SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Skull Merchant currently has two bugs: PLATFORM: Xbox One S STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: First, there are times when drone lasers become static without the respective addon. Second, the final part of her Mori is strange (the camera transition is strange in the final part).…
Possible memory leak - Linux kernel 6.11.6-arch1-1
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I can't quite pinpoint the exact date this started over the last month, but I'm running into massive memory issues while running DbD. It gradually gets worse over the course of an hour, at which point my free memory is in the 500 MB range. PLATFORM: Steam Linux client. Linux kernel 6.11.6-arch1-1 STEP…
Not being able to hook - Blood Lodge
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I was playing on Blood Lodge as Wraith and I was not able to hook survivors at one point in the game. I would carry them to a hook (scourge hooks) and the game wouldn't let me hook them. I am not sure if this is a bug, or if someone was cheating in the match. I reported the survivor players, just in…
Core Memory: Disturbing Notions Tome Challenge Bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Memory itself refuses to spawn in. Did 3 generators on my own and no core Memory shard spawned. Have attempted it in the snowy lodge map, the theater map, Mother's Dwelling, Foresaken Boneyard and Dead Dog Saloon. PLATFORM: Xbox Series S STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Step 1:…
Cannot change my purchased outfits
It’s been a month since I cannot change any of my purchased outfits, it said no cosmetic available, please help.
Join In Match with only 3 survivors
As titled, I have play the match with only 3 survivors existed in the match. Normally, we should be kicked out because no sufficient player was enough, but we still manage to enter the match anyhow. I checked the result match, and indeed there are one player did dc'ed in match. I have video recording attached to this…
Clipping on Yoichi's "Vigo's Scientist" skin
Yoichi's Vigo's Scientist skin has major clipping on the back of his neck when doing most actions such as: healing, repairing, opening exit gates, and struggling on second phase hook. I believe it was said that some skins are made sets to prevent clipping issues, but this set has always had this clipping issue. Pretty self…
Game's crashing when loading into a match
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Game crashing PLATFORM: PC/Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I can find a match etc… But when i'm loading into a map 1 match on 3 my game is crashing with a Unreal Engine error (see picture) Btw i already tried to fix that with the support but no answer has been found. I forgot…
Friend request bug
I have had about 8 friend requests on my dbd account on ps5 for ages now and wether i reject or accept they dont go away nothing i do can make them go away i switched ps5 as cat had broke other one that is the only thing ive done and dont see how that would make friend requests do that.
Chase music while playing killer doesn't start in the correct way.
Not sure if this is a bug: SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Since a few updates ago, while playing killer, and you start to chase a survivor, the chase music just random begins, and doesnt begin from the start. Previousely, the chase music would always start from the beginning of the track. PLATFORM: All STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON…
Received Honor The Bloodline achievement as Killer
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Received Survivor only Achievement on Steam as Killer, without meeting requirements PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Loaded into a match as Twins on junkyard/Gas Station map, instantly switched to Victor and found a Survivor, then pounced on them. As I moved to where…
Sometimes I cannot vault Windows
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I can't vault widows sometimes and it stops my character at the window PLATFORM: Xbox STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I don't know how it occurred but they both happened when I was wearing the same skin and injured were the only things I could think of VIDEO: Footage PLAYER LOGS:…
How do i fix crashing at start up?
