful than a human survivor but what really grinds my gears is when they kill their self on their first…
Wdyd against pre runners as Wesker?
I encounter this issue a lot when I play Wesker because of his huge terror radius and it's really frustrating. People rate Wesker as a top tier killer but I honestly do better with lower tier killers like Legion, Wraith and Pig because they are much easier to play and no one pre runs them as hard as Wesker. When I watch my…
You shouldn't be able to take protection hits with off the record
I just had a game as Wesker where after hooking a Feng I chased a Claudette over 40m away from the hook and just as I was about to down her Feng came and took a hit for her extending the chase waaaay longer. Feels kinda #########.
Does Hex: Ruin work on a generator that's been blocked by Deadlock or Dead Mans Switch?
Does Hex: Ruin work on a generator that's been blocked by Deadlock or Dead Mans Switch?
Make a forfeit button for killers in end game collapse
Make a button that killers can press when the gates are open that is like a forfeit and makes all remaining survivors escape the trial so everyone can move onto the next game instead of forcing people to wait 2 minutes.
Is it true that MMR has been disabled?
Heard a certain live streamer say this and I'm hoping it's not true as i'm trying to tank my mmr by not using slow down perks
Killer perk idea
Lumberjack: Destroy all dropped pallets in your terror radius when you break a pallet or breakable wall. Would be a good counter to pre dropping
Can end game collapse be changed?
I've been not doing well on killer today and had 3 games in a row where i'll open an exit gate and survivors won't leave for almost the entire 2 minutes of end game collapse. So that's 6 minutes of me afk being unable to move onto a fresh game. Can't devs make a button that killers can press when the gates are open that is…
Styptics should be removed from the game
Doesn't seem fair
Queue times bugged?
Been in killer queue for 12 minutes now even though there's a 100% bonus to play killer.
Killer perk idea
Lethal strength: Start the trial with 4 token. Each time you hit a survivor for the first time lose a token and instantly put them in the dying state. When you reach 0 tokens this perk deactivates. Seems fair if survivors can gain a health state for free by using a styptic. Can only activate once per survivor.
Why do survivors keep sending me to Macmillan?
I thought it was a balanced map is it survivor sided? It's usually more competent survivors that send me there too
Is the map boost still active and which maps are/where boosted?
I've got Badham 8 times in the last 2 days and Eeyrie quite often too, wondering if they got boosted?
Idea to decrease tunneling
Make it so survivors can't body block you when you have hooked them all at least once. When I try to play nice on killer specifically Wesker I can get 8 hooks without anyone dying and then when I'm trying to get a down 2 of them will come take protection hits while 1 is on the last gen and I won't be able to get a single…
Change my view: Spies from the shadows is better than Ultimate Weapon
If you use UW survivors will run away from you as soon as they scream which means you could spend 30s catching up to them especially with Weskers huge terror radius. With Spies though 99% of survivors won't realise you have it and will try to stealth instead of run giving you plenty of time to catch them. Plus you don't…
Make devour hope activate on a dull totem on the first hook
Please. I just had a match on RPD where my totem spawned next to the survivors spawn and was cleansed in the first 20s before I could get within 20m of it.
New killer idea
An undetectable bowling ball that has a homing attack at 2x speed so it can sneak up on survivors then hit them with a homing attack before the survivor can escape. It's extra fun for everyone because even if the survivor gets to a loop they can't see the bowling ball because it's so small.
How long will it take for killer queues to go back to normal?
They went from 1 min to 5 min+ and my matches went from fairly balanced to facing comp swfs! Edit: beginning to think they've bumped Chucky players in queue priority
Are certain killers more likely to get certain maps?
I noticed when I play Clown I get Coldwind maps more and when i'm playing survivor and get the Game I'm usually against a Legion... Anyone else noticed this effect?
Can we disable MFT until it's reworked?
So we've known for a long time it's a bit too strong and the devs officially recognised that by announcing a rework so shouldn't it just be disabled until the next patch? It can make a chase last twice as long as it should just by holding shift w (no mind games or skill)
What is the probability of getting a Coldwind farm map?
I keep getting Rancid Abattoir when I play killer and I hate it because of all the corn making it hard to see survivors and their scratch marks and the many strong loops ... it's a very survivor sided map. For some reason I get it much more when I play Clown. Guess it's karma for when I used map offerings to go there as a…
Survivors should be able to hold shift on hook to prevent a team mate unhooking them
You know when the killer is running away from hook but he Meg unhooks you when he's only 20m away and you're on death hook and she sprint bursts away leaving you to die. It just happened to me and made me wish I could hold shift to make her wait a moment longer.
New perk idea for survivors
Growing strength: Every minute you last without getting hooked increases your gen repair speed and healing speed by 5%. This has 2 nice effects; it counters tunnelling and it incentivizes killers to chase decent players. I thought of this because so often the killer just won't chase me or chase me until I stun them once…
If I get stunned by a pallet should I stop chasing the survivor?
It takes so long to catch up to a survivor if they manage to stun you is it better to just find someone else to chase?
Does staying still to hide from a nearby killer generate crows?
I know if you go afk or stay in one spot too long you get crows that notify the killer but does that happen when you're hiding in a locker from one that's less than 20m away? I just had a game against a Spirit where I was on death hook and my team kept looping her right next to me so I was worried I'd get crows
Please give survivors an offering that makes everyone spawn equidistant from each other
By this I mean that they spawn spread out all over the map. What happens so often is 3 or 4 of us will spawn next to a gen (especially shack) and the killer will come to us in 30s and get everyone injured. Then ppl work on the next gen they find barely 30m from the killer and it's basically gg from spawn if the killer…
Tips for playing Pyramid Head?
I really want to get good at him because he looks so cool but I keep only getting 1k or 2k. What happens is when I chase a survivor they almost always shift w in a straight line away from me and do the same after a hit and just by doing that they can make a chase last at least 40 secs. Then when they get to a loop and I…
Consider giving us an option to disable the overlay that pops up after a match
It prevents me from using chat or pressing continue to next match for an extra 5s which might not seem like a lot but it adds up when you play a lot of matches per day and it's extra frustrating because after a match I always either want to type something quickly or move onto the next match quickly. I believe there's also…
Please do something about hackers (or bugs?)
The other night I was against a swf and watching their twitch VOD I could tell one was salty and then near the end of the match when 1 survivor was left my wasd controls were switched with my arrow keys. So I was moving my fov rather than my character for about 1 minute until I figured it out and used my arrow keys. Now…
How to play versus Alien?
I learned how to play vs Nemesis because he move slower when charging his whip so you can turn it into a mind game of if he will use his power or not but vs Xenomorph it seems impossible to loop him and once it's close enough a hit is basically guaranteed whereas on other killers it wouldn't be. For example, I was looping…
Does Distortion work vs Ultimate Weapon?
I was in a game vs an Alien with UW and I had 3 tokens of Distortion but when his UW was triggered none of my totems were consumed and he was able to find me in the basement? I thought it worked?
Please consider letting the killer gain bloodlust when they don't have direct sight of the survivor they are chasing. I just had a game as Deathslinger on the hospital map and after a certain point I just couldn't catch up to survivors because I never could catch sight of them to start a chase and gain bloodlust and…
Why does the matchmaking yoyo each day?
I've noticed (and i'm sure others have) in the morning between 5am-2pm survivors are much worse and are more likely to DC, chase the killer with flashlights and never touch a gen and in general i'm far less likely to escape. Then between 2pm-6pm the game feels balanced and I'll sometimes escape as survivor and have the…