I think the biggest issue is how difficult it is to get 4 stacks. I think it should be lowered to 2 stacks with each granting 50%.
It rewards bad play just as much as it punishes bad play. Totems are in fact an objective, that's why we get points towards an emblem for cleansing them.
Middle to low end of mid tier imo.
@TheUnendingNightmare Why not? It can be absolutely very strong but at the same time it can also be very weak. By your logic trapper's traps are op.
@TheUnendingNightmare I'm also a killer main, I say it's not op. It can be countered, it can not even proc in the first place, and even if it does it could be meaningless.
@TheUnendingNightmare it wouldn't be OP. It would be completely luck based if it even does anything noteworthy.
@Buily09 that's the beauty. It's completely luck/rng based. Its basically the closest to survivor hex totems possible.
@NoShinyPony For the killer absolutely. The impacted hooks will glow blue like they are in an event. I think testing would be needed first to see how strong it is then maybe give the hooks some visual differences.
David. Dude has the most badass backstory of them all.
Nobody saw the first buff coming. Then nobody saw the second one coming either.
I just can't wait to see how bt gets buffed this patch
Changing the rarity of bloody party streamers
No mither
The best thing for autodidact would be to make a fully completed heal grant a token.
BT needs to go to pre-DW state. Adrenaline needs to not proc inside of a chase.
@GrootDude What rank are you at?
I dont think she's op but I don't like going against spirits. It takes the fun out of the chase and makes it a guessing game which is fine for some but I dont enjoy it.
Nobody has mentioned it but true infinites can spawn on hag's map (grim pantry iirc).
Billy is not unbalanced and he does take skill. On console at least, not sure about pc.
I love running instadown builds on GF. Especially haunted grounds, 0 TR and red stain while everyone is exposed? I love it.
If you dont get hit in 60 seconds you weren't tunneled. If you dont get picked up you got slugged. There are perks for both.
@Caretaker I do. That's how I know its bugged (also seen it happen to streamers).
DS is bugged though. You can hook them/be hooked before the ds registers.
Yall are taking this from the opposite of POV. Dbd is making a movie!!!
The risk is playing the game with 3 perks.
Same could be said for double pallets.
Probably hillbilly, wraith, trapper, hag, doctor, and huntress. Edit: Survivors will probably be jake, dwight, meg, claudette, david, neal, and ace.
As long as its cancellable imagine the potential for mindgames. Survivors have to guess whether you really will teleport or if you're faking it. Guess wrong, and you get smacked or wasted quite a bit of time.
I think it sort of creates a casual mode everyone has been begging for. Like if you're playing competitively you play one of the top tier killers. If you're just playing for fun you don't have to get steamrolled and derank just for playing a mid-low tier killer.
Literally dont buy it. That's it. It's solely for the purpose of cosmetics.
Like 10 minutes!
Ever play siege? If so trapper needs his traps reworked to be more like frost's. For those who havent, they are basically the size of welcome mats. Too many spots where traps are placed you can avoid them by hugging the wall. Trapper also needs the ability to reset traps already on the ground.
Wouldnt it be far easier to hide progress on the doors? It doesnt even have to hide all progress. Just like the first 2 lights.
I dont have a headset so def billy. I love him and the way he plays. It feels so nice to hit chainsaws consistently. No knock against spirit though, she just seems to be hit or miss. With Billy, worst case scenario you are an m1 killer with great map pressure.
I'm gonna say he becomes S tier. The devs have taken A LOT of time. They completely overhauled his gameplay. I have high expectations.
Absolutely. Controllers sensitivity doesnt go high enough. 360's are stupidly annoying on console. Survivors can turn char. Model faster than killer can rotate camera.
If you're looking to cheat ruin just let go when you hit a good skill check. If timed right the gen wont regress.
I thought No one left behind applied to all unhooks throughout the whole trial
Agreed 1000000%. His power isnt good enough to justify a hindrance like this.
Imo self-care is really only worth it when paired with pharmacy or botany or something.
Bad hags. One down and they place all 10 traps around you.
@FireHazard The 2 can coexist and be worked on simultaneously. I would love to see a massive update where survivors get a secondary objective and several perk reworks. However, that probably wont happen. At least for awhile.
Theres literally no argument against a battle pass other than "REEEEE FROTNITE BAD!1!1!!" If you dont like it dont buy it.
Pain. Tbh it's a mixup. The swf death squad are pretty ######### to go against but you'll also face boosted survivors and wipe the floor with them. I dont see much in between honestly. It's usually one extreme.
This is definitely a very stupid mechanic. One miss and you have to waste time going through the stun, then you have to follow the survivor while it recharges. Or just completely avoid using your power.
@legion_main You can do that now with bloodlust. Albeit it might be a little harder.
@ReikoMori there would be no trade off. Basically its bloodlust but useful.