I wish you could select further things on the blood web, and it would auto buy the shortest path.
Also selling of bw items but like, thats a whole nother can of worms I just want to be able to chew through the bloodweb faster at some points. whilst its cathartic as all hell, sometimes i just want to play. Making you be able to auto buy the shortest affordable path, and possibly speeding up bloodweb animations as you…
Perfect perk scaling fix, all perks have full effect at tier 1. bloodpoint effects tier 2/3.
Perk bloat is an incredible thing with this game. a lot of people at this point have suggested simply getting rid of perk tiers, and making perks standardised. I have an alternative option i think the devs will like. Tier 1 perks, have their full effect. this would be akin to making their Very rare variant their common…
The end game collapse should be activatable by the killer at all times.
I hear your initial arguement (this may make some killers or situations too strong ie pig/a really strong hook setup etc.) But heres mine. Sometimes theres hackers/cheaters. sometimes theres stuck players or glitches. sometimes you don't want to deal with a match via dcing. Survivors have the option of "offing" themselves…
Third seal buff - inflicts oblivious status effect forever. totem aura is seen once all 4 inflicted.
Basically in the title. i think it would be a good buff, my only problem being that you could inflict up to 3 survivors permenantly with no downside. but that could easily be fixed by having the totems aura be revealed when any survivor dies. How the buff would look = Hex the third seal = when survivors are struck with…
Feedback tab : Making positive feedback useful. How would you do it?
Negative feedback = reporting. Which can get players banned, but positive feedback currently does nothing for the player recieving it. they don't see it, nor even feel its existence. But positive feedback is currently pretty useless. you can leave a positive message, but the player who actually played the match can't see…
Should boon totems activate soul guards effect or not?
Because it does. least according to what i've heard. whether its a bug or fully intentional is a different story, and tbf i haven't had a chance to check, so this all could be theoretical nonsense. and tbh i don't believe soul guard was designed around the premise that it could be permanently and always kept up. Not…
Far more totems should spawn per match, and killers should be able to destroy blank totems.
With the advent of boon totems, and hex perks both being in the game, i feel that more totems should spawn on maps. Totems should also be destroyable by killers, for bloodpoints, much like a survivor's boon totems can be destroyed. this would function just like destroying hexe's as survivors, stopping them from placing…
Infinite window loop on the game map.
Freezer room. couldn't get footage due to tense match and wanted to win. Room with freezer spawns window open to an L wall T wall. - the open side spawns against the edge of the map, and the "opening door" that opens when gens are done, spawns against the closed wall. One can stand at the corner of the window, and run…
I know its a lot to put into a dev post obviously, but im really curious what addons have changed
Specifically for The Hillbilly The Nurse The Shape The Hag The Oni The Blight The Wraith The Pig The Ghost Face As it can be hard to determine whats actually changed in a ptb/without a log of the changes. Which im sure will come out on the day, least in some extent. Im REALLY hopeful/happy about the hillbilly addon…
Killers should have a speed boost until their first chase/interaction.
Until a killer gets into a chase/uses their power/finds a survivors/stealth hits a survivor, looking at a survivor within 32m's - any interaction with a survivor or their overall power, they should have a significant start of the match speed boost (5/10% possibly more for killers underperforming) This would help killers…
Early escape from rpd/infinte postponing of the game.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwkkk-P1Jh8&ab_channel=4Gamers Don't have my own footage as wasn't recording, but found this video at 4:24. At a certain position on the rpd map, you can exploit onto a pipeline by healing a survivor, and escape out of bounds out of the map. requires one player to be healed. Simply saving…
Some perks shouldn't be teachables. For the sake of newer players
Zanshin tactics, windows of opportunity to name a few. - with the stranger things perks becoming general pool, I think it's time a few others should migrate to the general pool from teachables. The perks on the killers/survivors they come from can be updated into more perks, or even just updated variants of these perks,…
When is switch/PC cross progression arriving.
We last heard about it in may of 2021 in that it would arriving soon(TM). And it originally was scheduled for release in september 2020. We have heard no updates on this feature. no news on either a release date, nothing for almost 3 months, and that was only to show it had been "delayed". Are we even still getting cross…
Fixing the grind.
There are 84 killer perks in the game and 95 survivor perks. This is an incredible grind, expecially considering you have to purchase a perk 3 times in order to get it to max level. This equates to on the killer side, having to get 252-3 (teachable starting perks) ie 249 seperate perks in the bloodweb in order to have a…
Overcharge and huntress lullaby should enact the yellow glyphs style skillcheck.
These perks are rather underwhelming in their current state. This would be an excellent way to buff them. Huntress lullaby : Upon a skillcheck appearing, you are locked into a loop of 4 extra skillchecks that have no bonuses, that require being hit in order to not alert the killer - tokens increase the amount of…
Killers should be more punished for messing up/less punished for playing well - with some exception.