Sorry if my english is not the best. Recently i installed Dead by daylight via epic games and when i try to boot up the game i receive this massage in dead by daylight crash reporter. Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000001340 DeadByDaylight_EGS_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} +…
The game closes automatically during EAC screen
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When launching the game, it will bring up EAC screen and then shut down. When launching the game again, it will boot up correctly. Basically every other time the game just refuses to load. Happens to my friend as well. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Launch the game…
Delayed skill checks
Cant boot up the game
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: look i cant be the only person dealing with this ######### right now….i go to boot up the game and it shows the current tome and then nothing but black screen…its been 3 days whats going on? plus i dont know if my bhvr account is banned but i had to make a new one with my old email to make this post…i…
Graphics Settings
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I have to lower my graphic settings to stop desync or lag PLATFORM: STEAM STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Incorrect number of days left
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The game displays the incorrect amount of time left in the Tome. It should be 15 hours, not 15 days. PLATFORM: Any STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED:
Sound being underwater
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Sometimes after loading into match audio sounds like being underwater PLATFORM: Playstation 5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Random VIDEO: https://youtu.be/U2fVOxME4K8?si=WWmz8-ycx7JbJ_mJ PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Disconnection after killing last Survivor
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I finished hooking the last Survivor in the match, the Entity animation finished, and a 4th skull appeared as shown in screenshots, but then nothing happened for about 10 seconds. I could walk around, swing my weapon, then I just disconnected and got penalized as if I had disconnected midmatch.…
finally fix controller on pc
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: its few years now and its anoying connect DS (ps5) controller when game is lunched, u cant use controller unless u click SETTINGS and go back with mouse ( sometimes this trick doesnt work ) or add controller support by default even Fall Guys has it with PS buttons on PC PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP…
Flash bang has no audio
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I did test this the entire day in public matches. Under no circumstances do I hear any noise when someone drops a flash bang. No gasp for air from the survivor. Not the clip being pulled, not even the explosion. The lack of sound lead to many undeserved flash bang safes. And I mean it the way it's…
Ghostface visual glitch
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PS5 there is a visual glitch where ghost faces mark doesn’t show on the HUD but it still counts
Good guy camera lock
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: when using slice and dice and getting stunned from the side the camera locks making you unable to look left or right. PLATFORM: ps5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: using slice and dice and being stunned by a pallet whilst sideways to it. VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required…
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: PS5 PLAYER LOGS: There is no music background like on the PS4 menu on the ps5 menu
Freddy Arm and body distorting when he performs actions, attacks, carried survivor etc.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Freddy (The Nightmare) Arm and body distorting when he performs actions, attacks, carried survivor etc. PLATFORM: All? Duh. STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play against The Nightmare. Duh.
Scratch Marks do not appear after leaving smoke bomb
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: After entering the smoke sphere, leaving it leaves scratch marks invisible for the remainder of the trial. All of the survivors have no scratch marks, not just Ada. This has happened a few time before, that I do not have on tape. PLATFORM: PC/STEAM STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURRED:…
Arcane Dowsing Rods Disabled
My game crashed on PC, Steam, and when I loaded back in the rods were disabled and I could not equip them. The same thing happened to the other survivors I was grouped with at the time Edit; nevermind lol loaded into the wrong mode
Locker grab turning into M1?
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I was playing on Midwich as survivor and was hiding in a locker in the room next to the exit (opposite side from the office). I was injured. The killer, Deathslinger, came by, heard my moans, tried to bait a possible Head On (which I was not running). He went up to the locker and I am not sure how it…
Crashing (G-sync settings from nvidia control panel)
PC Windows 11, RTX 4070ti. Game crashes like crazy if (for g-sync) "Enable for Windowed and Full screen Mode is enabled". Switching this back (in nvidia CP) TO "Enable for full screen mode" fixes the crashes.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF BUG Bugged "Means to an end" archive
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Means to an end archive challenge is not working. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Equip "means to an end" archive challenge and completing it wont work..
