Massive White Ward Bug
So I just used a pretty nice flashlight with some good addons and a white ward which I very rarely use but hell, I wanted to keep my addons. So I'm in game and find a ghostface just teabagging and trying to farm. Overall it was an awful game where the killer tried to be nice and give us bloodpoints but just wasted…
Download Size
I cant reliably find information anywhere as all sources claim it is lower, but is the download size really 50gb? My current install is taking up 50gb right now and I could've sworn it was less than half of that a year or so ago. Just want to check that I havent got any residual files that are no longer in use or something…
Why is bodyblocking windows a thing
So I'm playing survivor. It's not going great, a teammate suicides on hook almost instantly and the killer is on my ass. I loop the killer for a considerable amount of time before he gets me and hooks me. Someone comes and saves me and I'm right to getting tunneled, I decide to save my DS and keep looping. Again I manage…
Optimisation of the game needs to become a focus
Finally, a post I expect everyone to agree with as it affects both survivors and killers... the lag in this game. I have an RX 580 and a Ryzen 1400. Sure they may not be beastly specs but they aren't bad by any means. I can run most games at 100fps including games like Overwatch ON ULTRA and 1440p however ironically the…
Survivor Add-on Nerf Discussion
I'm here to state my opinion on the current patch and mostly I think it's great, a new powerful killer, some much needed toolbox nerfs but there is one thing that they have done that really feels unjustified to me and that is the fact that now when you escape with an item you lose the add-ons. Now I understand that this is…
Why havent Moris been fixed yet?
Moris have been an issue for such a large amount of time and you guys have fixed all sorts of issues, both killer and survivor sided but I'm pretty sure Moris have to be the most unbalanced thing in the game yet it still hasnt been fixed... why? I have a game against a pig, I outplay pig and loop her for ages. I go down, I…
The ranking system needs a complete overhaul.
As many of you all know the ranking system in this game is actually awful. I'm at rank 1 as a survivor from just casually playing and not taking the game seriously and I'm certainly no god at the game. I just like chases but shouldn't be classed with the top bracket of players. It's the same with killers, I ran across a…
The real fix to genrushing
So as many of you are all aware ruin has been nerfed so it is easier and much more irritating for survivors. In my opinion ruin was never a well made perk, it relied too heavily on dumb luck, it could absolutely screw a killer over if a survivor found it by spawn or it could be in the most hidden place on the map where no…
How on earth is this fair?
This game is completely broken. So many things were made unbalanced on both the survivor and killer side that they havent fixed. I get into a game, a wraith finds someone. I save them with my flashlight (not being toxic or anything just a general save) and now im getting chased, alls fair atm. I get hooked at 3rd gen and…
Dear Whining Killer Mains
Because I looked up a few dead by daylight lore stuff amoung other things Google started suggesting this in the discovery news tab at the side of my phone so I decided to check a few posts which made it consistently give me a new one at least every day. Its been about 2 months now and there is a very amusing pattern…