Coal Tower top of main totally blocked
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The upstairs of the Tower had all 3 breakable walls up, meaning the only way down was the stair case, Haunted Halloween event. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play and see VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Hill Billy Chainsaw hit box
Ok The last 2 times I have played a billy I have been hit from miles away, EVERYONE has good ping thought, ######### is happening? Is he bugged or have they made a change. I am sometimes 2 survs length away and getting hit, I've been hit through corners WORSE then Huntress hit boxs, is this just me or is he bugged?
Auto vault
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Chaos Shuffle: I was healing another Surv, they sprinted mid heal and I auto slow vaulted the window next to me. i was in terror radius if that helps. I want to note, I pressed no button at all and it happened instantly, I was touching the window as I didn't walk first PLATFORM: PC Steam STEP BY STEP…
I'm Normally OK with Tunneling, but chaos mode is something else
I'm cool with tunneling ( I do it myself), sometimes you need the pressure, and I have DS off the record etc to help. But chaos mode is insane. The killer being aware that you likely wont have DS etc seems to have ramped up off hook tunneling to a massive degree. Again fine people want to tunnel whatever, but it's making…
Bubbas collision is all kinds of messed up
So on multiple occasions I have bumped but not hit anything ( no seriously nothing above below no over heat etc i got a few hundred hours on Bubba for reference). I then threw Bubba face first at a window, and im just walking into the wall, chain sawing away, no bump at all. PC Steam Yellow chilli and beast marks
Chucky needs mini skins
I don't care what it take, I need to see Chucky running around as mini Xenomorph, mini Demo, Mini Ghost face etc.
Are knights guards meant to go through floors?
I was just on Midwich, and the guard on the floor above me just came down through the floor above and chased me. Are they meant to do that as it had literally Zero line of sight?
Add A Toggle Gen Only Interaction option?
I know we have the toggle interaction ( thankfully ), but sometimes this can be a little annoying say when your trying to 99 a gate as one example and another being attempting to 99 a heal when running resilience. What do people think about a separate option purely for toggle gen interaction being added as well? It's a…
Chucky bugs randomly when vaulting, see image attached
Pc, Steam, happens randomly.
Umm Chucky might be a lil bugged
Med kits not given correct heal amount
32 charges including add ons and taking the 33% debuff into account, are not self healing with a med kit 2 times.
Have Med-Kit Healing charges changed??
So 32 charges is usually a full heal on self with addons, I.e normally med kit plus a total of 16 charges via add ons, but not anymore. Did I miss a patch note??
He needs to be 4.4 like the other ranged killers.
Windows of Opportunity Change
Should, Windows be given a cool down again. Nothing crazy, maybe like 10 seconds, which is very reasonable I believe, and still aids new players. But it does stop it being used constantly due to the fact that it is overall a strong perk with no cooldown, but also not to nerfed like the old 30 second cooldown.
Just wondering if Distortion should be slightly reverted. Maybe rather then it recharging in the terror radius it could be given say 6 tokens, ( the old version having 3 tokens I believe)
Missing Items etc after linking cross progression accounts
My brother has linked his Steam and Xbox accounts, steam being his main. And he now has multiple Survs and Killers that are Prestige 3 but have no ( Zero) items or add-ons and no offerings. Anyone know why this might have happened?
Knight needs to be kill switched
His standards are not disappearing when interacted with, I've tried after 5 seconds and then more then 5 seconds, and they are sometimes working but more then often not working.
Wiggle bar disappeared
Got picked up by the Lich, walked to a hook, Renato blocked the hook, Lich hit Renato, wiggle bar disappeared. The wiggle bar was about 90-95% complete when it vanished. And Wiggle animation continued but no bar and I didn't wiggle off, even though I should have, so only the animation was active. See pick for Perks, Sile…
ERROR 112?
This is a new one for me even with 2k plus hours on pc an d another 1k on console
Error i get when spending BPs
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000100008dd8 DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 94499254 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 140104838 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 133590327 bytes DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping…
I have been having some issues with frame drops on DbD for a month or so now. My PC can and has always run DbD fine. But I am finding that I get random frame drops a lot, as well as frame drops to the point things stop for a second, every time a Gen is finished being the main time. Anyone got any suggestions on how I can…
New animation Idea
Just a hug animation, nothing more. Sometimes after a hard match it's all that helps
Not sure if I am being dumb about perk combo Hardened Scene Partner
Should Hardened and and Scene Partner work together? I'm telling myself they should, but in game they don't seem to. Either that or I am doing something wrong, I am 4 games into it and can't get it to work once I have the Hardened Objectives completed
Vecna lifting pallets mid vault
Vecna can lift a pallet when you are mid vault and it forces you off the pallet. if this isn't a bug, it should be! Edit, it sometimes makes you move closer to him, and sometimes further away.
Chaos mode flashlight save bug
MacMillan - Coal tower Chaos Shuffle Bubba- No way out, septic touch, lethal pursuer, mind breaker. Addons- yellow Chili, Yellow knife scratches. No oiffering. So I pulled one of the survivors out of a locker, and as I was doing the animation, they got a flash light save. Unless I'm mistaken, the ability to do that was…
Boon: Illumination and Green Map
I don't know if this is intended or not, but I assumed highlighting Gens would put them on the green map, like with detectives hunch. Given the Gens highlight in Blue, and I haven't been up to date with DbD for a while, is the colour showing it wont work this way, or is it a bug or oversight?
