Is the game getting worse QA wise?
The Houndmaster was released as one of the most bugged killers in existence, second only to The Twins. While BHVR managed to fix most of the issues within a few weeks, it highlights a bigger problem: their chapter release timeline is hurting them. Had they taken a few extra weeks for polishing before launch, the backlash…
Real Talk: was the Houndmaster playtested?
Houndmaster is probably the killer with the most bugs on release, aside from Twins. Dog pathing is obviously beyond horrible, but even if that was fixed, the dog still gets stuck while following you. This means you can literally send him on a chase, be unable to follow through because he's stuck somewhere, and still be…
When are we going to stop pretending that Crouch Tech is fine?
Now that the hug tech is gone, it seems like the same people who called for its nerf are awfully quiet. It goes without saying that crouching on a different elevation shouldn't counter a killer's power. But BHVR sure is taking their sweet time to acknowledge it.
Deep Blue Overused to Exhaustion
Halloween event? Blue. Pumpkins? Blue. Void? Blue. Deep Rift? Blue. Special abilities? Blue. I get it, BHVR loves blue. But can we please change the color already? It got old by the second time we saw it in the Deep Rift, and now I can’t stand it anymore. It looks ugly and doesn’t match DBD’s aesthetic at all. Not to…
Will the Dominus Tome continue using that awful blue color for the Deep Rift?
It has only looked good on one or two skins since it was introduced, and honestly, it's a downgrade because almost all skins look better in their original colors. I think just about any other color would be an improvement at this point.
Solo Q is miserable because of Survivors who instantly give up
So many Survivors just queue up to give up the second they can’t loop the killer for 5 gens and farm clips. It doesn’t even matter if the match is going in their favor, if things don’t go exactly how they want, they just throw in the towel and move on. So many games get thrown because one person decides they don’t want to…
Why isn't modding being frowned upon?
There has been a surge of people using re-skin mods lately, and I don't think anyone has been banned for that yet. While I find the idea of Homer Simpson running away from the killer pretty funny, I don't think it's fair at all to have modded models in a game where stealth is an option. For example I could be crouched in a…
2v8 exposed how badly designed the game actually is
One of the main reasons I think 2v8 is so chill is because it's not focused on kills. Killers can chase without worrying about killing someone early, and Survivors don't have to worry about getting tunneled. But what will new players think once this new mode is out, and they have to play 1v4? It's pretty much all 2v8…
Was Singularity always this strong?...
…Or is he THAT much better now? I've been playing him for some matches now, and the amount of control he has is insane. Especially in maps with a main building where you can place a cam on each side (Ormond, Dead Dawg, Nostromo, Coldwind, Wreckers), controlling huge chunks of the map, and then using a few more cams to…
Don't. Repair. Corner. Gens.
I swear, if I have one more random player who repairs the only generator in the corner of nowhere, I'm going to lose it and become a slugger skull merchant. We get the Hawkins map? Randoms repair the portal room gen and the upstairs gen. The map is Greenville? Randoms flock to repair the theater gen. The map is Suffocation…
History was made, the worst DBD bug(s) of all time in a single patch
Gens get completed randomly, exit gates turning on even with 3 gens still remaining, gens get completed yet their sound are the same as one with progress instead, and so on. Killer is almost unplayable as it’s impossible to tell if it’s a hacker or a bug. Scratch marks continue to be bugged for months now. I would say I'm…
Something needs to be done about Green offerings
I know the event have distracted people from this issue, so this is just a reminder. The Green rarity is getting more saturated every few months. Every time a new map is added, a new Green offering comes with it. This makes it harder to get Bloody Party Streamers, and bloodpoints. Right now, there are 36 Green offerings,…
Giving up on the first hook should come with a disconnect penalty.
And running to the killer to get hooked and suicide right away should be bannable. That's it. Stop letting entitled players ruin everyone else's games. "But… It's Skull Merchant or Billy downed me in 15 seconds with Lethal!!" Then stop playing the game. Easy.
If Vecna gets his FOTD nerfed, he will be one of the weakest killers in the game
It's been hinted pretty heavily that Vecna won't be able to "insta-hit" a survivor by spawning FOTD on top of them anymore. Right now, Vecna's only got two strong abilities in his kit: lifting a pallet right after it’s dropped, and spawning FOTD on top of a survivor to get a hit. The rest of his powers just support these…
Lopro Blight was fixed, double fatigue was not?
It took BHVR two weeks to fix the bug that made Blight not fatigue when breaking a pallet with his power, a bug that affected survivors. Yet, the bug that makes Blight perform his fatigue animation twice is still going strong after how many years? Three? Despite hundreds of reports and content creators calling it out, BHVR…
Vecna is extremely weak and poorly designed
Vecna was quite literally designed for the survivors to have fun and for the player controlling him to entertain them. I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory, but hear me out. First, Vecna has a 40-second cooldown on each of his powers, which is the second longest cooldown for any killer, only surpassed by Doctor's.…
Giving up is making this game borderline unplayable
I don't care which side you play more; survivors who give up screw the game for everyone involved. A perfectly winnable match can be completely turned when a single survivor gives up Survivor didn't got the perks they wanted in Chaos Shuffle? They give up. Survivor had a bad first chase and got hooked? They give up.…
The game seriously needs to be hook focused
Using kills as a win metric stopped being healthy maybe… 7 years ago. A game where you play for hooks instead is way more fun for everyone involved. As a Survivor, escaping is satisfying whether you had zero hooks or two. As a Killer, 12-hook matches are the most fun and rewarding you can have. Neither Killer nor Survivor…
Background Player buffed?