a part of Ellen Ripleys hair does not move
I'm not sure what to put it was here since i got her 2 days ago im on ultra if it makes a difference PLATFORM: PC i cant put in any video as it wont let me
Chucky Badge & Banner Without Purchase
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: According to Support, the Charred Chucky cosmetic doesn't give you the badge and banner, only "Back from the Dead" and "The Good Gal" I purchased the Charred Chucky only on release day and didn't get the badge and banner. Today, both the badge and banner are unlocked even though I didn't buy the…
Letters in chat are printed backwards occassionally
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Letters in after game chat are printed backwards occassionally PLATFORM: PC/Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Typing in after match chat VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS:
Debuffs being applied incorrectly
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: - Killer uses Hysteria or Starstruck. Histeria Killer hits healthy survivor and debuff gets applied to survivor that just lost health state. How that affects match: originally as it worked before being broken, only other injured…
[Pig] Dash very slow sometimes
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: This happened to me on multiple games while dashing with Pig, i thought this was intendend but no, Pig's dash is sometime randomly extremely slow for no reasons as shown in the video PLATFORM:PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Randomly while trying to dash on multiple games VIDEO:…
DBD Disconnects my entire PC from the Internet
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Whenever I try to play Dead by Daylight, either during matchmaking or a few seconds into a match, my entire internet on my PC turns off for a few minutes. It is just Dead By Daylight too. I tried other online games and my internet works. I use discord, chrome, whatever works perfectly fine for hours.…
Lvl 3 Haunted by daylight killer challenge "Unobstructed"
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The challenge states i must destroy 3 pallets or breakable walls while in chase. Ive done this about 6 times with the doctor, and twice with myers with no aval. Tried to find any bug reports about it but maybe its just PS5 ? PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Simply…
The Doctor (when in the void) (haunted event)
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Doctor ability does not work while in the void even when next to survivor. (STATIC BLAST) PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: when you enter the Void during the haunting event his ability is null VIDEO: N/A but should be very easily replicated PLAYER LOGS: Player logs…
Two of Sable's fingers on her right hand clips through her mug in the lobby
Platform: Steam Issue: Occurs every time and with all torso models.
chucky facing different direction after window/pallet scamper
chucky sometimes after scampering under pallet or window is instantly facing different direction (for me it's usually left) instead of middle, which results in being unable to move your camera in the opposite direction because it's locked in that direction, so you can't hit the survivor who ran in the opposite way
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF BUG head gets stuck on badham stairs
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: head gets stuck on basement staircase in badham iii PLATFORM: pc STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: walk down stairs from open window VIDEO: n/a PLAYER LOGS: n/a Player logs are required from PC players only.
Hex: Haunted Ground triggering twice
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Hex: Haunted Ground triggering twice PLATFORM: PC - Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I cleansed a hex totem in the killer shack, triggering haunted grounds (uncommon rarity), even though the killer (the wraith) was running undying (very rare rarity). Then, when a teammate…
DBD crashes every time I record it
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I've used different programs, namely Discord and Medal, to clip and stream dead by daylight. However, without fail, every time I try to record DBD in any way it crashes. Sometimes immediate, sometimes after a couple of matches, but it's insanely frustrating. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON…
Nurse blinks frequently do not go through certain objects/structures
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I play nurse frequently and nearly every match I encounter at least one instance of my blinks not going through certain objects/structures despite charging them properly. Often, this occurs at random, as some games this does not happen with the same objects/structures. I noticed this issue is happens…
Leatherface mori perspective is still in first person
Leatherface is the only remaining killer whose first person mori hasn't changed to a third person perspective Pc - Epic games, though other platforms probably have the same problem Use a mori offering/finisher mori to kill a survivor in a public or custom game
Players being still being able to use cheat codes on PC
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Vecna was using cheat codes for movement speed, pallet drops and uses of skulls for launch speed and angles that are impossible. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: As survivor i encountered a killer in back to back matches playing as Vecna that was using cheat codes for…
bardic inspiration bug
there seems to be a bug with bardic inspiration when you use it doesnt play animation and does not give benefits of skill check bonus
On ps5 it's showing "cannot retrieve the listof available content" whenever I try to login to dbd, what does this mean?
Plague Infection not spreading to survivors healing
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The survivors are healing without contracting the plague infection PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I had the Kate infected and the Sable picked her up multiple times without being infected. VIDEO: 14:28 in the video to the end. Kate was picked up multiple times with…