Lucky Star
Lucky star doesn't always activate if you jump into a locker to fast after being hit. PERKS Head on Inner Healing Quick and quiet Lucky Star Most recent event... Autohaven- Blood Lodge. Killer_ Alien using Queen skin Survivor - Ellen Ripley Item - Yellow flashlight with brown and green batteries
Make Takeo Ischi a Survivor because his voice is beautiful enough to piece the fog.
Sure ok maybe he isn't a traditional survivor, but hearing him and seeing him in the fog would melt anyone's fear and animosity away.
Running Bump Mechanic
Was wondering if a bump mechanic would be something that would add a little extra to DbD gameplay. An Example being if you run face first into a wall after sprinting for more then 5 seconds, you get a minor stun of like 0.25 second, and if 2 survivors bump into each other, after running for more then 5 seconds, then its…
It has been 1year+ and built in BT is still bad for the game.
I have lost count how many times people have stopped trying to do smart unhooks and just ran to the hook when the Killer is near by to un hook the Surv, even at 5 Gens 1 minute into the game. Then what happens, well then the un hooker gets downed because of a bad trade and thinks meh it's fine I get the safe unhook, but…
A Detailed Score/Event Breakdown at the end of the match.
How would people feel about having a detailed score break down at the end of the match that every one could see? It would show things like, time chased, gen time worked, saves, heals etc. The reasoning behind the thought is that there are still times when unsung hero's in DbD still get grief because their Blood Points…
God Tier Dead Zone.
I just had a dead zone on Auto Haven- Gas Heaven that stretched from the Killer shack all the way to main building, the only things that where there was a hill, stacks of cars a normal little truck, and a few tire stacks. No window and no pallet until you get to main building. This must have been about 30/40% minimum of…
As Survivor once the gates are open, does the Me in team take priority over the Team itself?
When playing Survivor on DbD, working as a team gives the highest percentage chance of escaping, there is no doubt about that. But do you think that this still the case once the gates are open? What I mean by this is, although we need each other to stay alive in order for each individual to have the best chance of getting…
Disconnecting from server over and over.
I keep getting this happen. In the image it shows everyone has DCd but it is only me, 2 of my friends are still playing in this particular match as I type this. I don't get a ban for it or anything. I have checked my Network etc it has no issues, and DbD is the only game it is happening with. This isn't an on the day thing…
Blight Power Bug
Blight can slide off of objects after bumping into them multiple times giving him an unfair advantage in chaise. Bug appears to be consistent and easily repeatable if attempts are made. Have seen this used on multiple streams and YT channels so I am not sure if it is a bug now, or how the power is intended to behave.
I think DBD is cutting off my internet
I can play any other game online, but when I play DbD, solo or swf, my internet to my PC gets disconnected for about 30 seconds. This only happens on DbD, I have checked other devices connected to the internet during these cut offs, and all wired and WIFI devices stay Connected. I do not receive a ban when this happens,…
Any news on Servers?
Any news on servers yet? There is a server issue almost every game, either Killer connection (The main one by far) or other symbols as well as a mix of different ones in a single game, and so far BHVR have made no mention of a fix or reset etc. The potential of this being the best anniversary I have experienced in my 5-6…
Anyone else having server issues?
Just want to check it's not my end, but since the Masquerade event started I have had the killer connection error on almost every match, even in matches where the Killer is from the same country as me. And I mean that sort of connection where you stun the Killer and they stand still for about 1 second before the stun…
The Singularitys' EMP Printers not showing
Silent Hill map. (2k hours and can't remember the damn name) Only one EMP printer showing at any time. Duration: Entire match PC/Steam Killer had no aura blocking perks or add ons
Leader working when Survivor with it equipped has died.
So my friend died on a hook (3rd hook) on Haddonfield right next to an exit gate at the end of the road, he had been dead for a good few minutes when I ran past the broken hook to open the gate next to it, I was then given the leader effect. He was the only person in the lobby using leader.
I think there is a vault audio bug.
So I have been playing all night, and i keep getting "ghost vault" audio. At one point i was walking past shack, just checking around it, no one was there, I was right beside the window and bang there it was a vault clear as day beside me, but no one was there. I asked the Survs and they where not sure as it wasn't them.…
POV For Controller Killers To Increase Killer Players
I still think if the POV is raised for controller users the amount of people playing Killer will increase by a fairly large amount. Anyone who has played Killer on a controller knows what I am talking about, anyone who hasn't, it would be cool if you could try it on PC or on console and let us know how you found it. It…
Key bindings wont re-bind
Pc. I can't rebind my keys since they where reset to default by the last patch. Edit: I literally posted this and seconds later it started working again, no idea what caused the hiccup though as it was not my hardware.
Kill switch Merciless storm again
It's regressing gens to 0% as of me posting this,
Rant time!
BHVR can you please, please, pleeeeeeease give harsher bans for people intentionally DC-ing. To many time I get Survs who go down because they loop like a tea pot and DC because of it because they can't accept that they might have been the issue, so they ruin the game for everyone else. Some one tell me, whats the point in…
Merciless storm needs kill switching
Merciless storm is setting gens to 0% when missing skill check as of me posting this.
New Mothers dwelling is pretty bad.
Did anyone test the spawn logic for tiles for this map? Asking for a friend, he wasn't happy about longwall into shack into longwall into jungle gym. Also some of the windows are just outright dumb, I love this game but you have gone back to 2016/17 with windows on this one. Back to the drawing board already it would seem…
PC being given a hard time since the most recent patch.
Has anyone else on PC found that the recent patch is really hitting their PC? My PC which can easily run DbD and about 10 other thins at once, is really now struggling. I have tested other games like Elden Ring, Crusader Kings, GTA5, FIFA23 etc and they are all having less impact on my PC then DbD is. My fans sounds like a…