Honestly, I can't comprehend how someone who has played this game for more than a few hours reads this and goes, "Yes, the perk has been nerfed." A 150% speed boost is STILL an unbelievable amount of safe distance a survivor can have and still get the save, but now the cooldown is 20 seconds? You will be able to spam the…
"Improved collision detection to reduce cases where The Blight slides off objects."
Not to be negative here, but does anyone actually believe this? I have a slight suspicion that Blight's awful collision will remain a thing (as it always has been) but now you can't just hug tech anymore. To name a few cases, stone walls in the Knight's map are made of butter, and you won't collide with them even if you…
I'm Tired of the Game Hiding Information About Your Power
Pig: Not able to see boxes, so you cannot patrol them. Plague: Can't see infection progress, so you can't chase someone who might be more beneficial since they're closer to full infection. Pinhead: Can't see how close to chain hunt, which could affect the chases you pick. Onryo: Can't see how many stacks survivors have.…
Does The Unknown skins change its voicelines?
Would be cool to have new voice types with new skins, maybe one that sounds more feminine or something
UVX should reward you for a direct hit, not punish you
I don't understand why the UVX ball goes right through survivors, this is the weakest aspect of Unknown's power, and it discourages accurate shots. If you're too precise, you won't gain any value. Yes, it causes Hindered, but by the time you're ready to attack again, it's essentially useless. I've had instances where I…
Now that the nostalgia wore off, can we agree that Hawkins is a terrible map?
Tons of pallets, most of which are unsafe. Being an indoor map, it counters like half the killer roster. Things like Xeno's tunnels or Pig's boxes are bugged and don't spawn properly. And the worst thing is that 2 of the gens are so hard to guard that you're literally better off giving them up at the start of the match.…
How a competitive mode could work
I think adding a "competitive" queue to the game could be really beneficial, allowing players to engage in more serious matches with opponents of similar skill levels. I suggest having two queues: Unrated and Rated. Unrated: This queue would keep the game as it is now, with no restrictions and possibly a slightly…
I can't think of a single reason to justify map offerings
Map in this game are one of the biggest issues. Some of them can be abused if you plan your build before hand, some are even so broken that just with the right tile spawn you can inmediatly tell a chase is going to take 2 mins (ehem, main house in garden of joy). Not only this, but map offerins are, for some reason,…
They finally did it... BHVR finally added a goth girl
I'm fully expecting lobbies to have at least 3 survivors using her
Who do you think will be the Killer in the Supermassive game?
Supermassive Games always stars one group of survivors and one or two supernatural antagonists. We know that the survivor group will be original to the game, meaning that the antagonist(s) will be selected from this game. So, who do you think is most likely to be the bad guy? If I had to predict, I think the most to least…
BHVR's "Solution to 3 gen"
On the new roadmap, Behaviour announced that they are looking into a 'solution to 3 gen.' I have no high hopes for this, and it'll probably be something like, 'if the last 3 gens are too close together, one of them gets replaced with one that is further away.' This, of course, would be a huge problem. 3 genning, as boring…
No retroactive unlocks for Badges/Banners?
I was pretty excited when the profile pictures and banners were announced, and I truly hoped that with this update, I'd already have a few unlocked. I have every killer at least at P10, most achievements unlocked, and all archives done. However, the only badges and banners currently in the game are for purchasing the…
The sound system is unfair
I've always thought that the sound design in DBD was outdated, but there are times when it's just straight up unfair. Some generators or survivors can't be heard even if they are two feet away from you just because there's a wall or floor between the two. It's even more apparent now that Hawkins is back because on that…
Hawkins is once again the worst map in the game
I remember when Hawkins was still a thing; it was, quite literally, the worst map that you could get (both as a survivor and as a killer). The loops are broken, some tiles have more pallets than they should, LoS blockers are everywhere, and the geometry of the map screws with most of the killer's powers, etc. I understand…
Killer players, do you play with Low or High graphic settings?
I've been maining Killer for over 5 years now, and I have always played the game at the lowest possible settings. My reasoning is that I don't care if the game looks pretty or not, so this way at least I have an easier time finding survivors. My best friend, who is a survivor main, called this a 'cheap' tactic and said…
Disappointed that Naughty Bear doesn't have in-game voice lines
So I bought Naughty Bear today, and the only time I hear voice lines in-game is when I spawn. I expected him to have at least a few more, especially because he has a few in the menu. Even killers like Wesker and Trickster make comments when you down someone or get stunned. But Naughty Bear doesn't. I guess I was expecting…
What happened to the good final charms in The Rift?
I remember a few years ago, when you finished The Rift, you'd get a really good animated ultra rare charm. I noticed that we haven't gotten something like this in a long period. Why did BHVR stop doing them? They were amazing and probably the most fun part about finishing the rift. This are a few I have unlocked. All of…
It's been 2 years, and the Deathslinger nerf is still pointless
As someone who used to main Huntress and then switched to Slinger for a break, his nerf was one of the worst things I've seen done by BHVR. There was no justification; he wasn't even a popular killer back then. They simply nerfed him because people complained that they had to pay a little bit more attention during chases.…
Xeno shadow nerfed or bugged?
After the balance patch, Xeno's tail attack takes a bit longer to perform. It feels weird and sluggish and there's no mention of it in the patch notes
Shadowborn basekit when?
It's been 7 years, maybe it's time we stop pretending that not having a FOV slider in a game is "balance".
Tome 16 challenge not progressing
This challenge from Tome 16 Page 3 is not progressing. I've been playing with this challenge selected for many games and even when hooking 3+ survivors in the basement in one game it does not work towards this challenge. (PC - Steam)
Why does the visual TR warn you about Onryo?
It makes no sense that you can't sneak up on people because they have a glowing warning of you being close, especially because Onryo's "lullaby" isn't the same as Huntress' or Trickster's. Isn't she supposed to be a somewhat "stealth" killer?