This is just more of a ranty point of view i wanted to get out there, about skill based killers/killers with higher skill caps. Where i feel like some killers have detrimental caps that stop them from excelling, when there supposed to be in place to stop them going too far. ie they have caps or cooldowns, that stop them…
Bot matches should grant 50%/25% bp (and be avalible for all killers/survivors/perks)
Bot matches are coming officially in the next mid chapter patch as per the developer update - however, i believe that they should grant significantly decreased bloodpoints, in order to allow a player to learn in a free non-stressful enviroment. All killer perks/killers should be enabled as should survivors. Iri shard gain…
survival points for being healed, and wglf stacks for pickups - bridging bp.
If you get survival points for healing yourself, it only really makes sense that you'd get them for being healed by someone else. 300 points for a full heal from another player. this would discorage bp farmers from using self care, and help bring up the survival bloodpoints category which is incredibly hard to max out (and…
Should killers and survivors have access to an extra perk slot?
Should players have access to an extra perk slot? Iregardless of how it is earned, how it is used or enabled there are currently 71 survivor perks, and 63 killer perks. 4 slots to me feels more like a limiting factor then a way to allow for dedicated builds at this point in time. this could be restricted by something like…
Why a inventory "selling system" would mutually benefit the devs, and players.
Think about it, you've got tons of an addon you just hate on one of your killers, or simply too many fog offerings on your survivor that you just don't seem to be using. Wouldn't it be nice to burn them back for the entity as tribute for more bloodpoints? even at a fraction of the cost you bought them for? (Lets say a fat…
Survivors should see each others scratch marks to bridge solo que/swf
Wouldn't show exact location, but would allow for easier following and grouping/tracking of your teammates during a trial. Pretty much would only buff solos. Wouldn't effect the actual gameplay balance, only the way a smart player would play. Would show newer players where scratch marks are being left, in order for them to…
So. Objectively, why are flashbangs/vaccines unable to be kept?
Flashbangs have a time investment perk, that on top of that is "harder to achieve" then going up to a chest (arguably you can get it through regular objective gameplay, but you still have to find a locker so it's a bigger time investment.) On top of this there single use, and much like the event crackers we get during the…
There should be a status effect to show aura reading.
To bring swf slightly more in line with solo survivor, and to slightly buff solo survivor (and also buff killer slightly) a status effect or indicator should show when your aura is being read, or your being seen. - this would be in-discriminant of what player is actually viewing the other (ie two survivors viewing each…
Glyphs should be a regular thing in dbd matches. imo.
Glyphs have been a fantastic addition to the rifts, and the recent addition of "blue glyphs" has made matches even more interesting with their added detriments they grant survivors. it adds a balanced challenge to matches between time efficency towards finding them, risk upon finding them, and the bonus/challenge they help…
Shadowborn/fov - and - colorblindness/deafness = making the game more accessible for every player.
The adding of colorblindness to gameplay options shows that the dbd devs care about making this game more accessible to all players around. However i believe we have a few leagues to go before we can truly call this game accessible in all shapes and forms. Namely deafness/lack of hearing, and physical disablites, along…
What's your simple buffs that would make killers more fun/viable to go against and play?
Now this isn't a thread about nerf's. this is a thread about buffs, that would make killers feel more fun, or viable to play in the game. More so quality of life then outright "give spirit a glock" Things like "Hillbilly should have his heat meter reduced upon a successful chainsaw" - or - Huntress/deathslinger/trickster…
Since rank is no longer going to affect matchmaking...
Can we get killer emblems fixed for merciless on killers with one shots/powers? Survivors punish the killers emblems by healing, and on killers like Micheal and plague it's far more worthwhile to forgoe using your power to hit them then let them heal or cleanse as your losing emblem points. Also survivors dcing should…
How many charges does a toolbox deplete when sabotageing?
Is it just equal to the amount of time/charges are on a hook? (2.5 at base?) never really looked into it post-toolbox change. If so, would an ultra rare addon, that makes toolboxes infinitely be able to sabotage (and only sabotage, charges deplete as normal on generators) be out of the question? an equivalent to the brand…
Unintended issue with bubba/locked into one killer...
Originally the bubba face masks were designed around the 4 original unlicensed dbd charecters. Now that not only is there a ton more charecters then just the original 4 (plus those of who were originally there with them upon bubba's release) we also cannot switch to bubba when we see them in the lobby. This make's…
Mixing clown bottles together should tbh grant the exposed effect, and a longer pallet stun
Doing so currently does nothing, and negates the effects of both bottles. but whilst clown isn't doing too to poorly atm, with his recent addon changes and basekit buffs that make it significantly easier to reload and throw bottles around, i still feel his basekit is lacking. giving him the exposed effect on bottles mixing…
With the introduction of "Hex: Crowd Control" other blocker style perks should be buffed.
