The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


Thanks for actually liking my posts. Usually I think I'm just being a grouch. I switched to dark devotion because that is sort of my relationship with the game. It upset sets me greatly to the point that I had to stop playing it, but I can't actually just let the game go.


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  • Killer bans is an idea that folks have been asking for, but it's a feature that would a poison pill for the game. One of the things that DBD has going for it is that you can play whoever you want whenever you want. If you want to only get good at playing one killer then you can master that killer and comfortably know that…
  • You don't have to use chat, but people also don't have to throw slurs, death threats, and generally be jerk in it either. Framing people as being "butthurt" when people literally make it a point to say some of the most heinous stuff is always going to sound like a cop out when paired with saying one is against…
  • Except I've legit watched the game build a lobby where it just slapped people in with wild degrees of disparity between hours played. In a system where getting a balanced matchup is left to a background MMR score that is purely composed the most baseline metric available you'd be better off just not having the MMR be a…
  • Trying to balance killers around tiers is bad way to approach design. Tiers are something that players derive based on their subjective experience with the game. Dbd is one of the few games where due to the nature of its gameplay there is rarely any natural shifting of perspectives on killers. Nurse isn't ever going to be…
  • The system isn't being subverted though. The current system isn't particularly good and prioritizes matchmaking speed over balanced matches when it is working properly. It isn't like MMR changes function just because a killer leaves the lobby since it not that narrowly gated to begin with and since by default we can't see…
  • The history of this game and how people tend to interact with are in direct opposition with this line of thinking. Before the game had DC penalties the rate of DCing was so high that at times it functionally broke matchmaking times. Anytime after the addition of the penalty where the devs have needed to turn it off for bit…
  • Disabling gen regression after a kill instantly creates an inevitability scenario that would place too much pressure on killers. It's a reverse snowball that rather than causing the game to rubberband would just incentivize one side avoiding doing their objective in a timely manner unless they were already playing a killer…
  • Cause so many people were getting carried by a tech that required you to learn how to play the killer at fairly high level and learn how DBD's collision worked in fairly deep detail. It's not like hug tech was exactly simple to do, but the benefits to learning it made an already strong killer that much stronger. Just…
  • As long as you frame everyone using a tech you don't care for as an exploiter you're going to reach the conclusion that nothing is valid tech. A vast majority of popular mechanics did indeed start out as bugs and glitches, but that isn't to say that every basic function started that way. That's not even something I claimed…
  • You're still getting tunneled either way it goes. At least with moris you'd get a fun death with a chance to have a funny clip of someone photobombing the cinematic. Finisher mori being a thing is great, but losing the other mori opportunities is a bad trade off. It's another case of where there is a way to have both, but…
  • The vast majority of popular game mechanics across multiple genres often started out as unintended exploits/bugs/glitches/player interactions. When your playerbase finds interesting ways to engage with the game that express a deeper level of skill and understanding of the underlying systems of your game you're always gonna…
  • There isn't a discussion because there really isn't anything to discuss. You're making a blanket generalization that generally is just an implicitly understood thing that people acting in good faith wouldn't argue. There also isn't anything to really be learned or gained from approaching any gameplay discussion in DBD…
  • That's not an easy solution and honestly it's a pretty bad solution that removes strategic play from the game in a way that is more detrimental than helpful. Killers should have the option to defend their hooks within reason and survivors should have a chance to make saves within reason. Random teleports in the early game…
  • We can have and did have both those things in Chucky. There is nothing gained from removing the one of the two unique features of the killer. Balancing scamper is hard, but it is possible and honestly it was already fairly balanced if survivors made the right play decisions. Removing it just means rather than them learning…
  • Characters can be both cool in action sense and still fit in a horror setting as the horror genre is extremely versatile. Mechanically speaking he's the best possible fit for DBD out of all choices presented from RE. Jack is infected with, powered by, and made of the mold but he can not control it. He also isn't a good fit…
  • Jack Baker isn't really all that interesting though. He's just a big dude with a hammer or chainsaw sheers. His "power" is purely expressed in his extreme regenerative healing ability and strength. Even when you account for his DLC appearance where he's a literal swamp monster doesn't really exhibit much in the way of…
  • Being particularly laggy in COD still to this very day can and does win you gunfights Being laggy in basically every fighting game that isn't using rollback netcode or poorly implemented rollback can let you take rounds of people. Hits in this game are in fact already handled by server authority to a large degree rather…
  • The way I understand it, the patch validation process for consoles can take quite a while depending on the amount of things in the queue to be validated. So regardless of the patch size a company still has to wait their turn on top of the usual time it takes to actually validate to the standards of the console makers.
