Nurse nerf
What is everyone else's thoughts on the base nurse nerf? For anyone who doesn't know her blinks now recharge. She can have up to 2 at base (assuming I understood it right) and they take 3 seconds to recharge. The recharge starts at the beginning of fatigue.
Did they remove hatch grabs completely?
I thought with the introduction of the EGC update hatch grabs would only work if the end game collapse has not triggered. Am I wrong? Are hatch grabs removed entirely?
With Sony rolling out cross platform support...
Does that mean we can get cross play with the nintendo switch and xbox one? Or at the very least cross platform data?
Perk idea
Couldn't think of a good name, just the concept. Crippling hooks At the start of the trial, 4/5/6 random hooks are chosen. If a survivor is hooked on one of these hooks, the survivor will lose a random perk for the remainder of the trial. Survivors can only lose one perk each. Hooking a survivor who has already lost a hook…
Mettle of Man nerf!!
Great Job Devs! This is a much welcomed change and will be very healthy for the game!
Can devs increase max sensitivity on controllers?
Title. It is painfully slow. 360's are annoyingly hard to counter with a controller.
Is this toxic?
I've been learning nurse on ps4. I have decided to have some fun while I do it though. I've been using the insidious noed then blinking into the exit gate. It's so fun to pull off. But I use Ruin too. This is what it looks like: Noed Ruin BBQ Insidious I'll accept that ruin and noed are crutches on nurse. So I dont use…
Petition to bring shrine back
Bring shrine back to the old spot please. Its dumb you have to go through the shop to get to it. The worse thing is you can't even look at the shrine while waiting on a lobby.
Do hooks just not respawn anymore?
I just played on haddonfield and the last survivor wiggled off 4 times due to lack of hooks. They didnt even stay in same area. There were like 12 hooks in the entire map total -3 from the other survivors.
Are hatch spawning conditions the same?
Title. I havent been able to play much since EGC was released and I'm wondering what the spawn conditions are.
Addition to the tutorial
Can we get like an infinite gen to practice skill checks on?
Autodidact QOL change
Can you make either the skill check zone white or the bar white for the first few skill checks? It's hard to see.
Is freddy bugged?
I was playing against one earlier and went through an area and couldn't find any pallets. I thought it was a deadzone but I got to the shack and couldn't see the pallet. He went over and broke it but it looked like he was kicking the air. Anyone else have this problem?
I hope they add a battle pass.
There. I said it. Theres no reason not to add one other than: "Reeeeee fortnite bad!" I would love to see some rewards for playing.
Change to bloodlust
Make it active when following a trail of scratchmarks. I can't count the amount of times the chase broke when it shouldn't have.
Question about new enduring change
Would this actually be a buff to how fast you recover from pallets?
Good nurse builds?
I'm learning nurse and just wondering what some good builds are. Like add-on combinations perks stuff like that.
Pop goes the weasel buff idea
For the duration of the perk, the progress of generators can be determined by the intensity of their aura.
Small saboteur buff
Making it able to see the auras of hooks within like a 20m range would be great.
Get rid of legion losing all FF on misses.
Title. It is an un-necessary restriction and hinders console players especially. At the very least make it what everyone expected. That the bar doesn't completely disappear, it just resets from the point you were at.
When will we get details on freddy's rework?
In April the devs said we would find out details next month (may). I'm just wondering when.
Legion is bugged. Urgent fix needed.
@Peanits Legion loses the full power bar when missing an attack. This is a very terrible bug especially for console players. Please fix ASAP.
Is legion bugged?
I could have swore a dev said legion would not lose all of feral frenzy when missing an attack. It would just have to regenerate from where it was. Am I wrong or was this said?
Idea to make prestiging worth it and lessen grind
This is very simple idea I had. It would massively reduce the grind for the high end players. What I'm proposing, is different levels of teachables. Everything would be the same from the first teachable. Other characters can still get it in their bloodweb and level it up to 3. But what if at prestige 2, when you reach a…
Head on QOL change
You know how hag traps have a ring around them that tells you the effective range? Implement that but with head-on.
New joystick buff
Is this on the ptb? I read in another thread joysticks are being optimized and I'm wondering if anyone has got to try this out yet.
Where is the MoM nerf/rework?
The forum has not shut up about this perk since its release. Everyone hates it aside from like 5 people.
Why is remember me being gutted?
The EGC doesnt even trigger until an exit gate is opened. Why nerf the perk this hard? This is stupid (for lack of a better word). Just rework it entirely, theres no use in making it completely useless.
Question about the ptb
Will there be anything in the patch notes we don't know about yet?
Can we stop buffing borrowed time please?
Seriously, before legion this was a meta perk and everyone agreed it was perfectly balanced. Then legion dropped and BT got buffed, for absolutely no reason. Now it's getting buffed again? Just bring back the pre-legion borrowed time.
Do the devs use the forums on mobile?
This isnt flaming the devs or anything I'm just curious. The mobile version has been completely bugged for like a month now. I cant '@' anyone because every second letter typed retypes everything. The cursor randomly jumps into the middle of words. This took so freaking long to type. I love these forums but devs please…
Prestiging QOL change
I had an idea for prestige that at P1 you start with the character's teachables at level 2. P2 they would be level 3. Then at P3 they start with level 3 versions of the characters perks along with 3 slots unlocked.
Fat shame spot(s) on haddonfield
A lot of times as killer (maybe survivors havent got haddonfield enough to answer for that side) when you hook someone behind one of the houses there will be something in front of the hook. This prevents killers from going through there.
Any other mobile users having issues with the forums?
I swear ever since the past few weeks typing has become so frustrating. I cant "@" anyone without spending 5 minutes doing so. Every second character I type it repeats everything already typed. Just regular typing is also annoying, the cursor will randomly jump in the middle of a word. Any other mobile users having issues?
Iron Maiden buff/QOL change
I saw another thread about changing iron maiden and had an idea. What if instead of giving the notification when the survivor leaves, how about when they enter it? That way the killer has a head start and actually has a chance make use of the perk.
Impressions on the plague
I really like the killer. She seems strong and she's very fun to play (at least in my opinion). I do think they should either remove the pallet stun cancelling corrupt purge or remove the speed penalty when fully charged. These drawbacks are unnecessary.
New ranking is awful.
I played spoopy myers but with devour hope and luckily got lerys. I 4k'd and didnt even pip. This is dumb, I get punished for playing well?
When are console players gonna get some love?
Honestly its ridiculous. 360's are actually broken on console. At best you have a 50/50 chance. They can move faster than you can move the camera. It's so stupid. I watched someone play on PC and good lord am I jealous. Actually being able to follow survivors with the camera? That would be such a nice feature. I don't even…
Reverse new BBQ change
Instead of making the aura reading the same on all tiers, make the BP bonus the same. The aura reading is already weak. People don't use it for the auras, its for the bloodpoints.
Tips to teaching someone the game?
I'm bad at survivor. My mom has decided to start playing and I have no clue how to be a teacher. It's usually me screeching about pallets and looping while she spins around confused. Anyone teach someone the game and if so any tips to teaching?
Anyone try new killer w controller?
Title. It seems like its going to be really hard to aim with a controller.
Blood Warden buff idea
Credit to @Luigifan64 for inspiring this idea in a different thread. Current Blood Warden is a bit underwhelming and is quite difficult to get to proc in a useful situation. The problem with current Blood Warden: You play until the endgame minus one perk, then there's a strong chance the perk has no real impact on the…
Where is Hag on the tier list?
If I'm not mistaken isnt hag top tier? I could've sworn the general consensus was that she is high tier with a high skill cap.