Hex : crowd control, or CC actually doesn't seem like that unbalanced of a perk. infact, i'd say it's exactly what Blood favour is, but.. improved in several ways. it can be broken, but provides a strong buff akin to other hex perks, and seems to be a very valuable chase hex perk whilst we only really had blood favour…
Can't wait for dbd to have cross progess with switch guys!
(Note : bought dbd on switch, before Halloween last year, and whilst haven't played much on it due to main account on pc and waiting for cross progression, I have used most BP codes and daily login bonuses to stockpile bloodpoints and iridescent shards to use on my main account/switch when it finally arrives)
Why not lock self-care at 16s, akin to autodidact? have it only be affected by killer perks
Ie selfhealing speed, without a medkit, is locked at 16s? prevents you from healing in chase, and gains its old usage as a constant medkit. allows you to heal independantly of teammates if your left alone, but doesn't waste 32s or half a minute to something that can both be interuppted and leaves you doing nothing rather…
Hot take - Red glyphs should spawn in every match, for every player to encourage exploring.
Red glyph challenges stay as normal, but spawn them/more of them. Red glyphs grant a bp bonus, or a giant amount of external bp - could also grant like 10 iri shards. spawn 1 per match per person. Acts as a pure secondary objective for survivors and killers. Perks could attach themselves to them, to grant buffs when you…
the one reason the new ds is bad (healing) and the one reason new object is bad (stealth killers)
Now i agree, playing both sides very frequently, that both these perks deserve whats coming to them. --------------------------------------- DS change : Dev's have clarified, and it only deactivates on you healing, not other's healing you. Yay! good nerf! --------------------------------------- Objects aura reading every…
Spirit's body should dissapear when phasing within 16m of a survivor
This would allow for survivors to truly know when shes phasing, if there doing it within a close loop (encouraging spirits to phase out of line of sight) whilst also allowing for full mind games just as there are now. A spirit currently can stand still to act like their phasing, and the survivor has no clue. With this…
If you could make a "fallout" trait style perk with a trade off, what would you create?
In early fallout games whilst charecter building, you could add perk style traits to your charecter that completely changed how they played, giving both benefits and detriments to the player charecter. What are some spicy perk idea's that could completely change the way matches are played out, for both sides? Survivors…
Arbritary cooldowns and perk restrictions and how they limit the meta and players.
So many killer and survivor perks, on both sides have a lot of arbritary or confining restrictions that stop them from being able to be used in a lot of builds. The most common perks on both sides, have rather simplistic buffs, or effects that can either be activated easily, or activated during regular gameplay. Trial of…
So on mixing cosmetic sets.. Would some pieces be potentially allowed to be used outside of sets?
From the exploit, i've discovered that some pieces of sets don't really have visual problems outside of the set - would it be possible at some point in the future, for these pieces, to be unlocked specifically in order to be mix matched? I mean, the minotaur head for instance doesn't really have any clipping (outside of…
Does the perk surge only deserve to activate on basic attacks?
Calling all survivor's and killer's - does this perk really deserve its basic attack requirement. People typically rate killers such as spirit, nurse or freddy as the strongest currently, whom all use basic attacks, and surge isin't used very often on these killers (not particularly because its not that strong, but because…
How crazy would it be of an idea, for wraith to instant down out of stealth?
ie if it was balanced - ie no lunging, lunging would take it away, and he had a very short window where he could instant down, without him just being able to enter stealth during a chase and get off an instant down. idk it just feels like most other stealth killers, or killers with stealth mechancis (billy with…
Hey since we're looking at hud elements now : exposed effect
I still see people being confused over its meaning ie new players who think their being looked at, rather then who have become one hit The increased hud effects that show danger have helped mitigate this somewhat, but I feel that renaming it might go lengths towards helping newer players. (Expecially since it isn't…
Shadowborn and hoarder buffs. also including bloodhound and predator rework =
Shadowborn - in addition to its current effect, either increases range auras can be seen, or the time they stay active for. 8-16m extra, or 6s extra aura reading time. Hoarder - upon a survivor completeing a chest search, the survivor is exposed for 60s. Bloodhound - see blood aura's through walls within 16m. (delay causes…
Can we get a "whistle" emote? ie directional key on console/button 3 on pc?
Survivor whisltes. doesn't require new animations, though they would be a pleasant addition alongside. Would reveal your location to survivors around you Could possibly be heard by the killer/though is mostly to attract other survivors to you, if they're not directly looking at you. sort of like a ping system based on…
I think distortion would be a much better perk if it disabled auras completely for both sides
Ie you run disortion, you cannot see the killers aura, the killer cannot see your aura, and you can't see other survivors aura's but they can see your's. Basically would disable aura reading completely for yourself - the iron will or calm spirit essentially of aura reading - only thing it wouldn't disable is teammates…