  • This is a long overdue revert to how the perk used to function originally.
  • Tunneling is more prevalent, but make no mistake it was an issue that existed before Otz, Scott, [insert dbd content creator here] ever said anything about it. The onboarding for dbd is terrible, but it has always been pretty bad if you didn't start playing in 2016/2017.
  • I'm saying that the disparity between Solo Q and SWF is can't be bridged by mechanical intervention by the devs and that the way people approach arguing for the devs to do something is flawed. I do not see SWF players as being distinct from other survivors and find it weird that Solo Q complain about SWF as if they are an…
  • You can not buff solo q without buffing SWF players because at the end of the day the game is survivors vs killers. I've been saying this for years and it bears repeating, Solo Q players do not have to face SWFs, you're on the same team and you're all facing the killer. Calling for buffs or nerfs against yourself makes 0…
  • We just had Iron Maiden and we've either already had or will have Slipknot tie-ins. We have Nick Cage and just about every major horror icon of the 80's/90's/early 2000's I love Gaga, but we're good.
  • This kinda just shows that month to date survival and kill rates are by in large within the normal expected ranges. I've seen a couple of complaints on the 60/40 split in terms of kills vs escapes, but honestly you would and should expect that the role with literal supernatural abilities or weapons has a slight advantage…
  • This kinda just shows that month to date survival and kill rates are by in large within the normal expected ranges. I've seen a couple of complaints on the 60/40 split in terms of kills vs escapes, but honestly you would and should expect that the role with literal supernatural abilities or weapons has a slight advantage…
  • It's a very specific mechanic meant to address a very specific set of circumstances without completely removing a playstyle. It's always been known that this was going to be an anti-facecamping mechanic which it does address. A killer can deny you a save but they can't completely delete that from being an option to begin…
  • Adrenaline's effectiveness while strong isn't insurmountable. You endgame is actually quite stable if you've had a solid early and mid game of spreading hooks. Also you have other tools at your disposal to address potential Adrenaline plays such as slugging. The strength of your options will again depend on what killer…
  • For me "Old DBD" predates anti-tunnel perks as that's how long I've personally played the game. So, I'm aware of the times when they did come into being and their peaks as well as their low points. From my experience and perspective there are only a couple handfuls of situations where survivors truly just have no recourse…
  • When I see "Old DBD" I equate that to pre-2019 DBD. Because to me the differences between 2019 DBD and current day DBD aren't all that big. Tunneling was extremely prevalent before then and much harder to actually deal with compared to now where to me it feels like I have a ton of options to address the situation the times…
  • "Old" DBD had tunneling and arguably much worse tunneling as for a considerable amount of time there was nothing that could be done about it. There is no version of DBD that can exist that won't at some point have tunneling and still be the same game you want to play. More playstyles should be encouraged, but it isn't as…
  • Soul At Stake would be my pick. The concept was refresh and gameplay had the right tools to be good, but lack of good servers for so long just wrecked it senseless. There was also Gold Express which died in early access and the same could be said for Hide or Die which also died in early access. The biggest one though has…
  • The math ain't mathing. Even if you failed every skill check you'd still be under having a 30 min or longer game. Also considering that if what you said about doing 4 gens super fast is true then how in the world did you completely collapse in the 3 gen scenario. That's a complete regression of player ability against a…
  • The devs would also have to add in something to discourage or outright prevent survivors from doing as a knee jerk reaction out of spite. You'd have to adjust a lot of the fundamental scoring and gameplay to accommodate a proper surrender feature on both sides. Personally I think that is why we don't have one and that…
  • You don't need data shoveled at you to understand that Billy went from one of the most played killers for several years to being one of the least played killers for an almost equal length of time due to the piling on of limitations and baseline nerfs to his power and addons. Billy simply wasn't particularly fun to play as…
