What are Knights guards supposed to do now?
So apparently, BHVR does not want knight to use his Guards to Corner or out maneuver survs. As the new patch notes state, you should not be near your guards. Just to get right on the numbers here: Surv movement speed is 4m/s Fastest guard is the assassin with 4,4m/s The maximum distance for guards to set the flag is 6m.…
How about we add more modifiers to perks?
Right now, there are some Modifiers on perks. Like DS deactivates in Endgame, play with your food only works on the obsession, etc. So what I am thinking of, should be possible coding wise: How about perks trigger differently according to the state of the game? For Example: Right now, DS is 4 Seconds and doesnt work in…
Killer doesnt feel rewarding anymore...
Like, I came back after some months i couldnt play... I got rusted, I missed hits/special attacks etc. But holy dang.... No matter what you do, which killer which perks/addons, no matter how good you play, there isnt a feeling of getting rewarded if you are playing good. You chase survs, drop chases you cannot win, patrol…
Hex Rework Idea...
There is something on the new chucky Hex, that was implemented before on Plaything or Face the Darkness... These Hexes have a prerequisite and only activate if this task is completed (e.g. injure/hook a surv or get stunned). Why dont we add this kind of "activation requirement" to every hex? It would immediately kill the…
Vertical Attack Range on Flame Throwers
I recently played several matches, where Survs planted Flame Throwers like one or two steps away from the edge of the Hill. The Flamethrower could attack me but i couldnt hit it back besides running up the hill. That completely negates the counterplay and creates a whole deadzone for your power if you not decide to brake…
We need a better and MANDATORY Tutorial...
We need a tutorial that explains the fundamentals of the Game. What is a loop? How do I Mindgame? What is a 3 Gen? When do I hide Whe n do I do which gen? Etc. Pp. And this tutorial, including 5 bot matches against bot killers/survivors that rise in difficulty each match NEED to be completed, before you are able to queue…
Gen Times are not a Problem ofc...
Two Games, side by side. First Game: Twins, I had exactly 2 chases. All Gens were done in 2:58... Two BNPs and Two Prove Thyself... Second Game: Wesker, no Gen Perks, no Toolboxes, nothing. Had 2 or 3 Chases. All 5 Gens done in 5:40. But yeah, please lets nerf Eruption. Thats the real problem here...
Double Standard considering "fun gameplay"
At this point, it is hard to argue against the fact that BHVR obviously has two standards when balancing the Game on Survivor and Killer Side. But I would like to know where this comes from? I get it. Getting tunneled out of the Game, facecamped on hook, or being incapacitated for 25 sec. is indeed not fun gameplay. Losing…
The Issue with Tunneling and Camping and Survivor hypocrisy...
First and foremost: I dont think tunneling or Camping are "unfair" nor do I think T-Bagging or Clicking is toxic or anything. I see PvP Games like Sports. I do Sports (acutally I dont) for fun. But if I play against another Team, I want to win. Losing is no fun to me... And I really think it isnt for most ppl. It even gets…
Stadia closing What about DbD Addons
Hi Everybody :-) I bought almost all my DbD addons and stuff through stadia with Google Play. Due to Stadia closing and refunding "all games and ingame purchases" done through the stadia store, will I kerp my Addons and everything I purchased? Or will stadia Refund me and I lose everything? I am playing on Steam for some…