  • There isn't always walls to look at nor is that a full proof solution. Slugging sucks the fun out of the game for both sides and when you're in the small amount of games where your hand is literally forced into doing it that just feels worse. We already had the "just make blinds take longer" attempt and turns out it isn't…
  • It's rare that any killer is going to have survivors in a position where they actually benefit from that 12% conditional increase. Plague has the best chance of getting it value from it and even then that is only if survivors refuse to cleanse and aren't trying to hammer out gens like they are supposed to. Also most…
  • Solo q winrate is probably sitting around 43% if I had to guess, but that is also because the vast majority of players aren't usually playing in SWF groups. I'm firmly in the camp of people who agree with the devs on their take that solo q players issues don't primarily stem from lack of information, but lack of team…
  • Xeno didn't fail, but they also didn't overly succeed. I think the expectations people built up over the years were far grander than what was ever going to be what came to the game. The people who want to play Xeno do, but there isn't really a reason to go out of your way to do so. The experience of playing them isn't…
  • Legion's a solid lower mid tier killer at their weakest. Legion has a really effective chase power and produces a huge amount of slowdown and information when played effectively. While they'll rarely down anyone with their power alone that isn't really their goal. The goal is to constantly force survivors to mend or risk…
  • Call of Duty absolutely appeals to the more casual player base much heavier than their absolute hardcore competitive player base. The game is balanced the way it is in great deal to be the most appealing to the maximum amount of players at any given moment. TTK is kept relatively low while health regen is still relatively…
  • Yes I'm against people asking for SWF to be handicapped mechanically based of a balance decision targeted at regulating something the game can't regulate. A good SWF still has the same effect whether have 4 perks, per person or 1 perk person because coordinated play, team oriented thinking, and the fact they still have…
  • Tunneling isn't super enjoyable to me, but when I had to do it I greatly enjoyed the feeling of finally getting the kill even if it didn't change the outcome of the game. Genrushing in the Before Times was fun because if felt like a somewhat challenging thing to do, but playing super short games got old almost instantly.…
  • Picking perks is about give and take. You want more info then run info perks and accept that you'll give up a boost somewhere else. Not using the perks don't make you automatically lose, plenty of folks don't run info perks and do well. If you need or want the extra info, but still decide not to expend a perk slot on then…
  • DS was meta not for the long stun but because it was hard to play around without wasting a ton of time and forcing no-win situations. 5 seconds still isn't really enough time for survivor to make reasonable distance or break line of sight in a way that inhibits being tunneled. Survivors still likely won't be able to just…
  • The main given reason for sets being locked is that the pieces are fitted together and designed in such a way that while they look fine together when paired with other cosmetics there can be clipping or visual issues like some parts of the body being invisible. Like some midriff tops look fine in their set, but when paired…
  • This is the exact issue though. The game wasn't designed to handle that level of constant real time information generation and passing in real time that SWFs have freely. Under normal circumstances to have that there is supposed to be a trade off of at least one perk slot because you aren't supposed to just have a ton of…
  • Having the trap time not tick down while being followed in stealth would be dumb and completely remove any threat the power has which removes its entire point.
  • If the idea is that both sides are playing perfectly then neither side wins in a proper way. Instead the server closes out which counts as a killing scenario for the Killer. Meme answer aside, if both sides are playing at the highest level of skill then usually survivors should win as they have numbers advantage and less…
  • I've never really seen the point in winstreak challenges in DBD as the criteria for what even counts as a "win" in this game in relation to killer gameplay isn't standardized. Like every person who does one has their own little rule set and way classifying what they'll consider a win or a loss and while some are extremely…
  • They changed it because he wasn't actually good and didn't have a power. His power was that he got to play the game and passively just made the game horribly slow and unfun with a specific set of addons. Now they did him dirty by giving him a power that isn't particularly interesting or good, but he needed more that than…